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FIFTH RACE 1 11C Miles 3ycarolds and upward Selling Handicap 45407 143 1 105 PATON ch h 7 By Chuctanunda Retaliation A P Doyle 211S9 Jamaica 1 1S l55fast 21 110 4 4 4 4 4 4 ° 1 J McCahey 4 Ben Quince Kobinetta Loveland 20310 Iimlico 1 11G 119 fast 54 10S G 5 C 7 51 0 0J2 J2 11 Shilling S Sepulveda Peacock Centaurl 201GO Pimlico Im70yl47 fast 1920 117 11 10 10 10 9 9s J McCaheyll BAround DrDuner LIncenc 10102 IIdeGce 1 11G 147 fast 165 10G 11 11 8 S 4l 3J C Turner 11 Al Bloch Cogs Hermuda 20035 IIdeGce Im70yllfgood 3 115 10 10 9 5 33 3 = 1 J McCaheylO Ilcrmuda CFGruger BArn 20011 IIdeGco Im70yl13fast 4 1 1 Left at the post T McTagtU Jawbone Joe Finn Mercurium 19198 Bowie 1 11 212fast SG 112 3 5 5 5 2 S 21 T MeTagt J Cockspur Dscrticld Rillicltaker 19915 Bowie Im20yl45fast 1110 115 5 G 4 4HESMIS 3 3i 2s T McTagt 7 RLangdon LEnsland Trovato TrovatoBy HESMIS JR ch jr 6 107 By Hormis Heritance J J Korb 21102 Jamaica 1 lli 1 47fast 1S3 102 111 11111 P Lowder 4 OSulIivau Ray oLfcht Battrry 21016 Jamaica 1 1S liiGfood 3J 91 1 1 1 1209C3 11111 P Lowder C Marshon Battery Dainwrlield 209C3 Jamaica 1 1S l55fast 10 101 211 1 3 33 331 31 Buxton 0 El Biod Coin Moniuoiitlt 20902 Jamaica 1C l49ifast 23 110 1 1 1 3 S 3J J McTasrt 15 OSnllivali Camellia Marshon 20499 Belmont 1 l40good 30 102 434 4 4 4 J 4 = 3 J McCahey 0 Al Bloch Jawbone Stonehenxe 20391 Uelmont 34 l14slop 4 107 2 3 3202ti5 3 3J 2 M Buxton Apple Lily Orme Rosemarine 202ti5 Pimlico 34 110 slop 2110 112 1 4 4BIG G 7 7iT Kicc a Cannoek Gold Cap AbbolsCord AbbolsCordBy BIG DIPPER b m 6 100 By Astronomer Helen OC M A Colton 21192 Jamaica 31 l14fast 12 105 G G G G5 43i AV Lilley 7 EBryson LOrnie MBEubanks 21039 Latonia 1 11G lGOifelivy 293 105 1 2 2 2209S4 2 n I3 M Carner Ilisli Private Wryneck Aeis 209S4 Latonia Im70y l4Ggood S9 103 354 354209GS 444 4 i J Sloan IlardBall H Private Fcllowniau 209GS I atonia Im70y 119 hvy 28 102 G S S 7 6J 4 J Sloan S FathorRiley Mallard Disillusion 20931 Latonia Im70y l43 fast G5 102 G G 7 720S74 7 7 411 II Stearns 7 Brynllinnli lionanza Grnsvenor 20S74 Latonia 1 116 IMG fast G9 102 3 5 G G G G II Stearns MissTJiorpe UuidePost Mallarl 20608 Douglas 1 1S 153 good 17 99 2 2 3 3OSULLIVAN 4 5 Gci M Garner C GohlColor FlylngFoet UordieF UordieFBy OSULLIVAN ch h 5 115 By Oddfellow Rosinanto J MacManus 21102 Jamaica 1 11G l47fast 920 114 3 3 3 2 2 = 21 M Buxton 4 HormisJr Kay oLIglit Battery 21012 Jamaica 1 1S l51 ° fast 41 10S 1 3 3 32095G 3 3 = 3 = A M Buxton H Lazuli Amalii Guy Fisher 2095G Jamaica 1 IS l5t3fast 2 110 333 3 3 2l I1 M Buxton i B Quince Dainfjerfd Marshon 20902 Jamaica 1 11C l49 fast 4 IIS 2 3 2 1 1 = 1 M Buxton C Cnmclliii llermis Jr Jlarslion 20792 Belmont 1 11G 117 fast 12 112 5 5 2 2STONEHENGE 2 2i 4 i JI Buxton G W Shoes G M Miller AlBloch AlBlochBy STONEHENGE b g 4 107 1072110G By Hastings Linda Stone C K Rockwell 2110G IJIine Ab7S 127 good S 151 5 5 4 4 4 43 Mr H Tkr V Sin oii Volant Ambrose 21017 Bline Abl l 201 slop 6 151 4 1 Fell Fell2iS2S CapTK Rl 4 Dlxon Ambrose Absconder 2iS2S Uelmont 1 139 fast 40 105 4 3 3 3207C3 4 4 48i il Buxton 4 Wooden Shoes Bac Fcnuioiiu 207C3 PipKk Ab3l llBfast 5 133 2 2 2 2 3 = A Cap Rwell s Culvert Andes Ambrose AmbroseG 20092 Uelmont 1 143 fast 20 137 1 2 G G Gi 7 CapClvKI 7 Doublet Virile Spearhead 20199 liclmont 1 l40good 12 107 1 1 1 1 li SI M Buxton i Al Bloch Jawbone llennis Jr 20411 Uelmont 1 l13mud 41 113 2 1 1 3s 3 M Buxton J Al llloch Robinetta S Deiirah DeiirahBy SONG OF VALLEY b g 4 102 By Isidor Queen of Song iH Watterson 21171 Jamaica 5S f 107 fast 23 111 S 7 7 43 49 U Wablronll Fenniousie Plantasenet Minstrel 21103 Jamaica 5i f l07fast 12 112 G G GL0990 4 43 41 II LalTerty X KlkiIdfjc G Ivd e MBKuhaiiks L0990 Jamaica 1 11G l50slow IS 1U7 412 41220JOt 2 4 4l 5 P Lowder 7 GMMiller BQuince Robinetta 20JOt Jamaica 51 f 107 fast 20 112 2 5 5 45 W Ural C 1 Shore PIantaenet KI Malidi 20097 Uelmont 34 st IMOJfast 10 109 7 7 G 51 51S I Steward Striker Forecast Anians 20539 Belmont Gi f l2fast CO 10210 10 0 9 3 3 J W Ural 10 llurakan Lily Orme Striker 20219 Pimlico 34 l13fast 140 9S 10 S SBATTERY 4 3l 5 = 1 W Ural IU Pharaoh Humiliation Inez BATTERY b g 5 107 By Faraday Inconstancy H Rites 21102 Jamaica 1 113 l17fast 13 107 444 1 1 4 42101G 4 4 411 J I ityaii 4 llerlnislr OSulIivan RoLiqht 2101G Jamaica 1 1S lirjjod 20 101 2 5 4 420tf 2 2 35J J 1 Ryan IlermisJr Marshon DliKerliehl 20tf 3 Jamaica 1 1S l33fast 13 101 3 355 5 5 G G C13 J P Kyan C El BJod Coin Herinis Jr Jrloj 20707 Prospect 1 Ii3fast 3 loj Threw Threw20S7S rider A Pickens 5 Petelus CHollovay Earlyniorn 20S7S Prospect 1 11G 153 fast 4 111 1112008G 45 J Dennison 7 Karlymorn CIIolIoway LBrvn 2008G Prospect 1 11G l51fast 4 111 111CHAS LBrvnHI 5a J Dennison 5 Petclus Woodcraft Cllolloway CHAS F GRAINGER b g 8 102 10220S3 By Meltonian Lucy Jones W Hopkins 20S3 Mboro 1 11G l32Jfast 4 107 10720S09 PJ HopkinsPJ 37 A Mthews LKnsland CHlowaj ILIIIsou 20S09 Mboro 7S 120 good 7 107 ILIIIsou1J7 7SJ A Mthews 7 Monty Fox Pharaoh In Queen 20709 Prospect 1 11G l51fust 910 10 103 10320G7S I3 R Troxler fi Blue Mouse Woodcraft PPipcr 20G7S Prospect 1 11G 1 53 fast 3 l 10 PPipcrl 1 G L Ilartwell 7 Karlymoni CIIollowiy Lrnu 20519 Electric 1 110 59slov 73 U 112 11220I1C LrnuU GVW Doyle i Battrry Bin Mouse LAi lon 20I1C Electric 1 1lti 153 fast 5 111 GojYiwnK s n Hutchisin Peacock KCnum 20279 Pimlico ImlOylMG slow 325 109 S S S SSEPULVEDA 7 7 ° 3 AV Ural S Ilalfron Canto Daingerlield SEPULVEDA ch h 8 105 By Princo of Melbourne Dinawick E K Bryson 21120 Jamaica 31 111 fast 20 110 G G G2093G G 5 55 11 LalTerty 7 Andes Sir Denrah Perth Knek 2093G Jamaica 1 1S lG4V iast 20 102 5 5 5 G G 6 6S1P S1P Lowder U OSullivan BQuincc DKerliehl 20902 Jamaica 1 11G l49fast 25 113 G 4 4 4 5i G3iH Lafferty OSullivan Camellia Hermis Jr 20730 Uelmont 1 141 fast 20 110 G I G G G GiII LalTerty J Chesterton DrDiiner Jawbonj 20499 Uelmont 1 lMOgood 12 110 G G G G G Gi GiiO iO Turner 5 Al Itlocli Jawbone Stonehenge 20310 Pimlico 1 11G 149 fast IS 10G 7 2 2 2 2 13 M Buxton 8 Peacock Centauri L Iniiuceiiio IniiuceiiioCOLONEL COLONEL ASHMEADE b g 8 107 By Sain Antipode C C Smithson 21105 Jamaica 3 31 f l07fast 15 112 7 45 a G W Lilley S Klkridge G Kdc M P Kulniiks 10122 Electric Gl f l25slow Go 114 I2 U Troxler S Deviltry Pago White Karlvmorn 20323 Pimlico Im40y l47mud 11 102 511 4 G G A Sclmgr 7 Norus Petelus LairdoKirk lilv 20220 Pimlico 31 l14fast 9 105 2 21 1 A Schutgrll VenStroine Vorkvillo GPhinie 20017 HdeGcc Im70ytlitast tast 12 107 G 457 457JfcKOod 7 S S12 II Uresch TowField OKripp VenStroiuu 20035 HdeGce lin70yl15Jfcgood JfcKOod 40 112 112CHARLEY 5 1 1 3 3b 6 7 ill Urcsch 10 Hermuda C F Grainger Patou CHARLEY McFERRAN RRAN b g 5 10 107 107fast By Lissak Anna Hastings E B Parsons 21171 Jamaica 51 H1LraS ParsonsH1LraS f 107 fast 25 112 11220S6S Vf 3 11 11 11fast n 1ilir H ver 11 Fonmouse Plantagenet Minstnl 20S6S I itonia 31 l12fast fast 72 109 G t G G 5K 5MT Hanover 7 M Declar Uabrio Stluart Suo IOiiOS Douglas 1 11G 1G 147 1i7Foodo2 good 50 112 G 544 4 4 3 5h 711J Hanover i Cmauretta Mallard Ixivelaml 203S3 Douglas 1 11G 1C Ixivelaml1C l52hvy 33 110 355 4 S S J Hanover S P Dipper 15 Bill Colnniauretta 20329 Douglas 34 llimud fid 109 5 5 55 G2 GJJ Hanover S Dr Doughertv WBear Snreot 20199 Lexgton 24 l13fast fid llli 1 12 10 10 9 J Hanover is Blackthorn Royal Tea EdllliW SUPERSTITION b s 10 107 By Aldine Evanjclino Cisneros H H Price 21110 Uline Abl 3S 2241 good 3 1lti 1lti2101G 444 4 4 41 II Tucker 4 Willing Kadbald Cloud 2101G Uline Abl 1S 2021 slop 7 14 147 14720S02 3 553 5 CapCKUl 5 Kadbahl Cloud Willing 20S02 Pipllk Abl 241fast 4 J WillingJ 150 j 4 1t If Sr Joseph 1 Clou Sanduw Sengambian 20758 IipRk AM 1S fast G 132 234 2 21 2l M 15bcrgr S Cloin Kndbald Willing 20383 UTcr Abl 38 fast G 159 G 2 2 2 infc 2s CaptlVckH 5 CIou Nosegay Zellwood 20331 UelTer Abli fast 133 15S 2 Cap Kkell 2 Cloti 14192 Pimlico 1 11 149 fast 17 103 3 2 2 4 51 C R Booker 7 Medi tor Afterglow Patoii