Blue Bonnets Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-11


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BLUE BONNETS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 XRuns well in mud Superior mud runner M maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 34 Milo 3yearolds and upward Selling Handicap HandicapCanadianfoaled Canadianfoaled CanadianfoaledTrack Track record 82319112 1 120 Ind Horse Wt Kec AWtHan 20897 = Rustling 105 114 i 111X725 10750 Linsin 92 114 8 107X720 11 23 llavrock 124 114 7 115X720 20820 Lady Spendthrift 87 110 8105X715 20480 Herrmuua J14ft 4 WUO Ind Horse Wt Kec AWtUan 20155 Lain SKirk 1O9710 17821 Otero 108 705 20581 Hampton Dame 91 l18sy I 108X705 108X7051XMS7 1XMS7 St Bass 119 l20s 7 112 705 20820 Maiden Bradley 105 1590 20790 Auster 101 115 f 108 590 59020t 20t SG Duke of Chester 98 116 4 100X085 Master Neka ch i by Mastrrman Kohincka 3102 Second Race 58 Milo Milo2vcarolds 2vcarolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record 7538 59 oc 2 crasco M 93 l02vr 8s Iolite 110 101 108 720 20722 Anita 113 715 20722 Glomcr 115X710 20823 Bine Cap 1011103 10HX705 20828 Candle 108 1O1 10S700 20454 May MtKJce M 105 090 090Third Third Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Maidens Special Weights Track record 91802 124 0 111 20745 = Woilaii Woilaii207S7 8 105 700 207S7 Aprisa 109 130 h 4 111X095 20749 Ciidcii7ii20548s Ciidcii7ii 20548s Scheme 20715s Paul Gaines 20518 Kim 20548 = tfir L Joe 18153 Black Pine 20485s Buffo 20787 Chaser 20188 Shrewsbury 20518 Ken worthy 20745 Miss Clara 1I07S5 Cain Chaser 20745 King Cotton Fourth Race 1 Mile o yearolds Allowances Track record 95141 137 3 320707s 20707s CKLTO 107 141 20843 Stalwart Helen 117140 Ind Horse Wt Rue AWtHau 20815 Cliff Haven 97 141 109 715 20822 Shyness 92 140 110 710 2052 King Hamburg 115 142 115 705 7052054S 2054S Kim M 100 010 010Fifth Fifth Race About 2 Miles MilesSteeplechase Steeplechase Steeplechase4ycaroIds 4ycaroIds and upward Selling Handicap Track record 77024 854 5 145 20189 = Idle Michael 7 150X725 150X72520821s 20821s Dorothy Webb 9 112x720 15854 Velsini M 7 111X705 20824 Decathlon M 4 132xV 0 20185 Stalmore M 5 141xt S Sixth Race 1 Mile 4 3yearolds 43yearolds SellingMaiden and upward Selling Maiden Jockevs Track record 90141 187 8 107 Star of Love 103 141 8 102X725 20785 = Bogart 105 1 4 1 5 K 107X720 20820 Irish Heart 109 148 5 K 107 715 20815 Minda 1031140 4 K 105X715 20825 Louise Travers 102 lIOs 4 K 105X715 20550 Wtyanoke 95 138 5 1 110X715 10845 Beaumont Belle 99141 4 K K20S2is 105X710 20S2is Font 107 112 9 11 110i89 1120710 0i89 Lord Wells 112 142 7 K KJ0785 107X710 J0785 Sordello 105 140 4 1 112X705 20820 Sarolta 112 144 5 K 105X705 0724 Leamence 108188 9 911 115X705 77 Konny Boy 90 141 4 11 1107S9 115X700 07S9 Schnapps 102 l4m 3 95XGUO Seventh Race 1 18 Miles Miles3ycarolds 3ycarolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 14U57 152 3 109 20820 = Mud Sill 110 152 7 J WiX 725 207M Tilt Bump 105 153 5 KK5X72O J llouglitonKaiucoat Hi llougliton 111 155 8 114X715 Kaiucoat I 99X715 99X715i Love Day i 111X715 Burwood I 102X710 Slunibcrer 5 100X705 Baby Sister I 102x000 Hoisington o 107XUSO

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Local Identifier: drf1915061101_2_6
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