Second Race [2nd Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-11

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SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Fillies Selling S2102 53 2 111 MARY H br f 2 109 By Elkhorn Black Mantilla J N Huffman 20715 Douglas CS l01fast 4 107 3 1 1 I1 31 R Goose S Bessie N Intention RSkland 20559 Douglas 5S l03mud 2110 102 1 J 3 4 41 F Robinson G Poppoe Important B Beautv 20497 Douglas 5S 104 mud 2 108 2 2 1 1 2 J McCabe S Intention LouStone Investment 20329 Churchill 5S 301fast 12 91 3 2 3 5s 4I0iR Urquhrt i G George Disturber Inveslmt 202SS Churchill 41 f fast 2910 101 1 3 22 2l 1C Iool 5 BlkBcauty LBiggcr Invstmt 20240 Churchill 12 48 fast 23 115 10 10 102 11sjW W Tlorlli LIrSister MargaretN LuckvR 20228 Churchill 41 f 54fast 12 107 3 2 7 S22 11 Goose 8 Cosmic GipsevGeorge SalVanity 20163 Lexgton 41 f 56hvy 2310 109 1 1BESSIE 1 I3 1 J McCabe 31 Thornwd lunovatn luvstment luvstmentBy BESSIE N b f 2 95 9520S34 By Cunard Follies Bcrgcres E R Bradley 20S34 Latonia 41 f 54fast 1 110 3 S A Ganz r twvnVclvct Industry M Atkin 20715 Douglas 5S l01fast 6110 95 4 4201G1 3 T Brown 6 Mary II Intention RSklaml 201G1 Douglas 41 f 54 fast 1110 112 5 o 2 2 2 C Gail a 31 Impressive Miss Atkin Ynca 20327 Churchill 41 f 54fast 265 110 2 3 31 2 ° C Ganz 11 Cardome Onola Muriels Pet 20093 Loxgton 41 f 55fast 12 109 2 8 7 75 I Gentry 11 Lynn Little Cove Innovation 20033 Lexgton 12 50fchvy 16J 112 1 10 103 30 ° C Ganz 31 Important S League Lucky It ItBy INTENTION b f 2 100 By Hilarious Darling J L Holland 20715 Douglas GS l01fast 115 100 G 2 2 21 3i M Garner S Mary H Bessie X R Sklarl 20197 Douglas 5S 104 mud 31 100 6 7 K 2 iu M GarnT S Mary H LouStono Investm 20136 Lexgton 41 f 55 fast 910 303 3 2 21 41 E Martin 31 Investment Mary II Delii 20063 Lexgton 12 4Sgood 4 101 5 1 1J 1 E Martin 12 LStoue TobcoBoY I IBy BROWN VELVET blk f 2 106 10620S31 By Transvaal Mary Bess J H Nichols 20S31 Latonia 41 f 51fast fid 130 1 1 15 11 L Gentry 1 Bessie N Industry Miss Atkin 20163 Lexgton 41 f 6Ghvy 29 109 4 7 8 8 1W W Tlorll Maryll Thornwood Innovation 20123 Lexgton 41 f 53fast fid 112 8 S Ii Gentry 32 Lucky It MurgKllcn Paulson 19403 NOrlns 12 48 good 7 109 9 S Si 10 R Goose 10 Test Sou Star S for Scandal 19345 NOrlns 32 4SMfast 32 305 G G1SS32 10 10 7sj w rjjcy 14 SalVanity SouStar Irrawalliiy 1SS32 NOrlns 38 3Gfast 8 130 6 6INVESTMENT 5 ° GJ F Murphy 7 Mary II Investment Deliver DeliverBy INVESTMENT b f 2 105 By Frontenao Jennie Wado P M Civill 20702 Douglas 5S 301fast 21 3111 G 6 5 31 33 J McCabe 10 A Mancini B Beauty N Wells 20497 Douglas 58 101 mud Hi 109 5 4 t KH twcll S Intention Mary H linlse ston 20135 Douglas 41 f 56hvy 445 107 3 5 51 5 R Goose S BBeauty Iniortnt Illuminator 20329 Churchill GS l01fast 28 901 1 453 3 J M Garner G GipsGeorge Disturber 20288 Churchill 41 f 55 fast 4910 105 5 P MaryllP P 1st 0H JVk1italIty M rv IitBiKger Maryll 20163 Lexgton 41 f 56hvy G310 101 7 5 5 48J 1 Pool 11 i Maryll Thornwood Innovation 20136 Lexgton 41 f 55 fast 21 100 