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OVERLAND PARK FORM CHART CHARTDENVER DENVER Colo June 17 1915 Fifth day Colorado Agricultural Fair and Racing Associa ¬ tions Summer Meeting of 20 days Overland Park Weather clear clearPresiding Presiding Steward P A Brady Presiding Judge A T Dobsou Starter Edward Tribe Racing Secretary W W Finn 21139 First Race 12 Mile Purse 250 2year olds Maidens Allowances Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 25I7qiiiv I7qiiiv Odds OddsInd Straight210723K Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 210723K 1 Cudihec 112 Ink n Sniafl 117 MOO MOOAVashoe AVashoe Bellell2 2 T McTaggart S510D 21018 Bank 115 3 J Murphy 293100 21072 = D Sugg 115 4 = 1 W Pinkstaff WMOO 21018 Rosamel 112 5 P Pltilllps 4070100 21072 Rapid May 112 C W Ormes 411S100 411S100Time Time 23 47 Track fast 2 mutnels paid Ed Cudihee 3140 straight GSO place 330 show Washoe Belle 300 place 250 show Bank 280 show showWinner Winner A Neals br g by Golf Ball Purse Rose trained by A Neal NealStart Start good Won driving second and third the same 21140 Second Race 58 Mile Purse 250 3year olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 25Eiiuiv Eiiuiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 04004 Pr of Castilell2 1 E Kelley tl31ilOO 21073 Teeto 109 2i G Warren 1215100 19880 Finnigin C Basciuil 21085 Smoky Dan 113 4 R Brooks 10802 Old Bob 101 55 C Gross 2101 Baby Lynch 91 C O Gentry 21073 Rhodes 104 71 G Molesworth 1120100 11974 Emelda 102 S3 J Longo 3775100 Clover Belle 109 O3 W Brazel t 19938 Nobby 111 10 = U Ryan 11SO100 21020 Ropon 114 11 R Fisher C35100 tMutiifl C35100tMutiifl Held HeldTime Time 23 48 100 Track fast 2 mutiipls paid Prince of Castile field 1830 straight 2250 place 1210 show Teeto 1050 place 7CO show Finnigin 770 show showWinner Winner C S Thompsons gr g 11 by Canopus La Reina trained by J B Short ShortStart Start good Won driving second and third the same Overweights Old Bob 3 pounds Smoky Dan 2 Prince of Castile 1 Enielda 3 21141 Third Itaee 58 Mile Purse 250 4year olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 25Eciulv Eciulv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin in Jockey Straight 17158 Dominica 107 I3 3 E Denny 255100 21020 Cherry Seeil 109 = J Washer 2030100 210803Roscas 107 S O Gross 1190100 21075 HobtManfll 109 4 W Leeds G43100 G43100t 21020 Irish Ann lor 5t t G Molesw Molesworth 4JCO100 21020 = The Feller 109 C ° T Nolan 10V100 21078 Sainest 1CS 715 T Donovan 24SV100 21020 Gray Plume IOC S G Warren 47CO100 47CO100Time Time 23 Vi 47 100 Track fast 2 mntuels paid Dominica 710 straight 410 place 330 show Cherrx Seed 1000 place 090 show Roscas 440 show showWinner Winner A Neals ch m S by Alvescot Evil Eye trained by A Neal NealSRirt SRirt fair Won easily second and third driving Overweights drivingOverweights Robt Mantell 2 pounds Sainest 1 Gray Plume 1 21142 Fourth Race 5 12 Furlougs Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 25Equlv OddsInd Equlv Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 19871 Osaple 114 I1 C Gross 13 HOO HOO21082Manganese 21082Manganese 117 23 E Denny 133100 13310021075Ann 21075Ann Tilly 109 3J J Washer 500100 21075 Chrnias Kvo 107 4h V Orrnes 1200100 1200100l100 l100 = MinnoJinimie 110 G4 O Gentry 715100 21075 JMarta Mac 107 C1 II Clark 2720100 21022 Cecil 10S 7 V Brazel 495100 2107 Ooma 107 S G Warren 101 100 100Time Time 23 48 1OG J Track fast 2 mutiiels paid Osaple 2840 straight 800 place 170 show Manganese 120 place 300 show Ann Tilly 350 show showWinner Winner Fairliury Stables h c 4 by Peep oDay Miss Anne trained by F F Borland BorlandStart Start good Won driving second and third the same 21143 Fifth Race 1 Mile Purse 250 4year 4yearolds olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 175 second 30 third 25 25Eciuiv OdlsInd Eciuiv Odls Ind Hqrse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 21083 Zoroaster 114 1 = T Nolan 283100 283100210833Phil 210833Phil Mohr 114 2 = V Leeds 470100 21077 3Cmemlation 10S 3l C Basquil 1G50100 21023 Fairly 104 4 t R Carter 3C30100 21083 = Art Kick 107 54 T McTaggart 1 3100 21021 Nann McDeell2 C3 J Donovan 1200100 10980 Sam ConnorlOO 7 = O Gentry 144100 21082 El Pato lOrt S W Brazel 1930100 1930100Time Time 24V4 43 114 140 Track fast 2 mutnels paid Zoroaster 770 straight 440 place 300 show Ihli Mohr 5SO place 400 show Commendation 830 show showWinner Winner F Rineharts b g S by Mazagan Mirabelle trained by F Rinehart RinehartStart Start good Won handily second and third drif ing 21144 Sixth Race 1 Mile Purse 250 3year Olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 175 second 30 third 25 25Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Straight210233Dalston Ind IIorse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 210233Dalston 114 1 G Molesworth S20100 210772Brando 115 2 J Henry 20310 21077 Pr Conrad 115 2n C Gross 190100 21083 Xangarce 91 4 W Braze ISO 100 21077 Spindle 115 55 W Ormes 2120100 21074 IIardy 115 C2i C Ridflle COO 100 21077 Wise Mason 110 7 = 1 II Clark 4100 100 19980 Flying 110 S T Dealy 20SO100 20SO100Time Time 23 49 115 141 Track fast 2 mutnels paid Dalston 1840 straight 570 place 370 show Brando 410 place 330 show Prince Conrad 050 short shortWinner Winner J C Ferris br c 4 by Sir Ilium Binda trained by It Dickorson DickorsonStart Start good Won driving second and third the same 21145 Seventh Race 5S Mile Purso 250 4 yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 25Etiuiv Etiuiv Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 210753Swarts Hill 107 I3 S Smith 210203Arrowshaft 107 2 ° E Smith 19359 Brighonse 110 31 K Ferguson 130100 17820 = Clara W 107 4 M Spidle 3100100 21079 = The Cub 112 0 = G Ury 131G 100 21080 Leford 102 0 = O Gentry 2310100 17580 Angelus 109 7t E Denny 10930100 17570 Bill York 109 8J S McGraw 5780100 17583 Sheffield 107 9 G Molesworth 7230100 7230100Time Time 23 47 100 Track fast 2 mutiiels paid Swarts Hill 510 straight 320 place 200 show Arrowshaft 710 place 320 show Brighouse 280 show showWinner Winner W Gemmolls b m 7 by Chuctanimda Burnt IloppasStart Hills trained by J E Iloppas Start good Won easily second and third driving