Englands Good Two-Year-Olds, Daily Racing Form, 1906-11-08


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ENGLANDS GOOD TWO-YEAR-OLDS. "Just as, no Sysonby lias turned up among the three-year-olds in America this year, so in England, despite Spearmints Grand Prix victory, the run of klts and fillies of that age has not been phenomenal. On the contrary the year has been more noteworthy for vagaries than consistencies," says "Pop" in the Toronto .Sunday World. "Spearmint went wrong, or rather suffered injury after his French triumph. Sir Daniel :Coopcrs Flair early went to pieces. Lord Derbys Oaks winner, Keystone II., has proved of inoderate calibre. tThe st. Leger winner, Troutbeck, does not appear to be much more than a good, honest, consistent performer, but of ho startling merit Tlie Two Thousand Guinea winner, Gorgos, early proved little better than a spasm, and, in fact, all down the line the season has been marked by a total- absence of stars. As regards two-year-olds, the situation is very different. In tlie front ranks across tlie water some real cracks have been developed in Traqtiair, Slieve Gallion, GalvanI arid Polar Star, each of which in turn has held the palm. Unhappily, and I say unhappily because in the circumstances it is a real misfortune, the last-riamed, a chestnut colt owned and bred by Colonel Hall Walker, who is running Major Eustace Loder very close as an owner of high-class horses,iy Pioneer son of Galopin" and Moorhen, dam of Gallinule, sire of Pretty Polly out of Go On, a mare that was sold five years ago as a six-year-old for ninety quineas, by Isosceles Springthorn, has no classic engagements next year, although he was given two dozen engegements for the present year. "Polar Star has won no fewer than twelve races off the reel, and retires into winter quarters with an unbeaten record, his last performance being in the Criterion Stakes at the Houghton meeting at Newmarket, when he beat Major Eustace Loders GalvanI, both carrying 130 pounds, the Duke of Westminster; Dutsy .Miller and Leopold de Rothschilds Sequin. An English correspondent speaks of Polar Star, whose sire, , Pioneer, was seventeen when he got him out of a 50 niare, and Was standing at twenty guineas, having never previously distinguished himself, as being rather straight in his hocks, but possessing a fine burst of speed and. gnuid sjamlga, In tue Orerlon, jumping off at t-. .i. . . ... . :-. ; - once, lieheld Galvanb at bay all the way, winning in decisive style by a couple of lengths.. Dusty Miller, which finished third, Is a good-looking colt, but it is feared that he is only moderate. He is own-brother to "Rydal Head, and perhaps lie may improve next year. The performance of Polar Star was in every sense a brilliant one, and whilst Colonel Hall Walker was naturally delighted, the greatest praise is due to Ills trainer, W. T. Robins-son, who, ever since the colt was a yearling, has implicitly believed that he would prove to be a horse far above the average in capacity. His judgment has been fully justified by results, and possibly If Robinsons opinion of the colt" were published to the world, few1 would be found credulous enough to agree with liini. Anyhow, :Polar Star retires Into winter quarters absolutely unbeaten! He certainly docs not possess the length and scope of GalvanI, -jwid while disclaiming any wish to depreciate his. unbeaten merits, 1 shall be surprised If Major Loders colt does nbt prove to be the better three-year-old. Robinson; the trainer, won on the same day wjtli Mimosa, a two-year-old by Santol, and with James, a three-year-old by Oriflamb."

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906110801/drf1906110801_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1906110801_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800