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FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Maidens Selling 5070 132 3 02 02IE IE OF DUNBAR b g 3 107 By Orsini Kaid of Dunbar T E Travers Traversi i Belmont 34 lllfast 15 103 2 2 3 31 4 = 1 J Drcyer 11 Dinah Do Sand Marsh Saratoga II leGce 51 f l Sfast 4i 102 10 11 11 9s 78i E Ambrosell ICstimable MissFrances Emulda EmuldaI I H leGce 51 f lOSfast 10 103 1 44 51 5 = 1 J Drcyer 14 Valas Surgeon Kncore H leGce 5 f l09fast 8 110 5 5 4 31 3J C Bgame 17 PIames Half Rock LadyBryn 5 1L leGce al f l03Vslow 6 11210 5 3 S1 32 S Davis 17 Pennyrock Babe Lady Rryii 5 H leGce GJ lOS fast 12 1061 6 3 G 7 = S18 S Davis 14 Videt Pennyrock Mcelicka McelickaA A h c 3 105 By Puryear D Elminetta F B Lomaire II deGce 51 f l08slow 8 104 4 4 1 21 3 = M Buxton S High Tide DanishGirl Muzanti MuzantiI I H leGce 5S l00fast 150 300 8 4 G 7a 715 W Ward S Sarsenet Between Ts Gaelic 5 laurel 1 342 fast 56 308 4 2 3 4 GJ 6IS1A NicUlaus 8 Diplomat Whito Metal Vilir Viliri i laurel 34315 fast 37 313 2 22 5 G A Nieklausl2 Minstrel Miss Frances Volant Laurel 5S 101 slop 106 1011 9 99 9 9S A NicklauslO BrianBoru FIIelen JBIIarrell JBIIarrellrRFTiDIir rRFTiDIir br c 3 107 By O den Frances McClelland R T Wilson lielinont 34 st lWHfast 40 130 4 555 5 = JW Ural r S McMcekin TopHat AKxpross H deGce 51 f l07Mfast 12 102 9 86 G1 453 W Ural 10 Polarius Singsong M McGiggle siratora 31 l12fast 12 310 5 G 5 5 5 J McCahey 5 HigliNoon DisShore TbyJury Saritoa 34 IlS slow 10 107 30 30 7 5 = 9 ° 1 II Buxton 10 Garbage RoyMartyr DistSliore Snritnci 34 3l fast 9 307 5 4 3 3 = 3 i J McCahey 5 Garbage Conielv Broomleaf Broomleafi i Saratoga 5i f 307 fast 30 307 8 87 G8 5 J McCahey S T by Jury Lady Barbary Soil j jRA RA br c 3 HO By Voorhees Handsome Florry J Fitzsimmons Belmoiit 34 314fast 20 306 9 98 GI 7 i 7 MeCaheyll Dinah Do Sand Marsh Saratoga Saratogai i Hflmont Gi f 121 mud 20 93 4 455 G11 J McCahey 5 Thornliill Psiimption Astrology AstrologyII 20010 II ILdcGcc ileGcc 34 114 fast 40 301 3 34 4 5 J McCahey 5 El wall Eagle Videt 1S161 1 Laurel iiirel 34 115 fast 196 110 3 35 G 9 J McKverKl Mcelicka UncBryn LightWing LightWingJ 18032 J Laurel 51 f l07fast 41 110 9 C 7 53 G7i C Bgauio 35 Dervisli Carlone Lconninc LconnincTT TT ROY ch K 4 107 By Caughnawaga Irish Girl II R A Brown BrownL 2CS31 L Belmont 1 l10fast 20 103 5 4 4 4 41 515 W Lilley 5 Etruscan Sam Sliek Coin Coini 3IUSS i 1 Laurel aurel 51 f lirJblast 2 10S 7 7 7 71 Gt3 W McDottll Fascinating El Biod Recession H deGce 5i f 307fast S 107 5 4 3 33 2i Vr McDott 7 Jnannina II Brother H Priest HO II HdeGce deGce 51 f IOSfast 35 305 7 5 G 4 3 = 4 W McDottt7 Ortyx El Mahdi II Brother if deGce 5S 301fast 50 1 7 9 76 G3 G81 McDottlO Salon Chas Canncell R Gordon GordonL L HdeGce 51 f 103 fast CO 103 S 7 S 71 Gsl W McDottK Mordecai Small Ovation OvationLE LE BILL b g 3 107 By Prince of Melbourne MarcianesiH Watterson Uplmont 34 st lllfast 35 303 G G G G1 411 T Nolan 8 Gino Saratoga Sand Marsh HP mont 34 3ll4tast 20 103 1 5 6 5 = 51 T Nolan 11 Dinah Do Sand Marsh Saratoga 1 SaratoKa 51 f l08slow 10 110 2 4 G 7 = 7s C FDther J Headmast Busy Edith Jnat S ritoa 51 f 310mud 12 112 G 8 S S 8 C Fbther 10 Harry Junior Quartz Silica 5 Pimlic0 12 4J good 151 110 G 7 71 171J Frach 10 LadyRotha Intone Trial by Jury JuryTHTIGHT THTIGHT ch f 4 110 By Northern Star Torchlight E Herz W7 Ilouclas 34 l15mud 16 109 3 4 3 51 513 F Keogh II Royal Meteor Grcvillc Manners W70 Churchill 5 f 306slow fid 311 11 10 11 10 10 = 2F KcoRh 14 Hawthorn Charticr BusyEdith IsnT 18032 Church 34 116 hvy 7110 102 5 54 68 C VaiiDnn 7 Richwood Stire ct Osajjle 37912 Church I 34 lllfast fid 102 9 9 98 98NewrkUEng 8 10 10 C VaiiDunlS Kate K Tov Boy Edith W NewrkUEng 7S good 121 8 8ELLA 10 Brkman ly Sneezer Trident Marcavis ELLA JENNINGS b f 3 105 By Star Ruby Graziosa R F Carman 20233 Pimlico 34 Il5fast 32 107 244 4 4 G1 6JT Nolan TothMorning Ausiqty Primy 20232 Pimlico 1 l41fast 44 102 123 3 4 72 1023 T Nolan 32 Sir Win Johnson Coin Norus 18471 HdeGce 51 f 108 fast 30 310 4 2 3 61 812 K Troxler VZ Volant Shrewsbury Estimable 18447 HdeGce 51 f lOSgood 8 10S 30 7 S Si Sl J Dreyer 17 Thrill River King Volant 3S12fi HdeGce 51 f l09slow 41 104 37 30 9 30 32 R Shilling 17 Pcnnyrock Babe Lady Bryn 3S331 Pimlico 5i f l09Hfast 121 107 13 10 8 42 2 H Shilling 15 Quien Sabe Royalty Volant DOLLY MADISON b f 3 JP ° By Sir Wilfred Bcttie Landon H R Dulany 38092 Laurel 51 t l07fast fld 107 la la 3u 15 352 = 1J Brooks 35 Dervish Carlone Lcounlnc