G 3 31 lh A Mott H Mary H Deliver Intention IntentionBy LITTLE BIGGER b f 2 105 By Transvaal Grace Dixon W P Johnson 20702 Douglas 5S l01fast 19 loy 9 S 5 SJCIltry 10 AJl eini BBeauty Investmt 20197 Douglas 5S 101 mud 11J 10G S s 7 5 rl1SIr iition AT I Sclttry J Jiition Mary H Louise Stone 20288 Cliurchill 41 f 65 fast 3Ja 10G 4 4 3 Sentrv RlkBeanty Maryll Investment 19CS5 Juarez 12 4S fast 3 110 1 1 Ii 13 L Gentry 0 RoscMarlan AndAustin Anita 19620 Juarez 12 51 mud C 110 3 n p Kelly f1 gentrv Tlajan SchulPiiburg 19572 Juarez 12 50slow 4 112 2 SchulPiiburgI 7 I J ii G ntrv vc lt Hose Marian Ataka 19488 Juarez 12 47fast 4 98 2 2JANE G AtakaG 43 31 A Mott 10 Saugallo Megaphone Luiiiy R JANE STRAITH b f 2 110 By Dalhousio Tickle A D Parr 0811 Latonia GS l02 fast 12 110J 3 7 1 CJ TT McTagt M Hamilton BCoffee Intidein 20341 Churchill 41 f Sofast fld 112 3 3MISS J 51 53 H Alex U Beauty Shop G Blair SLcague MISS ATKIN b f 2 100 1002CS31 By SLcagueBy Jack Atkin Hannadaga W Gerst 2CS31 Latonia 41 f 54 fast 26 110 7 7 C 4 ° i F Ilobinsnll Brown Velvet BessieN Indiistrr 2060J Douglas 41 f jod 10 103 11 Fell F Robinsnia It Strickland BJoc RJiUIcttc 20161 Douglas 41 f 54tast 23 107 G 5 35 3 F Robinsnll Impressive Bessie N Yaca 20327 Cliurchill 4J f G4fast 6S 103 6 5 G2 G ° K Lamtcrsll Cardome Bessie N Onota 20299 Churchill 41 f G4fast 74 104 9 9SAFE 10 9 S8i B Lamterl2 Illuminator Onota Thoruwood SAFE HOME b f 2 100 10020S34 By Hilarious Rosetinge J J Flannigan 20S34 Latonia 41 f Gljfast C9 130 4 5 61 711 It Goc 12 BiownVelvet BessieX 20327 Cliurchill 41 f G4fast fid 310 8 Industry 30 9 921 It Goose 11 Cardome Bessie X Onotrr 20271 Churchill 41 f 54slow 30 332 7 72021Q 7 7 = 6s T McTagtll Kathleen GypsyBlalr EthelMay 2021Q Churchill 32 4S fast fid 330 32 32LADY 12 11 10stC Borel 12 LItSister MargaretN Lucky Ii IiBy LADY OF LYNN ch f 2 100 By Voter Lydia II F J Kelley 20715 Douglas 58 301fast 82 302 7 5 C hlinj Mary Lossto N Intention 20311 Churchill 4i f GoVifast fld 112 11 II IntentionII 15R 11 H iC Dislimonll Beauty Shop G Blair 20271 Churchill 41 f 51slow 27 112 9 8 9 H pshmonll Kathleen GypsyBlair Slxiagiii 20224 Cliurchill 12 4Sgood 67 112 3 3IRRAWADDY 6 G 5 C DishmonlO MargaretN LSister EthelMay BBeauty IRRAWADDY ch f 2 106 By BBeautyBy Hilarious Druid F Henncssy Henncssyr 20739 Douglas 5S 100 fast 49 109 5 520SOT Kcogh Kathleen f Luzzi II Gardner 20SOT Douglas GS l00good 48 111 5 r 5 ° ° 0 1llls 1 rr Black 20119 Lexgton 41 f 54 fast 12 310 5 CritlKi M Coffee J 1ItI10 7i i JWKlein 20095 Lexgton 41 f G4 fast 231 113 U ° S5 7 1 T JeTa8tll Mis Bell Impressive S Imptaiit 19933 Bowie 12 49 ffast 75 111 1 Leagno 19927 Bowie 12 50 fast 115 309 3 319S35 1 J m IcilK JV01011 TDansiintc Little Alta JrCTJls Ataka Bustard Prohibition 19S35 Bowie 12 49 fast 20 1121 6 6PLAY 21 ol W r AVartonlO Sand Pocket lolite KNeptuus PLAY FAIR br f 2 102 By Fair Play Annio First start Cortclyou T C Bradley

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Local Identifier: drf1915061101_4_5
Library of Congress Record: