Second Race [2nd Blue Bonnets, Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-11

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SECOND RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 733S3 50 2 10S CASCO br f 2 220S3 By Plaudit Merit T Clyde 20S3 BlueBon 38 8 l02fast 11 11 21 L MeAtee 10 Tom Khvard lolite Blue Cap 20321 AVdhino 4i f 3 3l L MeAtee Bliimc Pesky Tush Tusli 20134 AVdhino 4J f 53 fast 45 3s 23 P Goldstnll lolite Peep Sight Candle 20202 Pimlico 41 f 56good G5 22 2 E Taplin 0 Virginia M Sun God TrilKilo 20155 Pimlico 12 48fast 15 21 22 M Buxton 4 George Smith Plumose S God 20141 Pimlico 12 49 fast 23 2 ° 2 = I MeAtee 12 OIIcad Virginia MFDeIpliia 20036 HdeGce 12 12IOLITE 48fast 4J 22 22 Li MeAtee 7 Brooiuviile Vermont Letfetti IOLITE b K 2 220S23 By Broomstick Iota A B Stelle 20S23 BlueBon 5S 5S207iJ l02fast 14t 14t207i2 710 31 M McDottlO Tom Elward Casco Him Cap 207iJ Dorval 41 f 54fast 95 4 4i M M thews 7 Anita Alfadir Phil Ungar 0578 AVdhino 5S l01fast 22 5l 3J M M thews i Geo Smith Peep Sight Rogiiia 20434 AVdbine 4i f 53 fast 165 21 1 M MMIiewsll Peep Sight Casco Candle 20133 Pimlico 5S l02good 32 3i 2nk MMhews i Mustard Nolli Kddle T 20305 Pimlico 4i f 56fast 212C 212C2005S 45 3 = 1 E Taplin U Plumose Q of Paradise F Walk 2005S HdeGce 12 4Sfast 11 4 31 J Butwell 4 Pesky Golden List Gentlewan GentlewanBy ANITA b f 2 By Voorhecs Handsome Florry H G Bcdwell 20722 Dorval 4J f 51fast 4 Il 11 K Tapliu 7 Alfadlr Phil Cngar lolitt 0615 Dorval 4J f 55fast 5 5LOlfS 5LOlfS 22 11 E Taplin S Cincinnati B Straw S Maggie LOlfS Pimlioo 12 4Sfast 31 2 2 = J Metcalf 5 Pesky R AVater SemStalwart 20010 HdeGcc 12 47fast 20 202001C 4l G J Metcalf C Reglna Celandria Pleioiu 2001C IIdeGce 12 47fast 15 1513CS5 4 31 J Metcalf 7 Geo Smith Scrvia K Baumanii 13CS5 Juarez 12 4S fast G 5 4 = J R Carter i L Biggpr R Marian A Austin 13143 Juarez 31 f 42slow 5 iu 11 J Metcalf 10 RoseMarlan Quiz Lady Blanche BlancheBy GLOKER ch c 2 2207L2 By Glorifier Mermaid J S Tyree 207L2 Dorval 4 f SHfcfast G G203S G Gi C Turner 7 Anita Alfadir Phil Ungar 203S Pimlico 41 f 56good 38 5 1 C Turner 8 Golden List Divan Tiajan 20 03 Pimlico 4J f 5GsIop 23 4 21 C Turner Blume King Tuscan Cincinnati 20212 Pimlico 41 f 5Gfast 212 Il I1 C Turner i Blue Bock Ataka Tar Brush 20192 Pimlico 4 f 57hvy 11 3 2 C Turner 7 Shaban Rose Water Tar Brush 2004S HdeGce 4i f 55sfast 7 41 423 J Butwell S Rose AVater Sangallo Tralee BLUE CAP ch f 2 By Hastings Blue Jacket W F Kins 20S3 BlueBon 5S l02fast 112 G1 KinsG1 4 i AV Obert 10 Tom Klward Casco lollto C0141 Delmier Ah5S l05good fi 4 C Knight S Maggie Stiitineh LewisOppcr 19205 NOrlns 31 f 42 good 21 42 53 R Goose 7 Cincinnati SforScandal MiitO 19152 NOrlns 31 f 41fast 4 21 22 J Pcngast 7 Mary II Deliver Sal Vanity 19099 NOrlns Si f 42hvy S Ih i j Pengast 7 BDaw TDnsante Investment 130C6 NOrlns 3S 36fast 20 55 52J J Pengast 0 InfldcIIL SDinmond TDanste TDansteBv CANDLE ch g 2 Bv Charles Edward Torchlight S Ross COS23 BlueBon S l02fast 15 10 10 J A SchugrlO Tom Klward Casco lolite 20S43 AAMbine 4i f 53fast 13 2 I1 A Sclmgr S Alfadir Letfotti Milestone 20434 Wdbino 41 f 53 fast 11 71 47 A Schugrll lolite Pcen Sight Casco 20C03 Pimlico 41 f 56fast 27 71 5s A Schugr l Plumose Qn of Paradise lollto 19927 Bowie 12 50fast 12 7 714 E Ambrose 7 Irrawaddy Mustard Ataka AtakaBy MAY McGEE b f 2 By McGee Inference A Turney 20151 AVdbinc 41 f GI 79 T Rice 11 lolite Peep Sight Casco

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Local Identifier: drf1915061101_5_6
Library of Congress Record: