Third Race [3rd Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-11

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THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3ycarolds an d upward Selling 51215 100 If 1 120 DISTANT SHORE ch e 3 102 By Yankee Lady Schorr Oneck Stable 20793 Belmont CS f l3fasl 115 loi r TL ° wder S Orotund Ella ISryson Reelhoven 2061S Belmont 34 113 fast 163 105 1 5i 7 3 Lowder 7 Royal Martyr Broomleaf Rolv 20566 Belmont 6J f l20good 2 105 3 i iJ A V11110 Ptlou Bthoveu Astrologv 20500 Belmont GJ I l20good 910 105 2 2 20 Byrne 5 Tinkle Bell SamSliek Femnou7e 20440 Belmont 34 st 112 mud 15 111 2 43H Sumter 7 Phosphor Half Rock Sarntoa 18126 Laurel 51 f l07fast S5 105 3 2l 433 K Karrick 0 Protector Pullux Eagl 17992 Laurel 31 l13fast o 103 9 Si 9J3 J Butwell 12 Ella Itryson Briar Path Tranid TranidBy WATER LILY ch f 4 115 11520S27 By Watnrcress Almadie R F Carman 20S27 Belmont 34 113 fast 115 110 1 Dreyer 7 Forecast Lily Orme J J Lillts 20079 HdeGco CJ f 107 fast G0 111 1 33 I Ambrose Sherwood Monty Fox Scorpii 20031 HdeGco 34 l13fast 12 108 4 2 C Turner U Progressive Oov Glint 17934 Laurel Ci f 107 fast 24 110 7 717S7S rl lJ 1 Jvls s Ramonr Granite Besom 17S7S Laurel 34 l13 fast 10 10S 3 Vnis 10 1 rlr I 111 Prairie Jim Basey 17728 Laurel 34 l13 5fast Si 113 4 S Ic ° ricrln JJI s Ila Penny ri 17513 JBnipiro 0S 101 slow 2 121 0 DJ 4 ju 1 b Davis iIV r C Ha Penny L Oriue Northerner YAEiOPEEP b m 5 By Peep oDay Lady Bramble Palace Stable LOS75 Jamaica 31 1 l13i fast 13511011 11 10 10 lO iG Corey 15 inih Do Outlook Tinkle Bell Sodicr3S401 1S1S2 IIdeGcc 51 f lU7fast 710 IDS 1 4 3 3l I1 A Sehugrll Harlvmoni MarUnCasea Sodicr 3S401 IIdeGeo 31 Itnvfivst 1710 110 2 11 2 2 A Seliusrll Striker Undaunted Briar Path 17878 laurel 31 l13hfast 3120 113 C 55 5 k 5 = 1 A SchugrlO Briar 1atli Water Lily Prairie 17010 StrongIOC Bel mont 78 l2Ifast S 101 3 1 1 23 2 J MeTacrt r Blue Thistle Progressive Strong IOC 19 Saratoga 31 lHVfcgood 32 107 3 33 2 I1 A SchugrU Dakota MCavanagh Frontier Frontier1C2SS 1C2SS Saratoga 34 113 last C 101 2 1 1 1J 2s A Schugr S W Lad Progressive W Welles DERVISH blh p 3 107 By Delhi Coppelia J Butler 20793 Bclmont Gi f l20fast 20 D 3 1 2 4l 5 K Hopkins S Orotund Dist Shore EllaBryson 20730 ndinont 1 141 last C l 5 522 2 31 571 P Luwtlcr 0 Chesterton DrDuner Jawbone JawboneLXiCS LXiCS Bolmont 1 142 fast 5 1C 4 1 1 1 3 4eJ P Lowder r OSullivan Guy Fisher Hurakan 20361 Belmont 1 140 good 40 110 312 2 3 k 5 C Borel n W Slices Dr Ducnner Orotund 20111 Bclmont 1 l13rnud 12 96 5 2 2 4 G G2 F Hopkins C AlBloch Robiuetta StonilHMUo StonilHMUo1OLVJ 1OLVJ Cliurclilll Gl f l06slow fid 110 10 0 9 9 91T5C Borcl 14 Hawthorn Charticr BusyEdilh SONG OF VALLEY b s 4 112 By Isidor Queen of Sons iH Watterson 20637 rehnont 34 st ll Vrfast 10 iu 7 7 G 51 u1 1 Stewuril 11 Striker Forecast Ainans AinansiXXiM iXXiM Belmont C f l20ftist 30 102 10 10 9 32 3 1 W Ural 10 llurakan Lily Orine Striker 20219 Pimlico 34 l13fast 110 9S 10 S 4 3l 5 = 1 W Ural 12 Pharaoh Humiliation Inez InezJSI7S JSI7S HdcGcc Ini70yl4fi fast SO 112 17 7 8 6 142 Ifi3 J Drcyer IS lIsBrothcr Dan March CReid CReid3S15S 3S15S HdeGco 3ni70yl46 fast 40 9S 13 14 15 15 15 15 J Smyth 15 UnelcMun Jlalfron JocFlnn GRAPESHOT ch h 6 120 By Bearcatcher Coming Event W L Stanficld 2043 Klectric GS 59slow 21 326 2 E McKwen S J 1 llarrell Faithful SilMoou 20324 Pinilico 31 l15mud 4120 in f 3 5 C G1 1T Rice 5 Corn Broom Itushyllcad Allienu 197SL Juarez fast 21 10S 2 1111 2 T Rice i 3i7ir Juarez fiist 4 107 1 1 1 3s 41 J Howard 3972 Juarez 51 f 105 fast 65 105 3 11 l = i 2 T Howard C Little Will Cceii Manganese ManganeseA55YIADE A55YIADE b m G 115 By Cactus II Miss C H C Hallenbeck HallenbeckZtfiJS ZtfiJS Belmont 61 f l 0 fast 135107 2 2 3 7s V8i U Byrne 8 Orotund Dist Shore KIlaBryson KIlaBryson2U75I 2U75I Belmont 31 lll ifast 12 108 2 2 2 2J 2 G iyriiu y FcniHotisc Lily Orme OrmelSfO lSfO HdcGcc 31114 fast 15 104 4 8 0 U5 C11 J Dreyer 8 Kcwessa Tas Steel StalIIelcn StalIIelcn3SIW 3SIW HdeGce 51 f 107 fast C5 101 5 5 C 4 = 4 J R Shilling 15 Yorkville Useeit Prairie 18236 Iimlico 34 113 fast 8110 112 2 32 21 331 C Turner C I Eagle Slumber II Cap Ren 18210 Laurel 34 312fast 65 102 1 44 33 2 J Callahan fi Scallywag Sherwood BriarPath BriarPath1S15G 1S15G Laurel 34 l12Jifast 25 100 3 455 431 J Callahan 5 Slnmlicrll SPoanl FlitterRold FlitterRoldHILL HILL STREAM b f 4 110 By Chuctanunda Burnt Hills F Feitner FeitnerM7S2 M7S2 15liiiont 31 st lllfast 12 105 Left at the post II LaltertylO Aiuans Siiperliuinaii L Fortune FortuneLt Lt i7 Helinont 31 st l10tast 10 112 0 C 5 7 = 7s II LufTcrty I Striker Forecast Aiuans Aiuans2MSi 2MSi UdcGcc BX f l07fast 41 103 Left at the post H Lafferty 14 Canto Silver Moon Stoneheiifre StoneheiifreISSil ISSil Havana 5 f l0 Kood fi5 IOD 2 1 1s I H I afferty S Sprinftmass Belfast Se Oaks OakslS lS fiG2 Havana 5i f l17hvy 7 110 2 1 i 2t II Lafferty 0 Sordello Pcssy L Proctor 19 70 Havana 5S lllhvy 4 105 7 5 5t 512 n Lafferty 7 Colle Shadrach Susan B BEL EL MAHDI ch c 4 120 By Voter Cassandra Marrono Stable 20 1 Helmont 31 l14slop 185 110 5 5 G C GJG Corey C Apple Ilermis Jr Lily Onnc OnncliOX liOX Howie B f lOSfast 4i ill 2 23 3i 33 G Corey 7 Brandywine MurCasca PLeaf PLeaf19f 19f 7 Howie 5i f lOSfast 9 112 2 4 3 4 2h G Corey JKiiight PGannon TBIlrcll 19312 Howie DJ t lOSMfast 4 10S C 1 1 13 4 A Schuterlo Anavri Faithful Blue Jay 1SM2 Jay1SM2 HdeGco 34 114 Rood 25 110 10 7 S 9l G 2R Troxler 0 Coy Grazelle Ellz Harwood Harwood1SIOC 1SIOC HdeGce 5J f 107 fast 40 107 1 88 8i 9 ° AP Louder 33 Yorkville Useeit Prairie PrairieDUKE DUKE OF DUNBAH b B 3 107 By Orsini Maid of Dunbar J E Travers Travers2UG35 2UG35 Hclmont 34 l14fast 15 itu 2 2 3 31 4h J Drcycr 11 Dinah Do Sand Marsh Saratoga 18513 IIdeGcc 51 f lOSVfefast 4i 10210 11 11 93 78J E Ambrose 11 Kstiniahle MissFrances Kmvlda 18 1 II deGce Ci f lOSVsfast 10 10T 1 44 5l 5s J Drcyer 14 Villas Surgeon Encore Encore1S160 1S160 II dcGce 5i f l0fast S 110 5 5 4 3J 3J C Beamc 17 B James Half Itock LadyBryn 1S18 LadyBryn1S18 HdeGce 5J f l09slow G 112 10 533 3 = S Davis 17 Peniiyroek Babe Lady Bryn Bryn1840S 1840S HdeGco 51 f lOSfast 12 1061 6 3 5 71 818 S Davis 14 Videt Pcnnyrock Mcelicka McelickaPLANTAGENET PLANTAGENET b gr 3 107 By O den Mamie Worth R T Wilson WilsonrOSLT rOSLT Bclinont 34 113 fast 20 9S 4 5 7 7 715 C Watson 7 Forecast Lily Orme J J Lillis 0783 Belinont 34 st l Hfefast 25 97 C G 7 C3 57 C Watson 10 Ainans Suphuman LostFortune LostFortuneL0r7 L0r7 Helinont 31 st l10fast 40 102 2 899 S2 = G Watson Striker Forecast Amans AmansLK90 LK90 Uelinont 31 l13fast 20 103 4 45 G C1SU McCahcy 7 He Will Chesterton Forecast ForecastlilOO lilOO H dcGce 3t l12fast 40 100 7 507 7 W Ural 7 Star Gift Belamoiir Glint J0017 HdeGce 58 59fast 8 103 13 10 10 102 10 W Ural 13 NorscKins Protect NSimplcx NSimplcxMISS MISS CAVAKAGH b f 4 110 By Tho Picket Eosecrest W C Daly 078 Pinilico 2 357slow 21 1SS 7 G G G 5i 5 = AT Gotinan 7 Sin Stick Worstdale Meshacb 0231 Pinilico 2 357fast 14 131 5 G 7 Fell C Grand 0 Worstdale Garter Frog 2010 Pinilico 2 359 good 150 132 1 4 4 3 32 3J C Grand 7 Bryndown Kscocia Buckthorn Buckthorn201S2 201S2 Pimlico 2 4011imud 250 141 7 4 G 3 4 i3 D Gaddy 10 Sun King Escocia Ches Krum

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Local Identifier: drf1915061101_3_5
Library of Congress Record: