Latonia Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-11


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LATONIA ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast Racing starts at 280 p m Chicago time 230 XKuns well in mud Superior mud runner M maidens Apprentico allowance allowanceFirst First Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record 15125 111 5 115 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan20IS 20IS Manners 104 114 4 114 700 179155 Talebearer 112 l17m 9Si95 18310 Scrutineer 10II595 10II59520788s 20788s Freeman 108115 HI5Xi95 20192 Hoos Iloo 1051118 8 98 590 20271 I Spy S9 l13 r 1U90 20788 Waterproof 9SX 80 20100 Grumpy 100jl14 9SkSO 20788 Orange 105115 4 109 080 20788 Badinage lit 118 5 9U075 20078 Rose of Ireland 102 117 95 575 57517SS7 17SS7 Beautitior A 98 075 075llakka llakka ch f by Martinet Dol Dollic lic Dollars 3 915 Noiseless b c by S o m p r o iiius Gliding By 4 109 Second Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds SellingTrack 2yearolds Fillies Selling Track record 82102 53 2 111 20715 Mary II 108 55 100X725 208342 Bessie N M 110 55 95 720 72020715s 20715s Intention 103 55 100X720 20834 Brown Velvet 110 54 105 720 720Q702 Q702 Investment 100 55 105X715 20702 Little Bigger 105 55 105X705 105X70520S14 20S14 Jane Straith M112 5ii 110 705 20884 Miss Atkln M IK 55 100 500 20834 Safe Home M 110 55 100 ISO 20715 Ijuly of Lynn M112 57 s 100 iSO 20739 Irrawaddy 115 50 1015 080 080Play Play Fair br f by Fair Play Annie Cortelyou 102 Third Race 34 Milo Milo3ycaroIds 3ycaroIds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 15120 111 5 110 20S13 Cash on Delivery 113 112 1122083S 0 110725l 2083S Busy Edith 014113 3 100X720 20771 Lackrose 10U 111 7 110X720 10292 Dengro 112 114 11420S33 8 97X715 20S33 Bell Boy 107114 3 105 710 20711 Lady Panchita 95 111 S 108X710 20052 Dr Dougherty 103 112 8 113X710 20352 Wild Bear 108113 0 110X705 Fourth Race 1 116 Milos 3yearolds and upward Allowances Track record 8220 1 431 3 110 20S3C BOB HENSLEY 4 105X780 20SK5 Bay berry Candle 100 14 4 110X720 20815 Goldcrest est Boy 102 145 145belle 8 101X715 208853 Flcetabellc belle u 95X710 20S1G Greville le 94 14C 14CFifth 3 100X700 Fifth Race 58 Mile Colts and Weldings Track record 902C7 59 2 10J 20702 A Mancinl 107 101 108X725 20550 Yermak Ill l05m 105X720 20302 Baby Cal 10S 720 20584 Ingot HMX715 20742 = Kalph S 103 101 103 710 71020742s 20742s Lynn 107101 107X710 20742 Old Charter M 103 102 103 090 090Sixth Sixth Race 1 316 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 9404 150 0 100 10020S30 20S30 Olga Star 5 102 725 72520704s 20704s Keno 5 107X720 20839 llaoul 4 101X715 20743 Consoler 105 105201 201 7102X715 20743 Gold Color 100 100200 200 5109X710 20743 Any Port 100 157 7 1 20710 Disillusion 8 8Seventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 8220 143 3 110 20iOS3 Flying Feet 118 140 7 1120725 20771s High Private 122 144 9 112720 20839 = Acis 102 140 4 112X715 20839 La Mode 97 145 5 105X710 20880 Hcrinuda 107 145 5 112X710 20888s Day Day 3 100X705 20501 Helen M 91 145 Ys 4 110X705 10214 Capitan Bravo Bravo20S88 ill 147 i 107X095 20S88 B First 8 95 090 20052 Wryneck 112 145 5 112X09 20700 Fort Sumter Sumter2073S 110 148 5 112X08Last 112X08 2073S Wadsworths Last WadsworthsM M 1001155m 8 102 07

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Local Identifier: drf1915061101_2_4
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