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AUGUST BELMONT WELL SATISFIED. Declares at Lexington That He Has No Intention of Discontinuing His Breeding Establishment. I.exingtou. Kv.. June 9. — August Belmont, accompanied by Mrs. Vanderbrooks and her sou and Miss Eleanor Baboon, the well-known actress, spent yesterday and this morning at Mr. Belmonts Nursery Stud, near this city, but their presence in this vicinity was not made public uutil they were departing for New York this afternoon. Tlte party arrived Monday night in two private cars and repaired at once to Mr. Belmonts bungalow at Nursery Farm. The purpose of Mr. Belmonts visit at this time was to inspect his thoroughbred foals, yearlings, mares and stallions. Mr. Belmont said as he was leaving that anv report that he intends to discontinue the breeding uf thoroughbred liorses is without foundation. "1 have a thoroughly satisfactory establishment." he said, "and I can see no reason for quitting."