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BLUE BONNETS FORM CHART MONTREAL QUE THURSDAY JUNE 10 1015 Third day Montreal Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 7 days Weather clear Presiding Steward Joseph A Murphy Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Starter A B Dade Kaclns Secretary W Northey FIRST RACE 34 Mile S28C9 112 4 120 500 Adiktl 8yearolds and up ¬ ward Canadianfoaled Allowances Net value to winner 405 second lCOr third 50 Index Horsos AWtlISt V Str Eln Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 8i5IOt20553SLINGAR 20553 = GARTLEY w 3 110 C 1 lu 2 = Z3 1 A ScliugrG Cornell 8i5IOt 20553SLINGAR w 3 102 2 3 2 lh iu 2s L McAtec A E Ogilvie 8II10 20558 RAVENCOUUT v3107 98 7l 31 3 = 3 = V Obert K Newell 1900100 20820 180100MARY RED POST w 3 107 3 5 C 71 5t 4 i E Taplin W Treiiholmc 180100 MARY MASTERS w S 102 7 G 4 4J 4 Oh M McDottS Nesbitt t 5U0100 20553 VASTATIO tvu 4 112 11 10 S1 C1 7 6 = J Groth J E Seagram l100 20553 0800100202G5 GOLDEN JUG v 3 107 1 9 91 8l ilj 71 A Clavcr P Gorman 0800100 202G5 SUIVEXMOI w 4 110 10 7 5i 5i S S t E Haynes Charlevoix Stable t 208SO SIU ARTHUR w 4 115 5 4 101 a1 a1 W N KcnnedyJ A Ileiidricks 800010l 20820 HAR EASSTT II wi 3 107 811 11 10 10 10 W Stevsnll Giddings 4200100 20553 FALLEN ANGEL w 4 110 4 2 3i Fell D McCthyC J Keau S700100 S700100tMtitUel tMtitUel IkId Time 24 48 115 Track fast 2 mntucls paid Gartlty 980 straight 400 place 340 show Lingar 440 place 350 show Kavencourt 980 sliow sliowEuivalent Euivalent booking odds Gartley CC5 to 100 straight 180 to ICO place 70 to 100 show Lingar 120 to 100 place 75 to 100 show Kavencourt 355 to 100 show showWinner CornellWent Winner Ch c by Martimas Losiola trained by G Cornell Went to post at 238 At post 2 minutes Start good ana slow Won driving second and third the satLu GAKTLIJX set and forced the pace from the start and responding gamely to punishment in the last dozen strides won right at the end LINGAK raced on the outside of the winner all the wax and took the load on the last turn but tired finally UAVKNCOUKT began slowly and gained steadily KED POST began slowly and closed a gap FALLEN ANGEL fell while rounding the far turn Cjf Ufrv SECOND RACE 34 Milo 82359 L12 4 120 500 Added 8yearolds and up UJJJ A ward Selling Net value to winner 410 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt H StrFin Jockeys Owners E juiv Odds Strt 20758 = THE BUSYBODY w 7 109 5 4 3 4 = 3s lh T ParRtonMrs J I Misick 535100 20754 = V1LEY wn C 105 3 1 1 = H 1s 2s J Connors Mrs J Phillips 770100 2 0820 = CORN BROOM wu 4 103 11 3 C1 2s 2 = 3s A Collins J K L Ross 8300100 20575 GALAXY wn 4 102 4 3 2J 3J 4 = 4 E Haynes U W Campbell 485100 12321 MISS WATERS w 4 102 2 C 5U D = fij GJ F Murphy F J 1ons tSlOOOlOO 2 023G GOLDEN PLUMEwn J 103 8 8 71 C1 5 Cnk W Obert Mrs J Arthur 1IOO10O 207G5A 1IOO10O207G5A N AKIN w 3 107 10 11 l 71 S1 7 = M McDottR P Ootlsou 125100 iaailNIGADOO 125100iaailNIGADOO w 4 00 1 2 S1 S1 71 8 = L McAtee J O Byrne 4700100 4700100207G9 207G9 MAZURKA w 5 102 7 9 10 10l 10l O1 J Smyth J Whytc 11100100 20825 BENDEL w 4 39 0 10 11 11 S1 101 J Dotld J K Walker 2500100 53G7 250010053G7 KYLE w 8 1021 0 7 4l fr 11 11 A SchugrW Walker t tMutuel titId Time 24 47 114 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Tlie Busybody 1270 straight 440 place 420 show Viley 050 Place ii show Corn Broom 980 show Eiiuiraltnt booking odds The Busybody 535 to 100 straight 120 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Vllev 225 to 100 place 185 to 100 show Corn Brooui 890 to 100 show Winncr B m by Meddler Belle Hoyt trained by J D Misick MisickWent Went to post at 307 At i ost 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third this same THE BUSYBODY was outpaced for the lirst half but Jinishcd fast after coming to the inside in this homestretch and won in the last stride VILEY showed much the most early speed and saved ground on the turns but could not withstand the winners challenge CORN BKOOM ran well but tired in the last sixteenth GALAXY showed speed A N AKIN began slowly and was crowded back The winner was entered for 000 no bid bidScratched Scratched 20385 Gold Cap 105 105Overweights Overweights Kyle 21 ixjunds fc rQ jQ TII1KD KACE 34 Milo 82359 112 4 120 300 Added 8yearolds and up WOOO ward Selling Net value to winner 415 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPStVl Sir Fir Jockeys Owners Eoulv Odds Strt 20G43BROOMSEDGE WB 4 100 0 4 5U 4 11 I1 C VanDunE J Salt 510100 51010020G8GTHE 20G8GTHE SPIRIT w 4 108 10 4i 5 2 F Cooper N Macfarlaiie 515100 20551 KING WORTH wn 4 116 9 3 2 2U 4h 3s J Metcalf K O Egan 210100 2101002057GVIDET 2057GVIDET w 3 96 2 C 81 Sl 5 = 41 L McAtee S Louis 510100 2074 SONG OF ROCKS w 7 100 13 2 in lot S 51 A Claver P Lamb 24000100 20821 YORK LAD wn C 113 H 7 6 = 3 6 Ck A SchugrA Newell 1550100 20458 GEN BEN LEDI WB 5 102 7 13 0 9 O1 74 R Shilling G W Scott 1700 100 10019821QLTICK 19821QLTICK START WB 5 101 5 S 71 7 = S1 8 L HartwellC J Odiill 11900100 20740 LAURA w 4 107 12 1 3U 3i 7J 9 = E Taplin II G Bedwell 2200100 220010020482SSUPREME 20482SSUPREME w 4 lOt 19 13 10i 10 10 J Connors W Tamsen 1900100 19001002G25STOWER 2G25STOWER w3 02 310 101 12 = 11 11 = A Collins I Striker t t20G32IVIRGINIA 20G32IVIRGINIA S wn 4 9 S 11 111 11s 12 = 12 T Hayes J E Farnsworth t 17251 ASIIOKAN w 3 03 4 12 121 13 13 13 J Callalianll McBride t tMnteul IkId Time 24VS 48 114 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Broomsedge 1220 straight 110 place 330 show The Spirit 480 place 3 00 show King Worth 330 show showEquivalent Equivalent hooking odds Broomsedge 510 to 100 straight 105 to 100 place 05 to 100 show The Spirit 140 to 100 place 80 to 100 show King Worth 55 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Broomstick Sister Mary trained by B J Salt SaltWent Went to post at 837 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same BKOOMSKDGE began somewhat slowly but worked his way up on the outside and linishiiig fast and gamely won going away THE SPIKIT raced well and while tiring at the end outstayed KING WORTH for second place The latter was a forward contender all the way VIDET closed a gap SONG OF BOCKS set the pace to the stretch and quit The winner was entered for 300 no bid bidOverweights Overweights Laura 2 pounds tlrO j FOUKTII KACE 1 14 Miles 90209 201 4 9SVj Fourth Kunning Connaught IVfOO IVfOOjb jb Cup 1500 Added 8yoarolds and upward Canadianowned Handicap Net Netvalue value to winner 1225 and Cup second 800 third 150 Index Horses AWtPPSti Str Fin Jockeys Owne 20822 BLACK BROOM w 4 1021 344 4 3s I1 I1 A SchugrA Nowcll 15SO1W 20523 = FOUNTAIN FAY wis 5 110 2 2 3 3 = li 3 2 P GoldstnR Davics 120105 12010520750HEARTS 20750HEARTS OF OAK 5126 4 3 2 2nt 2 2 = 310 W Stevsnll Gitldings 270100 27010020523PRIVET 20523PRIVET PETAL wit 4 112 1 1 li l k 4 4 4 J Smyth J S Hendrie 255100 255100Time Time 24 43 114 1404 20814 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Black Broom 8300 straight 850 place Fountain Fay 310 place no show mutuels sold soldEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Black Broom 1580 to 100 straight 330 to 100 place Fountain Fay 55 to 100 place placeWinner Winner Ch g by Broomstick Black Venus trained by E Trotter TrotterWent Went to post nt 4OU At ixist 5 minutes Start poor and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing BLACK BKOOM trailed to the backstretch then moved up steadily and linlshing fast won going away FOUNTAIN FAY took the lead in tin stretch and tired but came again and outstavetl tin tiring HEAKTS OF OAK The latter was much used in the early running in forcing thu pace and his weight told Jit the end PKIVET PETAL uit after setting the pace to the last turn turnScratched Scratched 20750 Linsiii 95 20707 Ormulu 98 98Overweights Overweights Black Broom 14 iwunds fcirAQOpr FIFTH1 KACE About 2 Miles 77024 851 5 145 Steeplechase 000 Added jttwOOO 4yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 425 second 125 125third third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt 5 8 11 14 Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 20524YNG MORPHEUS w 8 139 4 31 = 1s 1s 1 l F Will ms L Garth 155100 20580SSTUCCO w 4 120 G 4 4s 3 30 2 = N Brooks L W Garth 1IG40 GRAY PLANET w 5 133 2 2 21 2 = 2 21 3 H Boyle A II Iligginson 1G842 MABEL H1TE w 7 13G 3 3 3 4s 4 4 4 W Borgan E Kennedy 90010 9001014G37 