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Latonla Entries and Past Performances for Friday June 11 11WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST FASTFIRST FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances in fa 111 5 110 Index Course Dist TimeTekOdds Wt St U t 74 sir Fin Jookeys Started Order of Finish MANNERS b g 4 By Masetto Maxino Sulton A B Metz 20618 Douglas 34 l12fast fid 107 9 9 10 30 = i i 1 Hanover 1 LitthKalher Ollagan Lackrose 20555 Douglas 34 116 mud 15 309 7 G 4 41 4 iA Pease JO Chiltoii King Sureget Ratina Ratina20T 20T 27 Douglas 34 llGmud G 111 4 3 2 2s 31 A Icasc 31 Roy Interest Greville J Goobcl 20330 Churchill G f lOGfast fld 112 8 555 553 A Pease 14 BandStars K Goose Himtrt 20252 VirHtjV183G7 Churchill 34 l13Afast fld 31G 13 3 3 3l 3lu Tcahan 30 SkilesKnob WCrown VirHtjV 183G7 Latonia 34112 fast fid 100 10 11 11 11 H2 ° iW Malone 11 Olhcllo Coy T M Grceii 1502S Latonia 31113 fast 34 101 8 GO G S9i L Gaugel 11 Bank Bill Raoul Dr jadall TALEBEARER ch c 3 98 By Marta Santa Cathay M G Thompsotf 17965 ChurchI 31 l16mud 365 112 2 2 2 C 4 It Goose 12 McAdoo Foxy Griff Nobleman 17450 Douglas 51 f l07gnud 10 103 3 2 J 3 B11 A Neylon 12 Martinos Type McAdoo 17217 Lexgton 51 f l07fast 125112 2 2 2 21 2 V Keogh 11 Hank ODav Christie L Powers 14973 Latonia 51 f l07fast 27 IT G 888 S R Waldron 8 Manioc StheartSuc ALwrenco 11779 Iatonii 5S l01fust 21 112 1 7 3 21 2 ° H Waldroull LMican Sprndel BBTucker BBTuckerSCRUTINEER SCRUTINEER b c 3 101 By Voter Kin Rose G M Hcndrio 18310 Latonia 51 f l07fast 17 112 9 59 G 67i J McCabo ii Dundreary Koxy GrilT Resign 1G169 Windsor S l05hvy 7 112 7 556 GJ W Waron 7 Iltclus Starcresy Carrie Orme 1569S Windsor S OrmeS l0iyafast 5 112 8 3 2 2 2J W Obert II Jack Carey Rcsicn KHamburfr FREEMAN b c 3 10S By Sir Huon Merry Heart G J Long 20738 Douglas 1 109 fast 41 105 8 1 1 1 3 310 B Ott 11 Greville B Comber FIiMiron II 20360 Cliurchill 1 l42mud 315 110 4 41S3CG 2 2 2 31 40lA Pease 10 Fkelabelle K Interest Grevillo 1S3CG Latonia 34 4 312fast 53 30S JJ 2IS281 2 3 Ci 7I1C Ganz 7 Aunt Josie Urniulii Dortch IS281 Latonia 51 f Dortchf 107 fast fld 30 303 5 5HOOS Lost ridor B Ott 1 Converse Tokay Aunt Josie HOOS HOO ch g 3 111 By Ormondalo Graziclla F J Kellcy 20192 Douglas 31 1 l16mud 72 juo 9 999 0 1 jicLaiie in Alex Janghorne Pcnnyrock 20360 Churchill 1 l42mud 11 107 7 7 6 S 9 95 C DishmonlO Fleetabellf R Interest Gn ville 20340 Churchill 1 116 147 fast 82 103 10 9 8 7 71 9121C Dishmoiii Manioc First Venture Tvpc 20252 Churchill 34 l13fast Hi 10S112 9 G 6J C11 W W TlorlS SkilesKnnb WCrown Manners 120229 Churchill 1 11G 147 fast 103 103 4 3 G S 8 S = C Dishmon 8 Brave BuckKecnon Tlitreader 18345 Latonia 31 l12fast 49 1051 4 3 2 33 33 J Metcalf 5 Wblssom Oiie Step Royal H I SPY b g 5 03 By Contestor Hide and Seek S R Grieves 20274 Churchill 111G l18slow 323 312 3 2 10 30 30 1O 1L Gentry 1U Reqiiiram Impression lowland 20073 Lexgton 34 l14fast fid 112 69 91 917 J Domick 12 Izzetbey Pleasvilic B Spillcr 1932S NOrlns 31 l17fast G 151 Left attlic post Mr P ALg S Rodondo Dew Drop Beau Pere 19273 NOrlns InuOy l43fast 10 103 986 8 9 915 K AmbroselO The Rump Electric Puck 19239 NOrlns 34 l13fast 8 112 11 7 10 9 7 W Warton32 NIIavcn CliffTop Iridescence 1SS99 NOrlns 34 314fast 15 331 G 48 7 5 ° 1 S Johnson 12 Joe 1 Pied Piper For Fair I8S77 NOrlns 34 l15mud 15 112 4 477 7321E Pool 7 James Doekcry Salon DicksPct WATERPROOF ch g 3 By Cunard Tinker C E Hamilton 0738 Douglas 1 139 fast 43 1051 6 8 8 11 11 101A Neylon 12 Greville B Comber Freeman f lustast 05 M 8 9 s 6l i A Moit 11 Sprudel Dundreary StCharJcote lr122 Latonia 5i f l07fast 112 100 9 11 U 9 Si F Robinsnll LPayne BriekMortar Dpngro 15079 Latonia 51 f l10mud 10 99 7 G 4 3 32 A Mott S Languorne Bus Agent McAdi 14948 StCharleo14K2 Latonia 6i f 109 fast 4710 104 12 12 8 7i 6 ° A Mott 12 BusAgont Rhodes StCharleo 14K2 Douglas fiS 101 fast 40 109 5 65 31 32 If Grincr 33 Gano Columbia Lady Joe D Hughes201GO GRUMPY b g 3 98 By Canopus Florentia J T Hughes 201GO Douglas 31 312fast 57 3001 2 45 51 JF Itobinsn S Beiterton Car trmi L J Gn 20252 Cliurchill 34 313fast 22 10S1 9 11 10 8 713 T McTagtl KkllcsKnoh WCrown Manm 20073 I 5xgton 31 l34 fast 39 3071 1 3 7 7i C8i W V Tloria Izzetbey Pleaaville B bliilli bliilliORANGE ORANGE br g 4 109 By Hastings Scarlet and Green L J Brown 20738 Douglas 1 139 fast 20 112 9 4 4 7 S2 9JL Gentry ii Greville 15 Comber Freeman 2043G Freeman2043G Douglas Im70y l45hvy G7 1031 5554 4h 4 l Genrry 7 Miss Thorpe Raoul L 1anehl 20360 Churchill 1 l4mud 111 115 10 9 9 C Ci 51ISA Mott 10 Fleetabclle It Interest Grovi 20342 Churchill 1116 l47fast 101 304 G G 5 6 G G AMott 10 IGentlemn Consoler Reqiiira 20193 Lexgton 34 314fast G9 103 10 87 7 ° 715 A Mott 11 Suregct AimLeslie Manioc BADINAGE ManiocBADINAGE ch f 3 96 By Cunard Run of Luck H H Hewitt 20738 Douglas 1 139 fast 103 103 2 5 7 9 10 11311D Stirling 12 Greville B Comber Freeman 20131 Douglas 3m70y 34G hvy 200 307 2 3 7 7 741 J McCabe 7 Rovalll BaudSlars UncIdSr 20252 Churchill 31 l13fast fid 110 11 13 13 11 UIJ McCabe 15 SkilesKnob WCrown Mamie 15182 Latonia 58 101 fast 87 110 11 10 11 10 1020 W Obert 12 Dor Perkins R Moses Prune PruneROSE ROSE OF IRELAND b f 3 96 By Jack Point Georgia Carter W H Portwcod 20073 Lexgton 34 l14fast 42 102 9 9 12 UMl W Median 1U Izzetbey pleas villc B btiUU BEAUTIFIER btiUUBEAUTIFIER Mullholland17SS7 ch c 3 98 By Glorificr Fatinitza W Mullholland 17SS7 ChurchI 51 f lOSmud fid 112 12 12 12 12 1116JA Xeylou 12 Christie Nobleman Bettertou BettertouFirst First start for the following followingHAKKA HAKKA ch f 3 96 By Martinet Eollio Dollars J H Carr CarrNOISELESS NOISELESS b c 4 109 By Sempronius Gliding By W F Schulte