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JAMAICA FORM CHART 1EW YORK THURSDAY JUNE 10 1915 First day Metropolitan Jockey Club Summer Meeting of 14 days Weather clear FIRST HACK 34 Mile 58079 112 3 92 Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner SliOO second 70 third SiO Index Horses AWtPPSt AWtPPSt Ji Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C 1 S I79 3 DINAH DO v 3 Jc J5 2 2J0148OUTLOOK 2 2J 2 1 F Hopkins J O Talbott Talbottw 12 15 12 6 3 3L0 J0148OUTLOOK i w 3 9514 3 1 l J lint J Morys P Powers Powersn L0 20 15 C 3 OG IK TINKLE BELL w n 3 310215 102 1 41 IMJ 3 J McTagrtJ lUitler lUitlerw 8 4i 2 1 1C 0793ELL V BRYSON w 7 110 10 G 8 C 4J 4J T Nolan R P Carman Carmanw C 10 8 3 85 J0796 SIR W JOHNSON w 4 112 U J C2 7l Ci H CavanhE J Travera Traveraw 30 40 40 15 8 i0793M B EUBANKS w G 107 5 1L a U3 S Ct W Lllley F A Clark 30 50 50 20 S 20350 COY WB 5 110 4 4 5J a1 C U W War ton A J Reinhardt S 10 10 4 2 SO 34ALHBNA WB 3 102 1 lit ISuMl1 II2 8 J McCaheyJ P Adams 10 15 12 3 20827 FORECAST WB 3 35 312 111 S ill U P Lowder Oreclc Stable 3 5 4J 2 1 3520827LILY 18482 YADOPEEP w C 110 C 14 141 10i 10 10J G Corey Palace Stable 3 3 13 G5 35 20827LILY ORME wit 4 110 78 31 41 7J 11 M Buxton H W Warner 10 10 8 4 2 19a88 = PATRICIv S WB 7 112 2 7 7i 12J 12 VI G Garner Mrs P J Fox 40 CO CO 20 10 20782 HOSEMARINE ws 3 100 12 10 0kl3 = 133 13J D HoffmanE F Whitney 5 100 100 40 20 202i5MLM BASEY WB 7 115 S 5 121 14 = 14 = 14 F Adams E E Peck C 10 10 4 2 158G2 MONMOUTH w 5 112 11 15 15 1G 15 15 J Dreyer D Douglas CO CO eo 20 10 fastWinner Time 10Time 13 24 48 101 113 Track fast Winner Ch f by Burgomaster Black Venus trained by J F Clifford Cliffordeiit eiit to post at 23S At ost li minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same DINAH DO after racing In closest pursuit of the pacemaker responded gamely when called on iu the final eighth ami outstayed OUTLOOK in the closing strides The latter displayed the most sneed and throughout YADOPKKI 9 Oft 7 K SECOND RACK 1 11G Miles 45457 145 4 105 500 Added 3yearolds and fa O J upward Selling Net value to winner 430 second 70 third S30 index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S CJ079iROLY wn 3 90 1 1 iu n p J2 1 = p Lowder C J Quinn 35 7101 l ° 015oi 207282RUNES 015oi207282RUNES wit 3 100 4 4 4 4 2s 23 212 J Dreyer II Watterson 2 3 1351 ou 20797 AMimOSB WSB 5 103 3 2 2 2 ° 33 3 = 3 V Wiley P Stevenson fi 10 S 95 out 20S27 out20S27 ARMAMENT wu 4 10S 2 2 35 3 = 4 4 4 J McCaheyC N Williams 8 12 10 2 out fastWinner Time outTime 11Ji 23 23J J 35 47 100 114 141 147 Track fast PattersonW Winner B c by Coldcn Maxim Lotowanna trained by C T Patterson Pattersonit W it to post at 310 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third drivhi KOLA favored by his light impost took the lead at once and having raced AMBHOSB into subjection look a long lead while rounding the far turn and easily withstood HUNKS challenge The latter stumbled at the start and dropped far out of forward contention in the early running and closed up gamelv in the stretch but was tiring in the closing strides AMBHOSK ran well for the first half and tired ARM MKNT was outpaced all the way The winner was entered for SOOO no bid Scratched bidScratched 20CGO Amalll ilO Ki2 Calloi 10 OOQTT THIRD RACE 58 Mile 74572 100 2 10 400 Added 2yearolds Allowances j i JO I Net value to winner 25 second 70 third SMO Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P S 20725FRIAU ROCK w 117 5 3 1i 1J I2 I2 E Dugan A Belmont 15 31015 oul 20G94 oul20G94 GRASP w 111 21 2 2 V 23 C Borel J Butler 4 C G 1320out 20832 WALLOON wn KI7 1 i 32 31 3 3s M Buxton V Johnson 30 100 CO 10 2 20115 EDITH BAUMANN wu 103 32 C 43 42 4 C Fbther M J Leonard 20 100 CO 10 20799 SOCONY w 112 4 4 4J 5 5 J McCaheylt t Pratt 10 10 10 C5 out fastWinner Time outTime 12 24 3G 5 48 S 101 Track fast Winner HildrethWent Ch c by Hock Sand Fairy Cold trained by S C Hildreth Went to post at t32 At K st 2 minutes Start good and slow Won eased up second and third driv ¬ ing FHIAH HOCK raced into an early lead and was only cantering at the end GRASP moved up gamely while rounding the turn but could never get up and was not persevered with in the final eighth WAL ¬ LOON ran iu improved form and easily beld the others safe for third place SOCONY was taken back after entering poorlyOverweights tho stretch and ran poorly Overweights Grasp 2 pounds Edith Baiimanii 4 OllQTQ FOURTH RACK 1 11G Miles 45457 145 4 105 Ninth Running Ercelsior JJj I O Handicap Value 2500 3ycarolds and upward Net value to winner 1925 second 350 third 150 Index Horses AWt AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners n HOP 20780ADDIE M wn 4 97 9720G2VSTROMBOLI G G 5U 2J 2 It I1 J McCaheyJ W Messerv Messervy G C C 2 20G2VSTROMBOLI wu 4 122 12220755SIIORT 4 2l H 1 2 = 2l E Dugan A Belmont 2 11595 S 20755SIIORT GRASS w 7 125 125205C53TARTAR 77 3 Z 3 32J C Borel B Herz 2J 4 1S575 3I 205C53TARTAR w 5 100 3 2 3i 7 52 4s 412 J McTagrtR T Wilson 454 85710 20780 FLYING FAIRY WSB 5 115 t 1 4J 42 4J fi 5 T Davles E B Cassatt 12 20 15 6 3 20843 3PANDEAN w 5 10S fi f c 5J C 5J fi2 G Garner L S Thomoson 10 12 10 4 2 20G21 CIIARLESTNIAN WB 4 107 4 3 h fit 7 7 7 G Corey Marrone Stable S 10 10 4 2 fastAVInner Time 12 24 3G 48 101 114 139 J 145 Track fast AVInner LangdonWont Ch f by Star Shoot Breakwater trained by G W Langdon Wont to jiost at 400 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing ADDIE M moved up rapidly ou the backstretch and raced in closepursuit of the leader until straight ¬ ened out in the stretch where she disposed of her opposition and was going away under a drive nt the end STHOMBOLI rushed into an early lead and set a fast pace but tired under punishment In the stretch SHORT GHASS began slowly and rushed Into a forward position on the backstretch but was tiring in the closing strides TARTAK was shufiled back on the backstretch and closed up fast when clear The last three were eased up iu the final eighth eighthScratched Scratched 2077SSam MeMeekin 102 Or QTQ FIFTH RACK 1 11G Miles 45457 145 I 105 5CO Added 4yearolds and ijrj m if upward Selling Net value to winner 430 second 70 third S30 AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H 20830 SPEARHEAD WSB 4 114 3 4 3i 2 21 2l 1 T Davles K B Cassatt Cassattwn 10 12 12 3 6r 20235 ORLIN KRIPP wn G 110 t S 5 5s 4i 4 2 H CavanhTJ L Kripp KrippWB 4 C 1SG75 35 20 GinAMALFI WB 7 115 fi G G C 3l 3 J McCaheyR T Wilson WilsonWB 71045 45 J3 out 2029G2BBN QUINCE WB 4 103 5 1 l I2 1 = 1J 4 J McTagrtB Wittc G S 72 4T 2029G 4T2029G 1OE DEIBOLD WB G 111 4 3 43 42 3 52 5C C J5orel G J Day G S 7 45 1G299 451G299 GALLOP wn 4 110 2 2 3 5i fi C G Corey Marrone Stable 20 SO 30 S 3 fastWinner Time 12 24 3G 49 102 115 141 148 Track fast Winner HealyWent Hr c by Aeronaut Dartee trained by J S Healy Went to post at 42 At post 1 minute Start iioor and slow Won driving second and third the same SPIOAHIIKAD followed the early pacemaker closely and responding gamely to punishment in the stretch outstayed his opponents in the closing strides OHLIN KHIPP was saved under restraint until in the last eighth and finished with a lielnted rush AMALFI was practically left at the post but closed an immense gap and should have won BKN QUINCK showed much the most speed until well into the stretch then tired JOK DEIBOLD moved up resolutely after entering tlio stretch but quit as if short The win ¬ ner was entered for 00 no bid bidOverweights Overweights Joe Deibold 2 pounds SIXTH RACE 58 Mile 74572 100 2 109 400 Added 2yearolds Maidens Fillies and Geldings Special Weights Net value to winner 335 second 70 third 30 Index Horses AWtPPSt L Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C 20657s VARIETY wn 112 G f 1J 1 I1 I1 C Borel J Butler 4 C 45 65 12 MANHASSET 12MANHASSET w 112 fi 4 nk 32 I 23 G Garner L S Thompson 45 G5 43 13 out out20G91 20G91 QN OF PARADISE w 112 23 2l 2 22 3 M Buxton R F Carman 2 3i 3 71013 207913BROOM CORN w 112 1 1 52 5J 4J 4s W WartonG A Cochran 10 10 10 3 C5 C5FLAG FLAG DAY w 112 7 G 4 41 f1 54 C Brady E F Cooney 30 50 CO 20 10 20024 B OF T KITCHEN WB 112 3 2 7 7 C1 6 C Fbther M J Leonard 15 30 30 S 3 20779 PIQUETTE WSB 112 4 7 C2 G1 7 7 D HoffmanE F Whitney 30 30 30 S 3 Time 12 24 36 49 101 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch f by Voter Hod Light trained by H C Benson BensonWent Went to ix st at 457 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing VARIETY rushed into a quick lead and making the pace all the way hung on gamelv when chal ¬ lenged and outstaved MANHASSET in the final drive The latter ran greenly and finished with a belated rush through the stretch QUEEN OF PARADISE moved up rapidly after entering the stretch but was forced wide bv the winner and tired The others were badly outpaced