Fifth Race [5th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-11

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FIFTH RACE 58 Mile 2ycarolds Colts and Geldings Selling 00207 59 2 109 A MANCINI ch c 2 108 1082OT02 By Hastings Josie Cohan J AV Schorr 2OT02 Douglas 5S l01fast 3J 107 3 I1 I1 A Ncylnn 10 15 Itcauty Investment N Wells JOr5G Douglas 4i r S7Vinud 24 114 11 11YERMAK 5 = 3l J Kcderis 11 Ycrniak Cliivator Muriels 1ct 1ctBy YERMAK ch e 2 105 By Ormondalc Lady Alicia Clohcr Kceno fisnr Douglas 4i f S7 mud 11V m s 31 I1 J McCabe 11 Cliivator A Maneini MK Pet 20193 h19CCS Douglas 5S l03mud 10 111 h 3 = 3 J McCibe 7 H Gardner V Worth Immune 19CCS Juarez 3J f 41 fast G 112 7 7BABY 10l ll = i AV AV Tlorll Ralphs Brooks F Patterson PattersonBy BABY 1082o02 CAL b c 2 108 By Dorantc Pepita J M Shilling 2o02 Churchill 4i f 55 fast 143 110 G Gi G33 T McTagt ii Tobacco ISox Paymaster Savino 20090 SLW0 Lexgton 4i f 04fast 21 112 S 7s G ° i Gentry 8 ISnlse Gipsey George Disturber LW0 Lexgton 12 49hvy 9 112 4 G 3 L Gentry J Gip George Mary II Kinncy 39IC7 Juarez 12 4Sgood 32 113 2 3 = 21 J Murphy 15 Aunt Sal Sangallo Lit IMgger 39103 Juarez 31 f 41fast 12 IIS 1 3 2 J Murphy 7 Aunt Sal Recluse J D Sugg 13283 Juarez 3i f 40fast 3 113 3 3INGOT 3 31 J Murphy Tiajan Frisky FriskyBy INGOT 103OGS4 br c 2 103 By Hilarious Adipose J L Holland OGS4 Douglas 4i f 59 hvy 9i 111 2 3 li II Garner 10 Pockidioo JC Welch Rochester 0132 Douglas 4i f 57hvy 6J 114 1 3 3s K Martin TolinJr Stephen K J C Welch 2023S Churchill 12 4Sfast 19 112 3 3BALPH GU GojE Martin 12 Dodge Ellison John AV Klein KleinBy BALPH 103C0742 S b c 2 103 By Frontenac Idle Fancy J Griffin C0742 Douglas 5S l01fast 20 103 1 2 22 U Ott 8 Amulet Lynn Disturber 20702 Douglas 58 l01fast 42 112 8 51 5n II Goose 10 AMahcini ISBeanty Inrestmt 20135 Douglas 4i f 56hvy 53 110 2 4i G8 F Keogli HIJeauty Importnt Illuminator 20344 Churchill TS l01fast fid 107 7 G1 G5J W J OBnl2 Luzzi Father Kelly Aunt Sal 20302 319T9G Churchill 4J f 53 fast 5S 110 3 B11 41 J McCabe I Tobacco It ox Paymaster Savino 5133GS 19T9G Juarez 12 48 fast G 113 5 7s 7 5 I Gentry And Austin AtaUa Illuminator 133GS Juarez 3J f 41 fast G 111 3 3LYNN Ink in j Howard 11 Brooks FPatterson Schulenns SchulennsBy LYNN br g 2 107 By Frortenac Hurcn Fairy E B Parsons 20742 Douglas 58 l01 fast 9710 107 7 4i 3 = i J Hanover S Amulet Ralph S Disturber 20328 Douglas 5S l03mud 14J 102 5 2 li F Robinson 5 Paymaster Illuminator FKelly 20433 Douglas 4i f 5Ghvy 33 1031 3 47 B Pool ISBeauty Importnt Illuminator 203 It Churchill 5S S l01fast 31 10G 8 8s Illuminator8s S AV W Tloria Luzzi Father Kelly Aunt Sal 20302 Churchill 41 f 55 fast 4G5 101 S S 8 J 15 Ott 0 Tobacco Box Paymaster Savino 2013G Lexgton 4 t 55 fast 385 103J10 7i Savino7i cn E Pool It Investment Mary II Deliver 20093 Lcxeton 4i f 53fast 42 1W G GOLD 31 1 E Pool 11 LitCove Innovation Uncle AV111 AV111By OLD CHARTER b c 2 103 By Gold Heels Pouting J N Stacbler 3742 Douglas 5S l01fast 32 103 S G = uJ 12 Martin S Amulet Ralph S Lynn 20 3M11 138 Lcxglon 4i f 53fast 13 112 3 3J 3 iK Goose 8 BCnlbertson Tlimvood Object 7200C2 M11 Ixsxgton 41 f 5Gfast 22 lluj 7 7 7s J Loftus 7 PrHarry CharMcGee Immune 200C2 Lexgton 12 4S1 4S1sloW sloW 10 114 G 4J 5 J Loftus S Cosmic Disturber John Cclla

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Local Identifier: drf1915061101_5_2
Library of Congress Record: