Owners Expected at Ascot, Daily Racing Form, 1906-11-08


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OWNERS EXPECTED AT ASCOT. It is already evident that all the winter tracks will have fully as many, if not more, horses than they can provide with stall room and all around the outlook is for excellent racing at- New Orleans, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Climatic conslder-actlons induce many owners to view the latter city favorably and, unless some who have been put down as Intending to .-make their winter quarters at Ascot Park change their purpose, the racing there will be superior to that of past seasons. Concerning horsemen expected at Ascot the Los Angeles Evening News of a recent date said: . - "Although the opening of Ascot- is nearly one month in the future a sufficient number of the leading horsemen of the country have applied for stable room to guarantee the success of the winter meeting at the county course, and the only source of "worry to Manager Brooks at this time Is to find stable room for the belated applicants. Several of. the large eastern stables have delayed their applications uiitJl-jUl "gtable rmls exhausted, and aCtlVc preparations forb"uilding stables ate-Mow in progress. , "Every train from the east is bringing horses to Los Angeles and before the end of the. week it is probable that there will be more than OOOiiorses,; stabled at the track. Manager Brooks has received" several letters and telegrams from prominent New-York horsemen asking for stable room, and added quarters have become ,a necessity that the desirable class of horsemen who have delayed making appli cation may be taken care .of. "George J. Long, proprietor of Bashford Manor, near Louisville, and owner of Sir Huon, one of "the biggest stake winners of the metropolitan "leason, . unloaded fourteen horses at Ascot this morning. Sir Iluon is not one of the number"v-"but several high-class performers, are included in the shipment. "Frank .Regan is expected, to arrive tomorrow with his stable and that of J. L. Holland, for whom lie trains. In this shipment are Confessor, Master- son, Kilter--and Oarsman. The shipment includes ten horses. " "Alex Shields, the greatest trainer of the. day and partner of E. R. Thomas in the ownership of Goi Between, winner of "the Suburban and other big-stakes at New York, and Halifax, which is believed; to be one of the few sprinters able to givevRoseberi.j an argument, will bring sixteen horses to Ascot for tHe winter campaign. .... Go . Between . arid" .... Halifax will be among the number. "C. Bowman, bookmaker and-horseman, also will ship a large string of high-class horses at once. The Bowman string is under the management of Phil Chinn, brother of Kit Chinn, and includes Pretension, Tanager and Golden Pheasant, all winners on; the eastern circuit. ,-.;; "J. F. Newman has asked for accommodations! for sixteen horses, Including Don Domo, and wlllj ship immediately from his Texas ranch. He has; had a prosperous season in the east arid will" bring several good horses Jn addition to the string he raced at Ascot last sensori. "J. J. Walsh and his string of twenty-nine horses are expected to arrive this afternoon, as Manager Brooks had a telegram from him, sent from La Junta, . Colo. notifying him that he expected to arrive today. In Ills shipment are several good performers and he has liberally patronized the several ! " 1 stakes. . "W. T. Anderson has a large string already stabled at Ascot having- arrived- several days ago. In his stable are several ifep" ones, but his last! seasons crack, Fustian, probably is yet the best: horse of his lot. Anderson -was one of the leading winners on-the Canadian-circuit during tlie surameV ! " 1 : season. . !J. A. Bennet notified Manager Brooks this morning that he would ship twelve horses to Ascot ; Thursday, and would follow ten days later. Bennet owns -many good-ones, but Flip Flap "prfcbably is his best performer. ,, "Frank Kelly, who lias been .threatening to race: at Ascot for two or three years, finally gratified racegoers and the management by asking for" stable room for his cracks, .which" include Jetsam, Duicinea, Kitty II. and two two-year-olds by Knight of tlie Thistle. 1 "R. S. Davidson will be among the new faces at Ascot next season. He lias a large stable, headed by Euripides, a winner in the east. "Barney Schreiber will start his horses for the coast Thursday and the" Ascot -division should "arrive . by Monday. "Butch" Covington will be in charge of the division to be raced at the county track."

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906110801/drf1906110801_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1906110801_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800