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SIXTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Maiden Jockeys 00141 137 H 107 STAR OF LOVE br g 3 320S2T 102 By Star Shoot Lady Vincent L W Garth 20S2T IJlueBon 1 lUfast 15 1520fllfi 97 2 10 9 0 5 = 4 = 1 I McAtce 11 Penalty J II Iloiighton Klwah 20fllfi Dorval linOy l4Cfrast 10 101 f 2 2 2 U 2t K Forehd Flv Home Celelirity Haineoat 2 0 AVdbine Im20y 1 MSfefast 95 95yois 90 fi 4 7 3 3ior 3l 1 13 Forelin 8 Sarolta Celebritv Abbolsford yois IldeOco C f lftO fast 12 121W37 ior c 5 c C 65JI Dreyer Corsican Fair Helen Viclct 1W37 Howie 1 l44fast 41 95 1 3 4 3 2s 21 K Forehd 5 Peiiiiynxk Flyllome Piedllper 19910 Howie 78 l28goocl 100 1001SW4 92 G C 0 C 0 65 E Forehd 0 JoeDeiliold Loehiel IlarrySluiw 1SW4 HdeGce Ci f lOSV5fast 15 107 12 12 13 II1 97 J Smyth 14 Valas Surgeon Encore EncoreBy BOGART br g G G207S5 107 By Bannockburn Belle Ward W M Mikel 207S5 Dorval 1 141 fast 21 212G7 107 1532 l k 21 J Do ld 10 Lucky George Spolm OTisTriK 2G7 G Dorval 1 l43fast 21 109 5902 21 22 F Cooper 10 Irish Heart Lucky George Font 20747 Dorval 1 141 fast 12 122053C 10 9 7 7 5 41 2 J Clancy 10 Love Day Mercnrium Francis FrancisCarnes 2053C Delmlor AliSS 102 fast S 11 Lost rider Carnes it Miss Jean BlueWing SeiiJaines SeiiJainesn 20152 Delmier CJ f ltfigood 12 110 n Carnes 12 HlneJay ColMeDongall Yanker 19349 NOrlns Im20y l4lfast 10 110112 11 7 G tt 4 ° E McGwnl Hennuila Camellia Cogs CogsBy IRISH HEART b g 5 520S 107 By Dublin Sans Cocur D Raymond 20S BluifBon 7S l29 fast 85 113 422 6 0 = 543 1 Smyth 15 L Kpendtlirifr Clroom UPost 207CC Dorval 109 4221 42219S 1 = 1 = J Smyth 1 Hogart Lueky George Koit 20013 Dorval 34 Il4fast 15 9S 9 H 41 2i A Collins r Kgmoiit Mazurka Mercnrium 2 HS7 Wdbine 34 l17islow 315 315Im70y 21 3J F Coleman 8 Meissen Caper Sauce GoIdenJug 1733 j Dorval Im70y 150 fast 75 It 413 J Callaban ft Slrile King Cotton Manrka 17103 Dorval 24 117 fast 1C G 58 C VaiiDun 5 SlipperDay CoruBrooui Lindosta LindostaBv MINDA b f 4 47S Bv McGee Sans Pareil II J U Strode 20S13 BlueBon 7S 1 2S2 fast fid 12 12 J J Smyth U Uedlaml IiKpileta Burwood 20717 Dorval 1 111 fast 15 15f 53 r J F Coojier 10 lov Day Pogarl Mreiirimn 20C Delmier f f liV fast 7 61 AV Young LdesCognets Coulova Juiiu W 20547 Delmier C f l24fast 8 7 7iV Young 10 GorUiiKsell llazelt Ed Adams 20147 Dclmlor Ali5S l03Vgood 15 7 = 1 V Levee 1U Francis TheGovernor OtisTrne 1990ft Havana 1116158 slow 10 3 R McDerlll Appassuata LItankiu J Nolan NolanBy XOUISE TRAVERS b f 4 By MrGfic Miss Canale E J McGraw 2Sr Ijluelinn 1 lll = ffast 37 75 111 Metcalf 11 Penalty J