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CONNAUGHT CUP FALLS TO BLACK BROOM Bluo Bonnets Patronage Showing Steady Gain Many Close Finishes Small Talk of the Track Montreal Que June 10 The Connaught Cup one of the annual fixtures of the spring meeting at Blue Bonnets and the feature race of todays program furnished a splendid contest the winner turning up In A Newells Black Broom which beat Fountain Fay a length after a loug and hard drive The winner was guided by Xcliuttinger who rode a well judged race In the early racing Black Broom was a distant trailer but wore the leaders down on the far turn and when entering the homestretch were they vnt wide slipped through on the inside and this advantage placed him in front Once he as ¬ sumed the lead he never relinquished it Considering his heavv impost of 120 oiiiils Hearts of Oak showed a splendid performance He was much used in forcing the fast early pace and ill entering the homestretch he lost about a length by going wide wideThe The attendance showed a big Increase over the preceding two days and it begins to seem as if the present meeting will be the most successful held at Blue Bonnets In recent years yearsDriving Driving finishes were the order during the after ¬ noon the winners Iu a majority of the races being hard riddeu to score by small margins The defeat of A N Akin in the second race resulted iu his changing owners F J Pons who was represented in the race by Miss Waters claiming him for 110 110James James F Johnson owner of the Qulney Stable has instructed Alike Daly to dispose of the horses be strut to Oaiiadn The first of the lot changing hands was the twoyearold Milestone which was transferred to it f Austin this morning The sale was conditional on the stewards restoring the colt to good standing Jwyn Tompkins will prob ¬ ably purchase the threeyearold Helinnce HelinnceSeveral Several stables left for Ottawa this morning The consignment was made up of horses of the following owners C N Freeman E Whaleii N W Biirkhardr F Ilolman Burton and Henry O Tlmberlake C BJ Marlman K Moore W F Mar ¬ tin K Short Ivle L Haymaker and W Scott 15 J Crawford shipped Pride of Greenway Dr Sullivan and Lillian Kripp to Hamilton yesterday to rest up until the opening of that meeting meetingCapt Capt W F Presgrave has decided to divide his stable and send half of his string to Ottawa The latter will be in charge of A C Westou who will remain in Canada during the entire season Captain Presgrave will take the remainder from here to Saratoga meetingsCllut but will return for the late fall meetings Cllut Colby of the firm of Smith Colby and Jones is dangerously ill at the Windsor Hotel liere suffering pneumoniaCliff from pneumonia Cliff Haven winner of the seventh race yester ¬ day was bid up to 1505 by J Shannon This was an advance of 500 over the entered price The colt was retained retainedHobert Hobert H Davles Jr was a visitor nt the Bine Bonnets track this afternoon afternoonThe The mutuels have taken well here and they prom ¬ ise to be a great success successThe The volume of play yesterday was fifteen per cent better thai on the opening day and there was a corresponding increase today todayThe The machines that will be operated at the Dor val PiV fall meeting will be the kind that the National Cash Hegister Company has perfected They print their own tickets calculate in ¬ stantaneously and indicate the odds on each horse directly after the machine is closed