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LATONIA FORM CHART LATONIA KY THURSDAY JUNE 24 1915 Fifteenth day Latonia Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 21 days Weather clear Presiding Steward Charles F Price Presiding Judge W 11 Shelley Siarter Harry Moirisscy Kacing Secretary Walter 11 Pearce Itacing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 230 p in Indicates apprentice allowance I t O t FIKST HACK 34 Mile 15125 111 5 115 iOO Added yearolds and upward 21181 Net value to winner 500 second 130 third 70 eys Owners 210G8 OAKLAND wu G 110 3 3 li li li 1 = AV J OBnW G Yaiike Yaiike10S 20118 CHILLA WB 9 10S 7 C 2i 21 2ii 2i C Jones O E Rogers Sr 21155 I31UKA w 4 110 S 4 3i 4 = 41 3 C Ganz J Lowenstein 2111 2111lFLOS lFLOS CROCKETwu 3 U5 4 G G 1 3i 3 41 K LapailleM C Moore 205G13M DULWEBER w3 03 1 110 10 S 1 51 51 M Garner AVeber Ward 2 1 1 1 9 3 CAS AT5 A V 3 103 1031 1 9 92 2 5h 5 G5 6 J CampblIA II Vivell 20838 M MONTGOMRYwn 3 103 G S 9 1 7 D Stirling AV II Minell 21035 BRONVN PRINCE vn3102 102 G 9 9208U5 10 10 S S ° F Fuerst A L Taylor 208U5 R OF IRELAND wn VK 3 101 10 7 7s S 9 91 F RobinsnW II Portwood 1C 11105 DARE DEVIL w v 3 105 1051 2 21 1 41 CJ 10 10 L Gentry J B Rospess ltUO100 ltUO100Time Time 23 48 113 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Oakland 150 straight 340 place 20 show Chilla 020 place 000 show TSirka 000 show 1qnivalent booking t odds Oakland 125 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 15 to 100 show Chilla 300 to IOC place 200 to 100 MOW BIrUa 200 to 100 show showWinner Winner 151k g by Bearcatchrr Livena C trained by W II Buckner BucknerAVent AVent to post at 22 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVou easily second and third driving OAKLAND ihowing high speed moved into the lead at once and showed the way to the others throughout CI11LLA raced gamely and held on well in the closing drive BIRKA linished fast FLOSSIE CROCKET racoil well and was poorly ridden MABEL DULAVEBER closed a big gap The winner was entered for 100 no hid hidOverweights Overweights Birka 2 pounds Casaba U Mabfl Montgomery Rose of Ireland 1 Bare Devil 3 Q t Q O SECOND RACK 58 Mile 902G7 5J 2 100 000 Added 2yearolds Maidens j ± JL O J Fillies Selling Net value to winner 510 second 130 third 71 AAYtPPSt 34 A Str Fia Jockeys Owners Eciuiv Odds Strt 20911 CORA O iv 10 10 3 H li Il I1 AV AV TlorMilam Levy tlOI5100 20179 = DOLINA w 109 711 Cl 7J 4 2 M Garner G J Long 170100 20 JIARY ESTELLE wis 101 12 4 2 2 2 = 3 = 1C LapailleW L Lewis 1035100 20504 CII1VATOR w 109 4 5 3i G3 3f 4i R Goose 11 O Comstock GJ5100 20834 SVN MAID w 109 91 74 31 0 = 5 = L Gentry T P Hayes 830100 20504 LADY WORTIITON w 109 S 10 SJ S1 fii G1 F Keogh C T Worthingtou rSOO100 20 BERNINI w 109 C C Di 91 S1 7i E Grillin W A Reid j j208fi 208fi SAFE HOME wit 109 2 2 51 M I1 sn C Ganz J J Flannlgan t t20tD 20tD AllGlMISNT w 109 1 7 10 10 9 J1 D Stirling F 1 Weir 1845100 20715 PAULSON w 110 11 9 4i 4 10 10 J McCabeJ M Foley 1100100 20831 ONOTA w 101 312 12 12 11 II2 AV MeehanJ W May r 5100 209 AVINN1E ODAY w 109 u S 11 11 12 12 C Jones G Carley 10200100 10200100tMutuel tMutuel tield Time 24 48 48j j 101 Track fast 2 mntuels paid Cora O tield 2330 straight 070 place 300 show Dolina 300 place 2SO siov Mary Kstelle 500 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking cdds Corn O field 10i5 to 100 straight 235 to 100 place 95 to 100 show Dolina fcO to 100 place 10 to 100 show Mary Kstelle 115 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Marta Santa Lucasta trained by J C Milaui MilauiWent Went to post at 251 At post minutes Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driv ¬ ing CORA O awnyforwardly and hard ridden led throughout and made a game finish DOLINA had a rough race and linished fast and training MARY ESTELLE raced in closest jmrsuit to the stretch and tired CIIIVATOR had to race wide SUN MAID tired The winner was entered for 500 110 bid bidOverweights Overweights Paulson 1 pound f T O O THIRD RACK 34 Mile 15120 111 5 110 000 Added 3yearolds A JL JL O O Allowances Net value to winner 4SO second 118 third 02 21122 UNCLE BRYN wr 112 5 a aw 41 3 11 li AV AV TlorMrs R AV Waldi Waldili 110100 2 1 I 5 1 = CON AVERSE w 107 4 1 1w li 21 2 2 R Goose AV Gcrst Gcrst2U 1101002f0100 110100 21002 = MARS CASSIDY w 10G 3 3 3w 2U Ik 3J 31 M Garner J W Schorr 2f0100 21122 GRUMPY w 10G 1 2 2w 57 53 5 43 E Grillin C J Brockmiller Brockmiller3T 4105100 201653LINDENTHAL w 101 2 4 3T 41 41 53 F Judy J W Schorr SchorrG 20530 BOOKER BILL w 109 G G G G G G C Ganz M O Moore 1025100 f Con pled in betting Time 23 47 112 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Uncle Bryn 1020 straight 400 place 250 show Converse 200 place 220 show J W Schorr entry 23O show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Uncle Bryn 410 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 25 to 100 show Con VMKO 45 to 100 place 10 to 100 show J W Schorr entry 15 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br c bv Bryn Mawr Aunt Belle trained by R J Walden Vent to post at 30 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving UNCL15 BRYN raced under restraint for the lirst half then passed CONVERSE in the hist eighth and won going away CONVERSE was hard ridden and disposed of MARS CASSIDY but could not withstand the winners rush MARS CASSIDY raced into the lead but tired and just lusted long enough to save third place GRUMPY was going fast at the end LINDKNTIIAL retired after running well for a half mile f 1 I Q f FOURTH RACK 1 Mile and 70 Yards 00155 JL ± Odb olds and upward Handicap Net WtPPStVl TiStrFin Jockeys Owners Euulv Odds Strt 21 013 = WATER AVITCII wn 3 02 2 1 31 2i 2 1 11 M Garner W J Youne 115100 2 1 = PRINCE I1ERMIS wis 5 110 3 3 I5 I3 1U 2 25 A Mott L Marion 90100 2094 8 BAY CANDLE w 4 103 1 2 21 33 3 = 32 33 AV MeehanJ AV May 630100 20082 BRYNLIMAH wn 5 103 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 D Stirling J Lowe 1120100 1120100Time Time 23 47 112 137 142 Track fast 2 niutuels paid Water AVitcli 500 straight 270 place Prince llerials 250 place no show mutuels told toldEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Watur Witch 195 to 100 straight 35 to 100 place Prince llermis 25 to 100 place placeWinner Winner B f by AVatcrcress Miss Crlttenden trained by W J Young YoungWent Went to post at 350 At ost 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the Rime WATKK WITCH moved up gradually after going the lirst half mile and iinishing gamely outstayed PlMNCE 1IKRMIS through the last sixteenth The latter showed great speid in pacemsiking but tired tlightly near the end BAYBKRRY CANDLE was outpaced but ran a good race BUYNLIMAII was always outpaced outpacedoverweights overweights Brynllmah 1 imund FIFTH RACE 58 Mile 10207 rl 2 100 uX Added 2yearolds Allowances 21185 Net value to winner 500 second 130 third 70 AWtPPSt Vt V SiStrFin Jockeys Kinilv Oilia Strt 203 IIS FRANKLIN w 107 o 1 121il3JOIIN 3l 3 l li F Keogh AVeber AVard AVard4h 12S10U 21il3JOIIN JR w 112 2 3 4h 41 21 2 = C Ganz D K Mulholland Mulholland5U G15100 21017 ROCHESTER wu 112 7 S 5U 55 li 3 R Goose G J Long LongGi 270101 21050 J J MURDOCK w 106 1 2 2COUNTSS Gi G1 fii 4 AV AV TlorMilam Levy 1330100 COUNTSS AVILMOTwit 103 G 4 1 I1 3L r 2 K LapailleT AVilmot 17010100 20950 FRISKY w IOC C 5 21 2i Gh Gi D Stirling C AV Clark ClarkS 423100 211 4 JANE STRA1TII w 109 t 7 720973PAYMASTER S 71 1 1 AV MeehanA D Parr Parr7i 215100 20973PAYMASTER w 109 4 9 7i S S Si M Garner A B Gordon 2263100 20125 SOUTHN LEAGUE w 103 S 0 9 9 9 9 C Jones F Peyton 3730100 Time 23 48 101 Track fast 2 unit nels paid Franklin 150 straight 330 place 250 show John Jr 170 place 310 show Ilochislir 270 show showKijuivalent Kijuivalent bxjking odds Franklin 125 to 100 straight 05 to 100 place 25 to 100 ahow John Jr 135 to 100 phici r5 to 100 show Rochester 35 to 100 show showWinner Winner Cl c by Jim Gaffney Gliding By trained by J S Ward WardAVent AVent to ix st at 430 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the tvme FKANKLIN lost ground by racing wide on the turns but came with a rush after being straightened away jn tin stretch and won going away JOHN JR raced well up all the way and held on gamely to the end ROCHKSTKR was caught in a lain at the start and finished fast after closing a good gap J J set the early pace and tired badly Scratched 21004 Charlie McUee 100 Overweights Franklin 1 pound f Q SIXTH RACK 34 Mile 15120 111 5 1151 GOO Added 3yearolds and upward 5 JL JL O O Selling Net value to winner 500 second 130 third 70 AWtPPSt A y Str Fin Jockeys Ow w 4 lOTi S l u1 5 5l l i J i uarner 1 11 wimuimii airjui airjuiOIt sgK OIt JiS a y Jys r4 sg K wi 4 10S 5 4 32 32 31 41 R Goose AV Bruce oS 100 100EN 2098 DR CARMEN EN W3107 17 7 Cl V 5 AV AV TlorL Phelps 2420100 2420100w 20945 COLLE w 4 102 4 G 4 41 R ffi F RobinsnAV Gcrst 4460100 4460100XOB 2 109S SICILES KNOB XOB OBW WH 3 10S 2 I2 l i 7 7 = F Keogh AV Feuchter 37CO100 wTHEARTSUEw 3 Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Droll 470 straight 200 place 240 show Imperator 320 place 200 show 1 Cljufvataith CljufvataithSikiiK SikiiK oddsDroll 135 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Imperator GO to 100 tilaco 45 to 100 show Usoeit 75 to 100 show showWinner showWinner Winner Ch f bv Dick Welle Flouron trained by D t Steward Wen rto to Wst post at 4 45t 5t At post 1 minute Start good goodjmd and slow Won driving second and third the Mine DROLL lo t ground bv racing wide and was outpaced for the lirst half but came fast in the stretch vi ot IIP to win in the last strides IMPKRATOR nlso was forced to race wide but closed a big gap and IiiVl 1 w with a rush USKKIT was always a forward contender KOKFHAGE raced well up throughout Lls KNOB tired after setting a fast pace 1o the strotch The winner was entered for 00 no bid Scratched 210T35Aniazon 93 2111 Eddie Dclliug 92 urtvi ili K Sweetheart Sue 2 pounds rt T T O T SEVENTH RACK 1 116 Miles 3220 1 3 110 Purse 000 3yearolds and 2 1 L O upward Soiling Net valui to winner 450 second 100 third 50 WtPPSt S Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kiiuiv Odds Strt 2 1 I STAR ACTRESS w 5 101 7 3 2 = 1 1 = 1 1 = M Garner P M Civill Civill2s 75100 21 125 WILD HORSE w 4 103 5 4 SU 3 2 = 2s 25 K LapailleW P Johnson Johnson3s 1310100 131010023G3100 21Mis IlELEN M wn 4 101 1 1 Ci 5 = 31 3s 3 li VniuhrtJ Hosan 23G3100 2I 1F A AAEIGLE w 3 103 10 7 4 4 4 4 4 D Stirling D N Prewitt 535100 5351004GCO100 21001 KALCADA Wl 10 103 3 2 9 7 = 63 632105lIIIIGH a 5nt AV J OBnP J Miles 4GCO100 2105lIIIIGH PRIVATE v S 113 t 5 Si 11 7 6 65 R Goose AV II Baker 705100 705100tCOGO100 211i9 SANTA RULE v3 9 U 6 S 1U 2U 5 5yii 7 ° 78 F Fuerst G AVatts AVattsS3 tCOGO100 tCOGO100t yii A BR1DGEWTER v 7 lot 9 10 10 9 S S3 S3 AV MeehanJ P Riley t M 7 FLEUItON II v 5 103 11 11 11 10 9 9P 9 9i E Griflin J II AVoodford 2230100 P i MAUG BURKLEY v 3 91 89 7 S1 10 I Imntuels mntuels paid Star A r rnighe OO a al l O how Wild Horse 740 place 400 400rJWiQiSn rJWiQiSn ArtrcRR 75 to 100 straight 45 to 100 place 25 to 100 rhow Wild Horse 270 ti 100 place 100 to 100 show Helen M 225 to 100 show showVhmer Vhmer Br in bv Star Unbv Mirth trained l y J Stockier Went to post at n31 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third drlv drlvln ln STR K ACTKKSS wore SANTA RULK down in the lirst half and taking the lend drew away and won wonin wono o in VIL1 IIOl lI came steadily and fast hi the bst hnlf and linNhin ganu y fnvtstayc HI EN fe lfo a lB1 nli nlilt lt wav1 a n nlfo bld blda S ina inaSrii Srii ntfuule SJ Allen Bridgewatcr 1 Margaret