Latonia Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-11


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LATONIA FORM CHART 1ATONIA KY THURSDAY JUNE 10 1915 Third day Latonla Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 24 days Weather clear Presiding Steward Charles F Price Presiding Judge E W Maginn Starter Harry Morrissey Racing Secretary Edward Jasper p in Chicago time 230 p in Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 34 Mile 15120 111 5 110 000 Added 3yearolds and upward 2O868 Selling Net value to winner 190 second 124 third 00 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odds Strt 10407 MISS DECLARE w 4 Ifi 2 1 jz ii 11 1 = T Gentry J B Kespcss Kespcss3J 20771 GABRIO wit G 109 4 3 3J 35 2s 23 K Goose Arvin Arviny 20771 SWEETIUART SUEw 3 100 C 2 y 2nii 2 k K Martin W S Threlkcld 1505100 205 J8 F A AVEIGLE w 3 102 7 5 52 5s 44 44 j ott N jrcwitt jrcwittC2 5SO100 20005 CIIAU McFERRANw 5 109 3 C C20135AL1CK C2 C2 5i f2 J HanoverE 15 Parsons 7155100 20135AL1CK DUNN W3 92 1 4 4 4 fi C M Garner K Tlneher 4010110 20771 PROSPECT w 5 109 G 7 7 7 7 7 A Molt J J Ryan 7SOO100 Time 23 47 112 Track fast 2 mutnels paid Miss Declare 370 straight 200 place 2o show Gabrio 200 place 2SO show Sweetheart Sue 00 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Miss Declare S5 to 100 straight 0 to 100 place 15 to 100 show Gabrio 30 to KM place 15 to 100 show Sweetheart Sue 50 o 100 show showWinner Winner lIk f by Diek Well s Parlslennc trained by J 15 Respess RespessWent Went to post at 20 At i st 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving MISS DECLARE showii g the most speed set tins pace for the entire way and won easing up GA15R1O raced forwardly and ca H fast through the stretch but was easily held safe SWEET ¬ HEART SUE tired after running i good fiveeighths and just lasted long enough to hold third place F A WEIGLI was going fast at the finish The winner entered for 400 was bid up to S05 and bought In InScratched Scratched 2004S Oakland 100 100Overweights Overweights Sweetheart Sue 3 pounds F A Wcigle 3 DfQff SECOND RACE 53 Milo 90207 5 2 109 000 Added 2yearolds Maidens 5IOOft7 Colts and Geldings Selling Net value to winner 480 second 118 third 02 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Eiuiv Odds Strt 20544 TIIORNAVOOD w 101 1 1 3i 3l 1 V AV Median J T Weaver iu100 20772 ASPARAGUS SAM wu 109 3 3 I2 I3 2VJ 2i C Ganz Milain Levy 260100 260100208143INF1DEL 208143INF1DEL II WB 110 22 4 4 = ° 3 = 3 W J OBnGatewood Buckner 2G5100 20814 LITTLE COVE wn 101 5 4 2 J 2 42i 43 ° B Ott M C Moore 1525100 20702 C F HORNBGER wn 109 4 r 5 5 5 o D Stirling J J Markiein 4350100 4350100Time Time 23 47 100 Track fast f2 n utufls paid Thornwood 470 straight 500 place 210 show Asparagus Sam 350 place 220 sliow Ii lidel II 210 show showEqu Equ valent booking odds Thornwood 135 to 100 straight 50 to 100 place 5 to 100 show Asparagus Sam 75 to KM place 10 to 100 show Infidel II 5 to 100 show showWin Win ler I5r g by Patriot Mary Sayre trained by J T Weaver WeaverWei Wei t to post at t02 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and ihird driving THORNWOOD was saved under restraint to tin stretch then came fast and dr w out to win as ills rider pleased ASIARAGTS SAM showed the most early speed and tired but held INFIDEL II safe through tl last eighth INFIDEL II ran well and finished gamely LITTLE COVE bored out on the stretch turn The winner was entered for 500 no bid bidScratched Scratched 2004 Vachel Worth 101 THIRD RACE 1 11G Miles 20 l4t 110 000 Added yearolds and up ¬ 208 70 ward Selling Net value to winner 405 second 127 third S AWtPPSt Vt V StrFin Jockeys Owners Etiulv Odds Strt slou 20744 STAR ACTRESS w 22 M Garner P M Civill 20745 = WHITE WOOL WB I1 1 lb 3 = R Goose W II Baker 20744COMMAURETTA WB 5l 5 C 4 4 C Hunt AV 1 AVeber 1555100 20758 FLEURON II W 5 107 3 5 G GJ 51 5l 5lWB 2 F Keogh J II AVoodford AVoodfordC 4OSO100 20704 OBOLUS WB 3 101 5 7 8 72 73 7S 7Sw C A Mott J AV Callahan 550100 20740 KNEELET w 3 lOil 4 3 41 4l 3U G1 G1wn J E Martin AV R Mizell MizellJi 5455100 20050 BANK BILL wn 4 109 9 S 9 9 S S Swn Ji D Stirling T Al Irvin liKHMOO i 20557 HAROLD wn 3 102 S G 7 i S 9 9 B Ott G J Long Time 24 48 113 140 146 Track fast 2 mutupls paid Prince Eugene 1280 straight 400 place 320 show Star Actress 350 place I lior AVhile AVool 250 show Equivalent booking odds Prince Eugene 540 to 100 straight 130 to 100 place 00 to 100 show Star Actress 75 to 100 place 30 to 100 show White AVool 25 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B g by Hamburg Eugenia Bureh trained by II R Brandt BrandtWent Went to Hst at 0 At l ost 1 minute Start bad and slow AVou driving second and third the Eme PRINCE EUGENE was away forwardly and kept close up and finishing gamely outstayed STAR ACTRESS in a game finish The latter raced in forward contention from the start and finished gamely AVHITE AVOOL set a arod pace but tired in the stretch COMMAURETTA ran a good race under an in rxperieiiced rider KNEELET showed speed but tired FLEURON II dropped back in the stretch The winner entered for 4W was bid up to 805 and bought in Overweights Obolus 4 pounds Kneelet 5 Harold 2 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 15120 111 5 110 000 Added 3yearolds 2O871 Allowances Net value to winner 480 second 118 third 02 AWtPPSt U StrFin Jockeys Eiiuiv Odds Strt 207l HUS AND STARS wn 109 41 I2 1 = I3 I1 C Cans K RPradley 50K 07 ii3CON VERSE w 107 3 4 31 2 2 2h F RobinsnW Gerst SOOK 20815 UNCLE BRYN wn 107 5 3 4 4 32 35 R Goose Mrs R J Waldcn i 071X2MIS8 FIELDER WB 103 1 5 52 5 5l 4 D Stirling F 1 Weir 45100 OS ° K EMBROIDERY wn 107 G G G G G a1 W W TlorA B Hancock 10151 1015100 0770 SICILES KNOB w 109 22 22 3i 42 G L Gentry WTeuclitcr 25S5KTime 25S5100 Time 23 46 112 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Bars and Stars 300 straight 250 place 230 show Converse 430 place 300 show Uncle Itryn 5o show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Mlds Bars and Stars 50 to 100 straight 25 to 100 place 15 to 100 show Converse 115 to 100 place SO to 100 show Uncle Bryn 1G5 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Helmet Follies Bergeres trained by C Haimnon HaimnonWent Went to post at 35 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving BARS AMD STARS showed the most speed and won all the way but tired and had to IK hard ridden through Hie last eighth CONVERSE saved ground on all turns and held on gamely in the linal drive UNCLE BRYN finished fast and would have been second but for coming wide on the last two turns MISS FIELDER had no mishaps EMBROIDERY was outpaced SK1LES KNOB quit quitOverweights Overweights Miss Fielder 11 pounds FIFTH RACE 58 Mile 90207 59 2 1 C9 00 Added 2ycarolds Allowances 2O872 Net value to winner 490 second 124 third 00 Index Horses AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt w 112 S3 in 11 I1 I1 F Keogh AVeber Ward 440100 440100DNER DNER w 109 31 22 2s 2 2s C Gauss II Gardner 2030100 2030100EU f 20772 ROCI1ESTER EU wn 112 6 4 G 4J 52 3n A Pease G J Long it51 it5100003IOHN 155100 155100w 00003IOHN JR w 112 7 G fi Ch 3 3h 3J 4 44 A Mott D E Miilliollaml 451 45100 45100f 0712 = COL MATT f wn 106 2 25 G 3J 5l 4J Sb R Gooso J Livingston tli0KSANSYMING 11450100 SANSYMING w IOC 4 S S S G GJ A Neylon J Livingston 0772 GYPSY BLAIR w 103 1 7 7 7l 71 71 F RobinsnW Gerst SO1 SO1INVADE INVADE w 103 52 4J G S 8 M Garner J L Holland 55051 fCoupled in lietting Time 23s J 100 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Dodge 1080 straight 700 place 3JO show Harry Gardner 1480 place 500 show Rochester 280 show showl l inivalent Ixxiking odds Dodge 410 to 100 straight 250 to 100 place 95 to 100 show Harry Gard ¬ ner 040 to 100 place ISO to 100 show Rochester 40 to 100 show showWinner Winner B e bv Jim GalTnev Flora Willoughby trained by J S Ward WardWent Went to post at 4tl At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving DODGE was away forwardly and setting a fast pace gamely outstayed HARRY GARDNER through the last eighth HARRY GARDNER raced in closest pursuit from the start and held on well to the end ROCHESTER was forced wide on the turns and finished gamely JOHN JR tired in the stretch GYPSY BLAIR was never prominent SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Selling Net value to lorses AWtPPSt U k Str Fin Jockeys Owners Euiiiv Odds Strt 20770TOUY MAID w 3 90 G G 41 i 2 14 M uarner S M Henderson 1SO100 JOX1KSDR LARRICK w 3 106 7 3 2 2l lh 2s R Goose W H Baker 135100 1351002077S 2077S KORKHAGE v 4 105 4 4 53 5 4l 3 J Brown AV Bruce 1005101 100510120703BLACKTHORN 20703BLACKTHORN w i 3 103J 1 C I1 1i 3H 4 = D Stirling M A Col ton 455100 45510020776s 20776s E K CARMEN wu 3 106 S 2 G1 7s 71 fi1 AV MeehanL Phelps 5u100 5u10020HIS 20HIS OTHELLO 4115 91 3i 45 5 C A Mott J W Goldblatt 510100 51010020SI8 20SI8 Blv AND MORTAR3 i9 5 S 7l GJ G 7 F RobinsnW Hurley 11 50100 501001U 1U 1GB KATE K w t fi 1091 3 9 9 9 Si K Gritlin Staton Goodwin IrJOHm IrJOHm1U052CHILLA llllKKICOv 1U052CHILLA wn 9 102 27 S S S 9 C Jones G B Rogers llllKKICO v Time 23 47 112 Track fast 2 mutnels paid Tory Maid 5150 straight 35 place 27O show Dr Larrlck 390 place ST 00 show Korfhage 47O show showEiiulvalent Eiiulvalent bofUing odds Tory Maid ISO to 100 straight 75 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Dr Lar rick SI5 to 100 place 50 to UK show Korfluige 155 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Yankee Iady Bedford trained by S M Henderson HendersonWent Went to post at 5OO At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same TORY MAID after saving nuieli ground on the turns and racing under restraint to the flretc held on gamely and Outstayed DR LARIUCIC The latter raced into the lead in the stretch and but for being forced to run a trille wide would have won KORFHAGK made up ground and finished fast OTHELLO quit BLACKTHORN set a fast pace an and tired DR CARMEN was never promi ¬ nent The winner entered for 7M was bid up to K 5 an anScratched and bought in Scratched 20711 Droll Ill 20075 Eddie Dell ing S2 S2Overweights Overweights Blackthorn lj pounds Kate K lj SEVENTH RACE 1 11G Miles 3220 143 3 110 000 Added yearolds and I uward Selling Net value to winner 4S5 second 121 third 04 ItiilMV Hordes AWtPPSt Vi j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt 0710 MISS THORPE w G 107 2 1 1 = 1 Ill1 1i F RobinsnA B Lowe 52i100 52i100k174 k174 1 GUIDE POST W 5 10 3 4 4 3l 3J 31 3i 21 R Goose AV II Baker 620100 620100r0744MALLiARD r0744MALLiARD w3 91 1 2 2 = 2 = 22 2 3 M Garner V R Mizell 325100 i81 EXPECTATION w 4 103 G 5 4l 4 = 4 4 4 A Mott AV L Lewis 200100 20810 MOCKERY wn 4 103 5 G C u 5s S3 5 D Stirling P M Civill 4SO100 4SO1002008BIG 2008BIG DIPPER wit 5 102 3 3 5 6 6 6 6 H Stearns M A Colton CS90100 CS90100Time Time 24 48 J 113 139 146 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Miss Thorpe 1250 straight 070 place 410 show Guide Post 050 place 140 show Millard 00 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Miss Thorpe 525 to 100 straight 235 to 100 places 105 to 100 show Guide Post to 100 place 120 to 100 show Mallard 50 to 100 show showWinner Winner B in by WoolstUorpe Her Ladyship trained by J Collins CollinsWent Went to post at 529 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving MISS THORPE showing much speed moved into the lead at once and held sway all tin way GUIDE POST came fast In the Ktreteli and got up for second place In the final stride MALLARD raced close up nil the way EXPECTATION was forced wide ou the first turn and ran falIy well The winner was en ¬ tered for 000 no bid bidScratched Scratched 20744 Tavolara 105 105Overwelubt Overwelubt Guide Post 1 pound t jf

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Local Identifier: drf1915061101_3_1
Library of Congress Record: