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CONNAUGHT PARK RACING STATISTICS During the seven days of racing of the Connnught Park Jockey Clubs spring meeting at Ottawa Ont which opened June 10 and came to a close Juno 25 fortynine races were decided for which there was a total distribution of 2 70 in stakes and purses This money went to eightyfour owners of whom the following thirtylive won 00 or more each eachOwner Owner 1st 2d 3d Amt AmtThorncliffe Thorncliffe Stable 5 1 0 2935 2935Louis Louis S 4 1 1 1770 1770Stelle Stelle A I i 0 1 1420 1420Crew Crew C A 1 0 1020 1020Oots Oots II 2 0 1 GSO GSOAValkcr AValkcr AV 2 II 2 OGO OGOTaniycn Taniycn AV 2 0 0 050 050Ambach Ambach D A 2 0 0 000 Newman J F H S SDaly Daly M Sheridan P Raymond I Smith AV Mlsick Mrs J D Koss J K L Garth L AV Bruce S Coutluucd oil timmd pajje COHNAUGHT PARK RACING STATISTICS Continued from lirst page Owner 1st 2d 3d Amt AmtDaytonT DaytonT 102 500 500Francis Francis Mrs T 1 0 0 3 0 0Seagram Seagram J E 1 0 0 0Tyree Tyree J S 0 3 1 340 340llanlon llanlon J 101 30 30Martin Martin W F 1 0 1 Newman S 1 1 0 0MiBride MiBride E 0 1 1 3CO 3COBrvan Brvan Mrs J L 1 0 0 00 00Crosby Crosby W L 1 0 300 300Day Day ton Mrs A F 1 0 0 300 300Fafrlngton Fafrlngton F 1 0 0 00 00Havmaker Havmaker R V 1 0 ° ° Kean C J 1