Jamaica Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-11


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JAMAICA ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast Kacing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 XKuns well in mud Superior niud runuer M maidens Apprentice allowance First Race 1 116 Milos 4yearolds and upward Selling Track record 45157 145 1 105 Ind Horse Wt Kec AWtHmi 20848 Guy Fisher 118115 9118X725 20389 Daingerlield 931147 0110X720 20500 = Marslmn 100 147 5 115720 20818 = Camellia 102 140 0 108X715 20499 Hermis Jr KMi 149 i 110X710 19802 Fairy Godmother 98 148 5 108X705 20792 OSullivan 100147 5 118 705 20730 Sepnlvcda 108 145 S 113X090 113X090Second Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Track record 74572 100 2 109 10920C103 20C103 Fcrnrock 111 725 20512 Tribolo 110 103 111 720 20057 Sprint 103 720 20338 Tjajan 108X715 108X71520C19 20C19 Divan 100X710 100X71020788s 20788s Prohibition M 98X710 0277 Dime Novel M 103 705 705JC57 JC57 Hidden Star M 950JO 950JOThird Third Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 51235 100 1 I2C 20793 = Distant Shore 112 1 I 8 102X725 20827 Water Lily 112 105 4 115 720 20875 Yadopccp 108107 5 115 720 20793 Dervish 109J107 8 107 715 20G97 Song of Valley 110 108 4 112X715 20120 = Crapeshot 105 105 i 120 715 20798 Azyiade 109 105 0 115X710 0782 Hill Stream 101 107 1 110X710 10391 El Mahdi 108 107 4 120 705 155 Duke of DunbarM105 108 8 107 705 70510S27 10S27 Plantagenet 103 l10s 8 107 700 20278 Miss Cavanagh 108108 4110X090 4110X090Fourth Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs8yearolds 8yearolds Arizona Handicap HandicapTrack Track record 54235 100 4 125 20501 Phosphor 103 l0 i 120X735 20590 lie Will 105 100 103 780 20852 Kaskaskia 112 100 114 725 20110 Harry Junior 110 107 104X715 104X7152072S 104X7152072S 2072S Garbage 107 107 100 705 18440 Watertown 107 110 102 UK 20434 Devil Fish M 102 090 090Fifth Fifth Race 34 Milo Milo8ycarolds 8ycarolds and upward Maidens Selling SellingTrack Track record 58079 112 392 20535 Duke of Duubarl03 115 107 700 70020133s 20133s Vaza 118 115 8 105 095 20778 Noiireddin 107 113 8 107C90 20535 Ahara 101 115 3 110 090 20831 Irish Boy 4 107 090 09020i28 20i28 Tncle Bill 105 115 8 107 580 20527 Northlight 102 lKi 4 110CSO Klhi Jennings 8 105USO 18092 Dolly Madison 8 100 080 080Sixth Sixth Race 58 Milo 2yearolds Maidens Special Weights WeightsTrack Track record 74572 100 2 109 20847 = LIBYAN SANDS 117 725 20791 = Edna Kenna 114 715 71520319s 20319s Typography 114X710 20850 Hands Off 117 710 71020S32 20S32 Golden Gate 114 710 710f f Past Master blk c by Waterboy Yvonette 117 Port Light b g by Hamburg Morningside 114 t Bonnie Tess ch f by Star Shoot Last Cherry 114 tQuiucy Stable entry

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915061101/drf1915061101_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1915061101_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800