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SEVENTH RACE 1 110 Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling ° 220 11 ° ri 110 MOCKERY ch s 4 102 By Plaudit Sthano P M Civill 21125 Latonia 1 110 147 fast 215 105 288 G2 2h L Gentry 10 IrlsIiGentleman 01 olns LnM ode 21000 Latonia 1 110 l40fast 1710 99 2 4 4 2l 2 M Garner 10 W Wool Wildllorse LHAdalr 20951 Latonia 1 11G l49mud 51 107 2 4 3 320S74 21 3 A Mott S High Private Acis Helen M 20S74 Latonia 1 11G 14G fast 245 J 3 G G 0 G3 G8 I Stirling 5 MissThorpe GuiilePost Mallard 20S19 Latonia 1 18 l52fast 14 1001 1 4 4 3 43 W J OHn 5 BenlahS Expectation Bnlimah 20717 Douglas 1 11C l4Gfast 39 302 550 G 5si K Lapaille 0 Gold Hoy Grosvenor Brynlimah 20054 Douglas 3m70y l41fast 5710 307 10 7 0 9 981 K Pool 30 Hrynlimah Tavolara Korfhage KorfhageBy WHITE WOOL ch e 7 111 1112112G By Woolsthorpe Madine W H Baker 2112G Latonia 1 110 147 fast 315 112 111 2n 53J R Goose 10 IrishGntloman ilockery Obolus 21000 Latonia 1 110 l4Gfast 2120 IOS 3 1 1 120S70 11 lk U Goose 10 Mockery Wildllorse LIIAdair 20S70 Latonia 1 11G l4Gfast 125 109 4 1 1 3 321 H Goose 9 PEugene S Actress Cmauretta 20743 Douglas 1 310 l5Sfast 4710 100 1 1 1 I1 2ni H Goose 10 Hard Hall P Eilene Goldy 20343 Churchill 1 11G l47fast 20 107 1 4 4 41 5S1 R Goose 10 IGentlcmn Consoler Itequlram 20290 Churchill 1 110 l47fast 11 112 7 4 5 71 9 U Goose 13 PrKugene M Dulweber S Pin PinBy HERMUDA b f 5 105 105211GG By Hermis Bermuda M G Thompson 211GG Latonia 1 110 llCfast SI 307 075 5 47 W Vr Tlor ACK Old ISen Alledo 20901 Latonia 1 11G 150 mud 71 312 355 G 25 D Stirling 10 Fly Feet La Mode HighPrivate 20S39 Latonia 3 31G l45V fast 3710 300 30 H 31 S3 S101F Keogh II Olga Star Acis Irish Gentleman 2003 1 Douglas 3m70y 341fast 415 lit 9 10 10 10205S9 Cii 7 i F ICeogh 10 Hrynlimah Tavolara Korfhage 205S9 Douglas 1 11G 150 hvy 7710 111 4 5 5 5 411 F Keogh fi Tetan Greville Bonanza 20533 Douglas 1 l43mud 20 110 3 4 4 22 2s F Keogh 5 T Grader Grosvenor JIteardon 20102 HdeGce 1 110 147 fast 10 107 3 7 7 G2 423 W McDottll Al Bloch Cogs Paton PatonBV TICK PIN ch m 7 104 BV McGee Scarf Pin B E Chapman 21039 Latonia lm0y l4Cmud 11 102 5 4 4 G 4 H Ott 9 L Panohitn Alledo Allen Cain 2diG7 I itonia 31 l3Ghvy 41 307110 10 10203T9 9 913lr McCabe 1O Freeman Snreget Hatina 203T9 Churchjll lm70yl4Gslow 195 105 4 3 4 G2 593 P Kobinsn S M Dulweber Blktborn GalBoy 20290 Churchill 1 31G 347fast 310 105 411 42 3 ° i E Pool lt P Eugene MDulweber Screnta 20272 Churchill 1 110 149 slow C310 105 543 51 552 M Garnor 10 TLouise InsMan MissThorpe WRYNECK b B 5 106 1062I1G5 By Pentecost Sabot S R Grieves GrievesS 2I1G5 Latonia 1 110 34Cfast 300 307 3 4 4 S 8 ° i C Jones SI Aeis Old lien Alledo 21059 Latonia 1 110 l50V hvy 3S 303 3 3 3 31 3s 1C Lapaille C Big Dipper High Private Aeis 21003 Latonia 1 110 l4Gfast 133 113 432 S S131W J OHn f BankHill Expectation WsLast 20901 Latonia 1 11G 150 mud 101 112 S 4 8 820KG3 S S13 E Grillin 10 Flying Feet La Mode Ilermuda 20KG3 Douglas 31 l12fast fid 100 7 12 12 12 H Ott 15 Casey Jones Edith W Colle 20555 Douglas 34 11G mud 27 107 1 G C1 ColleC1 C1K Pool 30 Chilton King Sureget Itatina ItatinaBy FELLOWMAN b g 5 106 By Oddfellow Ferrol G Henze HenzeS 21125 Latonia 1 3H5 147 fast 22 107 700 70020DS4 S I Stirling 30 IrlshGntleinan Mockery Obolus 20DS4 Latonia ImOy l4Cgood 23 IOS 2 1 1 3s 31 J Hanover 5 Hard Hall II Private HDipper 20915 Latonia 34 l14hvy 34 112 5 5 51S34G 41 3 J Hanover 10 Lady Panchlta H Tea Orange 1S34G Latonia 34 l12fast fid 111 14 14 141S171 14 14 F Teahan 34 Thelteach LLondon Rio Brazos 1S171 Latonia 1 11G l47gool IS 111 1 1 1 52 S19 F Teahan 9 MAnnlC Garneau P Callaway INSURANCE MAN b g 5 106 By Hermis Melton Mowbray C Schirmer 20743 Douglas 1 310 l5Sfast 32 102 333 333205GO 52 G i J McTagrtlO Hard Hull W Wool P Kn ene 205GO Douglas 1 310 204 mud 30 114 fi 4 G G2049S C G20 C Dishmon J Gold Color Marshon Consoler 2049S Douglas 1 11G l49mud 29 109 777 7 733 5 Dishmon 7 Tavolani Loveland Thtrender 20310 Churchill 1 110 146 fast Gl 11010 8 5 51 Gt23C DishmonlO Miss Thorpe Reno L JaneGrev 20272 Churchill 1 11G 119 slow 19 112 8 G 4 41910S 32 23 C DishmonlO TosLonise MThorpe H DinneV 1910S NOrlns Im20y l41ood 21 304 4 G G 11 1 F Murphy l L George WCWest TIFeock TIFeockBv CORDIE F ch m 5 104 Bv The Scribe Elizabeth B P J Miles 21125 Latonia 1 11G 147 fast Ct 305 977 9 7 ° J F Hobinsnll IrishGntlemaii Mockerv Olmlus 21000 Latonia 3 110 l4G jfast 78 105 987 98720S39 52 G11I Stearns 30 White Wool Mockery W Horse 20S39 Latonia 1 110 IMGAfast C9 99 9 G 0 7i 7 iO Hunt 11 Olgn Sir Aeis Irish Gentleman 20713 Douglas 1 310 l5Sfast 27 103 7 7 S S2060S 9 9 4O DishmonlO Hard Hall W Wool P Eugene 2060S Douglas 1 18 153 good 4G5 101 445 Si 33l C Dishmon G Gold Color Flying Feet Goldy