II lloiigliton Elwah lf V70 Dorval 1 l43fast 4 2 t 31 1 Metealfll JHllghton GerrarI LIneenee 2 X5I7 Dorval Im70y l7fast 12 31 J Metealf III The Hump Autumn Zodiac 25V Wdbine InrMy l45Vifast 1C fi1 fU J Clancy S Star of Love Sandta Celebrity 2 9S Wdbine 34 114 good 13 11 12nT Metealf 14 Klchwocid Dicks Pet Paticiice 20330 Pindico 34 l13j good 22 22WEYANOKE 8 = 8101W Ural BriarPath MrtinCasea Pliaraoh WEYANOKE ch h 5 By Sir Hnon Amecras W Smith 2 0 Wdbine ImCOy l4r ffast 275 107 185 5 73J J Miller S Star of Iovc Saivdta Celebrity 20033 HdeGce in70yl43good 12 110 S S 7 10 10 10u = u D StewardlO Heriuiidu C F Grainger Pa ton 200ft Howio Im20yl40ilast 83 112 T 4 4 410S 3 = 3 = M Maltas C Trovalc Fly Home Irlwer 19972 Howie linJOyUJCffast 135 10S 776 4i 23 AV Lilley S L England Abbotsford LDav 19932 Howie 1 116 l2 fast 95 115 143 31 3S1M Matths 7 El Oro Abbotsford Ben Uncas 19S41 Howie ImLOy l43 ifast C 43 43i M Mthewslli Dalngerlield Cxickspur Hormiida BEAUMONT BELLE ch f 4 By Ornament Paulino Dcringer R B Stellc 2 S40 BluelSon 1 1S Ii4fast 13 6 6lllM McDott r C Haven Orperih Cuttylmnk 20GSS Doral 1 1S l56fast 8 94 3 I 3 3i 2i L MeAtee S VoladayJr HSIster FJohiison 20G17 Dorval 1 116 l49Vfast 7 101 4 4 3 4s 4 i L MeAtee 7 Cutyhutik Gerrard Xodlae 204l Wdbino 1 11C 149 fast 73 106 5 7 7 41 5 ° M MeDott 7 Buzz Around Xodinc Celebrity 20279 Pimlieo lni40yl4G slow 415 105 744 C C52 J McCahey 8 Halfron Canto Ihilngcrfleld IhilngcrfleldBy rONT br g 9 92f By Hastings Bellcgardo F J Pons 2f SJC HIueHon 1 1S 1 rfast C3 5 3 i F Mnrpliv Jabot Mud Sill Bean Pcre 20700 Dorval 1 l43fast 40 6 43J F Murphy 10 Irishlleart Hogart LuckyGeorge 20724 Dorval linOv l4Sfast 20 10 9 F Murphy 12 Diirin Penalty Lucky George 19103 NOrlns 1 1S lfSVfelivy 15 7 71 W LHley y Autumn Puck Manager Mnck 1H039 NOrlns 1 116 152 hvy 10 71 851W Lilley S Henedlctina M Mack Autumn 1P02S NOrlns 1m20y l47V mud S IOC 7 8 S S 8 7MV Lilley f Joe Stein Mordecal Servlceiice 1J845 NOrlna Im20y l17slov 6 74 714W Lilley S Carneuu Myceuae Surpassing LORD WELLS ch h 7 720C39 By Ort Wells Lady Manners P E Fitzgerald FitzgeraldIl 20C39 Delmjer CI f l24tffnst 3 320COO Il C Knight PCnor KofPythias Hbnrgll 20COO Delmier Ci f 126 fast 6 62050S S 77J C Knight S Tempest IJuisscau Tankard 2050S Delmier Ab5S l04Vsgood 3 317X81 3 3 C Grand 11 JessupHurn BelleBird Tempest 17X81 Howie 34 115 fast 30 30177SO 7i 6 E Gritlin Jl Chilla Hs Brother Monty Fox 177SO Howie 7S 130 fast IS IS17CBO 1S3 1S317CIJO 7i 79J W Hinpliy 10 Aware Scrvicence Netmaker 17CBO Howie 3l143afast 15 1517GCS 1517GCS 31 J Connors Cannock Faithful Char Brown 17GCS Howie 7S 128 fast 15 15SORDELLO S S i D Iloiriiiiiiill MHIIarbor A irc Sof Valley ValleyBy SORDELLO br g 4 4207SO By Ildrim Sorvilia Mrs J L Bryan 207SO Dorval 34 l14fast 30 51 41 1 Smyth 10 Mrs Me The Governor UHrass 20717 Dorval 1 141 fast 25 C1 9ISJA Claver 10 Love Day Hogart Mcrcurlum Mcrcurlum4J 20637 Delmier CI f 121 fast 15 4J W Young 11 Leialoha Eye White Ixanience 20602 Delmier 7S l31fast 15 C 73 AV GarganlO Spolm Diirin Swede Sam 20513 Delmier Ci f l24good 12 122015L 5 8101C Knight U Gnusscll Tankard CMcDugal 2015L Delmier d f 125 good 8 1017 C Knight 10 Euterpe Electric Ben Unca UncaBy SAROLTA br m 5 520S20 By Bassetlaw Jai Alai C K Millar 20S20 BlueBon 78 l29fast 20 52 1010 G rant 15 L Spendthrift CHroom 20613 Dorval 34 l14fast 15 13 I351 A Schugria Egniont Irish Heart Max Ka 20550 Wdbine Im20y l45fast 4S 4S204S7 21 2n C Grant S Sof Love Celebrity Abbotsford 204S7 Wdbine 34 l17ysslow 170 51 7D Goldstn S Meissen CapcrSauee Irishlleart 17843 Hillcrest 78 131 fast 5 lh 2h C White 10 Autumn ScarLetter HustyCoat 17793 Hillcrest AbaS lW5fast 32 31 4 i N Foden 7 Little Jake S of Hocks NevlK LEAMENCE ch h 9 By Maddison Hermesito D Hill y724 Dorval Im70y l4Sfast 30 f 8T W Stevsn12 Duriii Penalty Lucky G org 20047 Dorval Im70y l47fast 40 11 9 ° G Hallingerll TheHiiinp Autumn LouTravera 20627 Delmier CI f 124 fast C 3i L Meripolell Leialoha Eye White Sbrdello 20627 Delmier 78 l31fast S 45J L Meripole 7 TouyK jh LVanXanclt HazelC 20343 Delmier 7S l Ovifast 15 5 r i L McripolelO IJleetric Jabot Fastoso 18171 Latonia 1 1 1C l47good 201 71 7il Hanover 9 MAnuIC Garneau P Callaway CallawayBy SONNY BOY ch g 4 By Nasturtium California H G Bedxvell 20770 Dorval 1 l43fast 30 7 10tsJS Woholmll JHHgbton Gerrard LTravera 20297 Pindico C GI3JH Shilling 8 MarCasca Monty Iosr Patiince 20215 Pimlieo 31 114 fast 8 733 K Taplin IayStreak Silver Moon Dakota 20055 HdeGce 34 lMfast 100 1001990S 12 11 = S Wolstmlt Ada Anne Sherwood GKnssell 1990S Howie 34 l14fast 40 8 8ta T McTagt 8 Yodeliug Brandywlne MCasca 19450 Havana 34 l21 5hvy 5 C C K Taplin ti TJim Pgressive DrHLSger DrHLSgerBy SCHNAPPS b f 3 3207S9 By Burgomaster Irish Reel Mrs T Francis 207S9 Dorval Im70y 148 fast 5 520C4a 5l 79 A Collins 1O Valas IIy Iloim Energtie 20C4a Dorval 31 Il4fast 12 1220T20 C 2 = L McAtee Hetloctlou JosXarate JciTerson 20T20 Wdbine 34 Il3fast fid 13 127J L MeAtee M Yorkviile L I nclon York Lml 20311 Pindico ImlOy l4rfast 25 25202SO 1 873P Lowdur 8 Stonelienge CllonG LKnglaud 202SO Pimlieo 1 l43slow 8 3 31 A Collins 10 Norus Valas Lady Bryn 20231 Pindico 31 lllfast IS 81 8s L MeAtee Kiehwood M Sherwood Alhena