14G37 COME OX ws S 138 1 1 5 5 Fell J Dupee M Minogue 900 10 10iConpled iConpled in betting Time 408 Track fast 2 mutuels paid L W Garth entry 310 straight 290 place no show mutuels sold soldEquivalent placeWinner Equivalent booking odds L W Garth entry 55 to KM straight 45 to 100 place Winner Ch g by Morpheus lone K trained by L W Garth GarthWent Went to post at 481 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving YOUNG MOKPIIEUS fenced well and showing the most speed from the start won in a canter STUCCO also fenced well and came gamely at the end GKAV PLANET ran wide most of Ilia way and is a rapid goer and handy fencer O O O SIXTH KACE 1 Mile 90141 187 3 107 500 Added 8yearolds Selling 5VO Vf O Net value to winner 405 second 100 third 5O Index Horses AWtPPSt A y Sir Fin Jockors O 20821 IDA CLAIRE w 103 2 1 4 = 4s 21 2 = li A ScbugrS K 20789 = FLY HOME w 102 778 7 P 4J 2J F Cooper W W20485ANXIETY 20485ANXIETY w 102 4 3 Ink in ij n 3 j CallahanA T T20525SUNSET 20525SUNSET W W5 1 2 21 3 4 5 4 L McAtee G F 20825 FKNROCK w 102 8 8 7 = 6 r 0s 5 J Smyth A B 15K 10 20 32REY OAKWOQD WB OM G 31 2nk 3t S U A Collins A G G205IGKAXAN 15KIOinO 205IGKAXAN wn 1041 5 5 6J 5U 7 = 7s 71 L HartwllC J 4400100 20789 MILAX wn 102 3 4 5 S S S S C VanDunJ A Thomson 440010012100KK 12100100Time 12100KK Time 24 48 114 1404 Track fast 2 mutupls paid Ida Claire S1370 straight 3SO place 270 show Fly Home 340 place 250 show Anxiety 270 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Ida Claire 5S5 to 100 straight 00 to 100 place 85 to 100 show Fly Home 70 to KM plat 25 to 100 show Anxiety 85 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Golden Maxim Wealth trained by L W Garth GarthWent Went to post at 500 At i tst 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third tlio nie IDA CLAIKE was a forward contender from the start and having wore ANXIETY down In the Iomestretih gnmelv withstood FLY HOMES challenge The latter was cut off when turning Into the backstretcb and his rider was unable to keep him straight when it came to a bard linal drive ANXIETY WHS much used in making the pace and was tiring at the finish SUNSET linlslitd close up The winner wie entered for 700 no bid bidScratched Scratched miiiEgtnont 108 207SO blniubcrer 07 20SIJ3 Vldot OT SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles HOW 152 3 10 COO Added 4yearolds and upward Selling Xct value to winner 445 second 125 third 7 Index Horses AWtPPSt U StrFin Jockeys Ennlv Odds Strt 207S4 1ATTY REGAN W 4 101 S G S2 2 S 5 22 1J M McDottF Ilarlan S520100 2054 D MACDONALD wn 9 111 4 2 2J 1 3 320770SHEPHERDESS I 1 2k j Smyth F B Brown Browni 200100 20770SHEPHERDESS wn 4 99 3 S o i 5 520770COCS 5t 6l 4l 3J L McAtec A J Karr 240100 24010010S5100 20770COCS wn C 109 9 5 7l 1 7 7i S1 6i 41 F Cooper AV Martin Martini 10S5100 20820 BEAU PERE ws 4 101 5 3 li i 2 2l 2 k 32 G1 A Collins S Louis 740100 740100iwoioo 20770 LADY INNONCE w 4 105 G 7 4 4 4U 41 5i G J Metcalf AV F Gloss iwoioo 20747 DUKE OF SHLBYwn 4 105 2 9 9 9 9 7 = 1 72 W Obert R 1 Dodson 42400100 424001002082G 2082G L O KKCALDY wit 4 106 7 4 GJ 6l 71 9 SI A Schugrll 13 Hitrhourt S40100 20845 SHER HOLMES wu G IOG 1 1 3 1 3 S3 9 L HartwllW Walker 4SOO100 Time 25 49 115 141 156 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Patty Regan 7240 straight 25So place 900 show Donald Macdonald 700 place 01 show Shepherdess 300 show showIVJivalent IVJivalent liooking odds Patty Regan 3520 to 100 straight 1100 to 100 place 150 to 100 show Donald MaedonTHi 250 to 100 place SO to 100 show Shepherdess HO to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Stalwart Carrie Jones trained by J A Strode StrodeWent Went to post at 50 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same TATTY REGAN was ilT slowly lint gradually improved his i osition and coming fast through the sttetch wore tlie tiring DONALD MACDONALD down and won drawing clear The latter raced well lint was urged too much after taking the lead and tired near the end SHEPHERDESS finished fast and close up COGS came fast In tin stretch SHERLOCK HOLMES and LADY INNOCENCE quit The winner uas entered for 300 no bid bidOverweights Overweights Lady Innocence 1 pound