Sixth Race [6th Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-11

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SIXTH RACE 58 Mile 2ycarolds Maidens Special Weights 74 72 100 2 109 LIBYAN SANDS b c 2 J By Rock Sand Linda Stone A Belmoat 20S17 Belmont 5S st 59 fast lo10 115 4 410 21 E Dugan 5 Pce of Como Plaintiir Murphy MurphyBy EDNA KENNA ch f 2 114 By Stalwart Tin Cup S Hirsch 20781 Belmont 5S st 100 fast 10 101 4 lu 23 L Allen 5 Tralec Broom Corn Fish AValk AValkBy TYPOGRAPHY b f 2 114 By Singleton Typical R F Carman 20319 Pimlico 41 f 58 mud 263 112 6 4 331 T Rice S Cincinnati KddicT It Water IXKO HdeGce 12 4Sfast 8 107 7 3 = 31 C Turner S T Ehvard lolitc Broom Corn 20022 HdeGce 12 47isfast lo 10 10 103 101JG Turner 31i Gentlewan LIIeavcns EOlga EOlgaBy HANDS OFF b c 2 117 117OSoO By Plaudit Meddling Mary G A Cochran OSoO Belmont 51 f st 106 fast 12 110 4 4 1 41 W War ton 7 Onuesdale Pad WUack Kilmer 2tOVi Belmont 5S st 100 fast 2 110 1 Ink 2U v War ton 4 Damroscli Murnhj Mag Quince 2Cr r Bolmont 41 f st 53 fast 31 111 2 21 2 W War ton 0 Lora C Murphy Tea Caddy 2 VH Belmont 5S st l01Vgood 41 110 33 3 1 W Warton 7 Friar ISoek Kilmer Variety 20 JOS Belmont 5S st G9 mud 6 110 3 4s 4li W War ton 10 Lena Misha Ormesdalc Kilmer KilmerBy GOLDEN GATE b g 2 114 By Golden Maxim High Gate E F Whitney 20832 Belmont 41 f fit 53fast 30 10J o 41 45 D Hoffman 0 BhinKwk DDolly Galeswintlie 207S2 Bplmont 41 f st 52fast 40 112 4 t 4J D HolTman 4 PeareSlar M Puzzle LHeavens 20rH Belmont 5S st 3 01good 50 107 6 7 rfil Davent 7 Friar Rook Kilmer Hands Off fl02 Pimlico 4 f rGgood 130 107 3 5s 5i D Da v port Virginia M Caspo Sun Jod 0181 Pimlico i 50iinnd fid 107 r 4l 4 ° D Davportll Kniscaii PliifRoek FDelphia 20141 Pimlico 32 49 fast fid 107 9 = 7 S 3D Davportl2 Ormes Head Casco VirginiaM VirginiaMBy First start for the following PAST MASTER blk c 2 117 117PORT By Watcrboy Yvonctto Quincy Stable PORT LIGHT b B 2 114 By Hamburg Morningsido L S Thompson

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Local Identifier: drf1915061101_4_3
Library of Congress Record: