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SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 15120 111 5 110 GABRIO blk g 6 i 109 109211GI By Nasturtium Obscurity G Arvin 211GI Latonia 31 1111 111 fast 3110 10S 1 1iOSfiS 32 2 31 L Gentry 7 JHosenfield HiHrazos Alkanet iOSfiS I itonia 34 4 l12fast 291O 109 3 3 3 23 2s U Goose 7 M Declare S Sue FAWeigle 20771 Douglas 31 1 l12fast 115 110 2 32 4 C Ganz Maznik High Private Colle 207 1 1 Douglas 31 1 l12 l12Vfast fast G310 110 1 120G4S 11 2s 21 U Goose 10 Droll Longfellow Hirka 20G4S Douglas 34 4 l12fast 11 100 7 72019C 7 S Si 7 = J L Gentry s LitthFather Ollagan Lackrose 2019C Lexgton 34 4 l13fast 34 IOS G 33 21 31 11 Goose 11 Maznik Quartermaster BFIrst 20114 l ixgton 34 4 l13fast 32 112 3 22 2 V II Goose Droll Oakland Acis Acisf 19293 NOrlns 51 f lOGifast 32 111 2 2RIO Ill1 I1 II Goose 9 Meelicku New Haven Salon SalonOT RIO BRAZOS b or G 109 10921H51 By Modred Helen Print Mrs A G Woodman 21H51 Latonia 34 4 111 fast 9 IOS 3 2 3 3s 2 W J OHn 7 Joe Hosenlield Gabrio Alkanet 20915 Latonia 31 1 l14hvy 195 112 3 320S23 22 r G = 1L Gentry 10 LadyPanchita RTcn Fellowman 20S23 Latonia 31 1 114 fast 1S5 109 4 41WVJ 3 3 2 A Mott 12 Pell Hoy Malliftir C dle 1WVJ Douglas 34 4 l12fast 91 10G 10 102034G 44 3 51 J McTagrti Casey Jones Edith W Colle 2034G Churchill 31 1 111 fast 91 112 4 4 9 9 913 J McCabe 11 ConDclivery Ollagan RoyTea MARTIN CASCA b p 4 111 By Martinet Cascabel F Brown 1 113 good 12 107 4 347 712U McCabe 7 Maznik Roval Tea Talebearer 1 l13 hgood 1C IOS 4 3 3 21 22 C Turner 1 Briar Path Pharaoh Supreme 1 lllfast 22G 10G 3 2 2 2 Ink c Turner 8 Monty Fox Patience HlueMonse 1 115 slow S 107 G 52 2i 2J C Turner 0 Yodeling YorkLad LiidyLomlon Tradef 4 l15fast 115111 1 43 G2 S IF Adams 11 Sleuth Silver Moon Free Trade f Leaft lOSfast 1S5 111 1 11 23 2J K McEwen 7 Hrandywine El Mahdi P Leaf t l14fust 15 109 2 2 2 22 32i J Metcalf S Yodeling Brandywine Dakota 32 By Cesarion Linora D Breckenridge 4 l10mud 3 95 1 1 1 11 35 M Garner i Zali Malabar Ianghonie Latonia 31 1 114 fast 12 100 1 1 2 31 7G K Martin 12 Hell Hoy Rio Brazos Mnllieur 20131 Douglas 31 1 l17hvy 321 103 S 2 2 44 n1 Martin 30 Amazon Mallard Alledo 20110 Ixjxgton 51 f fl07fast Alledofl07fast 1 07fast 435 9912 G200G1 f G G2 7 M Martin 12 Amazon Gilt IMge BnsyEditb 200G1 Lexgton 31 1 115 slow 21 301 1 1 13M57 4 7t S 1E Martin 12 Hilly Joe Droll Salon Salonf 3M57 Havana 51 f l07fast 95 IM 3 1 Ink y i iol insn Marjorie A Mac Springmass FIDGET ch f 3 101 1012tOCT By Plaudit Outcome T J G H Clay 2tOCT Latonia 3 33G 10 14S good 05 lift 332 332209G5 3 43 3 1 1 Stirling 7 Commanretta Martinos Alledo 209G5 Latnnia 34 4 llGhvy 115 105 2 1 1 I5 1 L Gentry 10 Flossie Crockett Dude Grecian 20703 Douglas 34 4 11 good 435 99 Left n n1S32G at the post F Kohinsnll Amazon Maznik Plackthorn Plackthornf 1S32G Latonia Gl f 07fast 95 104 2 7 73S170 G 7 7 A Mott 11 Anna Krnter Inez Aunt Josie Josief 3S170 Latonia Gl f GiltEdgef 07good 1 312 G 4 417C04 3 31 1i W W TIor32 W Witch F Crocket GiltEdge 17C04 Douglas 51 f 07 fast 12 105 2 7 73 2 2nt p Murphy 11 P Maid Commaiirettii LJGrey ORANGE br g 4 107 10720H7S By Hastings Scarlet and Green L J Brown Brownl 20H7S Latonia 31 l 14slow 2G 112 3 3 3 31 3s W J OHn Grumpy Alalhenr Kris Kringle 21915 Lntonia 34 14 14hvy GO 110 10 9 920S95 G C 4 D Stirling 10 LndyPanehita RTea Fellowman 20S95 Latonia 34 4 115 mud fid 109 S C C2073S 7 G2 0 W J OHiil Talebearer Grumpy Freeman 2073S Douglas 1 139 fast y 112 944 94420I3G 7 S2 921L Gentry 12 Greville IS Comber Freeman Freemany 20I3G Douglas Im70y y l45hvy G7 1051 5 5 5 5203CO 4 4 45 L Gentry 7 Miss Thorpe Hfioul L Pnnehita 203CO Churchill 1 l42mud 111 115 10 9 9 G Cl G JA Mott 10 Fleelabelle It Interest 5reville JUSTICE GOEBEL b c 4 101 By McGee Mapo J Umcnsetter 21033 Latonia il 1 lir l15mucl mud 10 117 7 7 G Gh 7 W W TlorlO WiiterpnxiC Stir McGee Dude 20700 Douglas 1 11C 1C Dude1C l4Gfast 12 112 2 2 1 1 2 2 = U Small 7 Mallard J Kavanangh Wander 20527 Douglas 34 l15mua 111 111 5 7 4 42 4 T McTagtll Royal Meteor Greville Manners 20312 Churchill 34 l12fast fid 100 8 8202S1 Lost rider AV MeehanH Undaunted Mex Gnismrre 202S1 Churchill 34 113 fast G25 30S 4 43S291 4 3 71 8 15 Ott 12 Deposit Acis Cash on Delivery 3S291 Latonia 34 l13 fast 120 300 5 53815S 9 9 4U G J Howard Ml Miarmense MKrnter Jlonlse 3815S Latonia 81 112 fast SO 109 9 9SEPTEMBER 5 9 10 10 J Howard 12 Miss Declare Droll Charmense CharmenseBv SEPTEMBER MORN ch f 3 101 Bv Peep oDay Attelle F J Kelley 20131 Douglas 31 l17livy 102 KB 10 10 10 9 9 U Ott 10 Amazon Mallard Alledo 20239 Churchill Iin70yl41fast 111 W 7 558 8I Urqhart 8 P Candle Rciiuiram M Ann 1C 17010 Ixjxglon 51 f 111 hvy S3 99 7 7 G G1 G I Pool n Dark Flowor Gold Girl Dismiss 10173 Loxgton S 101 J fast 2 309 11 I Pool 4 Paul Gaines HellHov GomloIIuo 30053 Ixxgton 581011 fast 95 301 301li I3 GomloIIuoI3 1 Paul 7 Lucille IS Mosolrvine PGanes li 3G244 44 T Latonia itonla 58 l01good 88 102 5 53G1S2 5 0 41 77J 1 Hoblnsnll Mad Dnehess Inez Leslnvalhles 3G1S2 Ixitimia GS 101 fast 17 110 4 2 3 3 C1 Keogh 12 Dor Perkins It Moses Prunella 35025 Latonia 58 l01fast 38 310 4 2 2 3i C l W Carllll One Step Grecian BBTueker BBTuekerBy RATINA br f 4 By Di k Welles Poseur CJ F Schorr 2099S I itonia 34 l13 fast 17 107 7 7 S Si 9 1 1 Ott 11 Roval Tea Oakland Longfellow 20 57 Latonia 31 lichvy 15 103 3 4 4 31 3 W MeebanlO Freeman Snreget Dr Dougherty 20711 Douglas 31 l124fast 14 100 7 239 10 = F Robinson 10 Droll Gabrio Longfellow 20C4S Douglas 34 312fast 10 307 S 5 9 9l S J A Neylon lt LittleFather Ollagan Iackrose 205G5 Douglas 84 310 mud 54 100 3 2 3 3l 3 i M Garner 30 Chilton King Snreget Manners 201G5 Douglas 34 114 mud 390 9S 4 C 4 4 4 3 il Garner 9 II Barbee BIIensley Korfliuge BELL BOY br c 3 106 By McGee Lithia W Grater 21093 Latonia 34 314 good 303 311 9 71 6J IS Ott 10 It Goose W Witch Imperator 21035 Latonia 31 inGtnud 7 IOS 2 220S97 52 5121W W Tlor Zali Malabar Chitra 20S97 Latonia 34 l14 imud 32 105 G G20S33 S SlW W Tlor S Dengro ConDelivery LPchlta 20S33 Latonia 34 114 fast 215 107 3 21 1 W W Tlorl2 Itio Brazos Malheur Colle 20199 Lexgton 34 l13fast 121 lOGJll lOGJll1S290 Gi fiio w w Tloria Blackthorn Hojal Tea EdithW 1S290 Latonia 51 f l07fast fid IOS 10 11 11 C VanDunll Chesterton Bamboo Lit String String3ll 16173 Lexgton 6S 1013 last 145 112 1121G077 3ll C Greene 4 SepMorn PanlGalnes Gondolino 1G077 Lexgton 5S 1011 fast 1320 112 112JEFF I2 C Greene 3 Kewple Lucille B JEFF MORGAN ch E 4 10T By Stalwart Margaret Roche Mrs H Boone 20030 Lexgton 34 l13fast fid 109 5 5SANTO 10 1010 D Stirling 11 CTower TNorman Psmntion PsmntionBy SANTO b c 3 102 102IS242 By The Scribe English Esther J K McDonald IS242 Latonia 51 f lOSfast fid 112 9 914SC4 II1 11 = J Howard 12 Long Reach Jester Pce Albert 14SC4 Latonia 58 I0iy5fast GS 112 12 1214G03 12 122 F Teahan J2 Malabar Flossie Crocket Rhodes 14G03 Douglas G8 lOUffast 21 109 3 71 76i L Gauge 8 Yecnay Gerthelma FAWeicIe 14540 Douglas 58 l01 fast fid 108 1 113S05 G1 91 M Grlner 31 Sandstone Bus Agent Rhodes 13S05 Charlen 12 Cl good 10 100 G GBLACK 2i 21 G Corey 10 I May Jesse Jr llighfalnlin llighfalnlinBy BLACK SILK blk m G 107 By Ornament Avo Marie J M Cayca g 20770 Douglas 34 112 fast fid 97 3 3S73C 10 10JG Hunt 31 HSaddle MCassidy DCrnul S73C Electric 41 f 57 fast 17 111 111K70G 814JJ JohnstnlO Pryn ClcmHeachey HndasSist K70G Electric 41 f GS4good 32 110 110SC01 3 = 1 J Johnstn fl OurNiigget Inspired Shillalah v SC01 Electric 41 59 good 13 107 GTi R Feeney 7 Welsh Gell Casque Iryn