untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1906-11-08


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The Saratoga Association mmz Office: The Windsor Arcade, Forty.sixth Street and Fifth Avenue, York Chy. iyi ? " Al. V. r Race Course: Saratoga Springs, F. R. HITCHCOCK, president. : : : : H. P. WHITNEY, Vice President. : : : : ANDREW MILLER, Secretary and Treasurer. STAKES FOR 1908 AND 1909 TQ CimZ ON MQNDM, NOVEMBER 12, 1906. THE SPINAWAV, for Billies ... . . . . 0,XjOO FOR FOALS OF J906. : : : : : : : 1 : : : : RUN IN i 908. v TH E HOPEFUL estimate $ 30,000 PRODUCE OF MARES COVERED IN J906. : : R.UIvr J909. Breeders Should Note This Stake. Breeders Should Note This Stake. THE SPiEuWAyW HOPEFUL for 1909 j- - Estimated Value 0,000. - OF 0 000 For Fillies. Two-vear-olds. Foals of 1906. IJy subscription of 0 each, for tlie produce of mares covered in 1900, the only forfeit ir struck out ; by November 1. 1U0S. If left in after November 1, 100S, a further subscription of ?50 each; and If left Br subscrlntion of each, the only forfeit If struck out by November 1, 1007. If left In after Jn. after "tlay 1, 1000, a further subscription of 00 each. Starters to pay S250 addltlopal. " The Saratosra November, 1, 1007; a further subscription of each; and if left in after-Jfay 1; 100S, a .furtlier sub- Ussiciatirn to aldT,C00. The second hrw to receive ,000. the third horse ,000. and the owlier at wrlptioh of0 each. Starter to pay .?1."0 additional. .The Saratoga AssMiatIon to fjuuraiitei life gros " ImVor eiitrv of tlie mare pi-odiiciiij the winner ,000 out of the stakes. Colts, 12 X tlllies aiid seld- vUlue if thRhice li be0.000, of "vhlcli tUe eeorid horse"- tUn 11 receive ,000 and the third hdrse $.rM. Juts, lift Ills. Winners of two; races of $:t,G00. or one or .KX. to carrv lbs. extra; of two of ,000. The noinlhatorof "the whmeito receive $.r.00 out of tile stakes: "Winners of a riftje ofthe Value of ,000 or one of.,K0, 8 lbs. extra. Horses n.t having won S2.500 allowed 4 iba.; of ,000, 7 llis. If a niare to curry :, lbs. extra; rof -Jtwo of .$."i,000 or .one of ,500, 0 His., extra; Noii-wlilne5. of. 4-..r0 allowed 4 In tliis -iddke drop her foal before the 1st of Jaimary, 1007; or-If xhe have a dead or morevthan-one foiil, lbs.; of ,000 7 lbs. By filing with the Saratoga Association on or before November 1,-1907, an accepted or is lmrreu, tlie entry of such mare is void. By tiling with the Saratoga Assoclationi;prior to November transfer ofitue engagement -1 ln this stake, ..... the.nouiiuator.-will , be released from . further liability. 1, .190S,: an accepted transfer of the produce, with its engagement In this stake, the original nominator mi- fcu, r,... -.--j-jy-e ANPMAHAI.F rTOLQNG?. wJIl bv rtleafrpmfqrth" . . .---...- . :- - ;

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906110801/drf1906110801_7_2
Local Identifier: drf1906110801_7_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800