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JAMAICA ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 130 XRuus well in mud Superior mud runner M maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 58079 112 3 92 Ind Horse Wt Rec A ATrue 20133 True as Steel 99 112 4 1 1Plautageuet 211712 PlautageuetOS97 Plautageuet 100 115 t 1 1DtMigro OS97 DtMigro 112 114 114Minstrel 11713 Minstrel 101114 1 1Grapeshot Grapeshot211G9 1100 Grapeshot 112114 1 1llikm 211G9 llikm 100114 S SGilt 211052 Gilt Edge 105 115 1 1Sir 21131 Sir William I Iolmsonll2 114 t 1 1Evolvn Evolvn C M 97 115 1 1Gainsborough Gainsborough 107 111 1 1Second Second Race 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds Maidens Selling Track record 20974 10 7 122 210703 Duke of Dunbar 105 108 97 700 21108 Dollv Madison 100 111 111211CS 100 095 09595G90 211CS Egeria 95G90 1S351 Frosty Face 112110 102 090 21172 Miss McGiggle UK 108 100 090 10Sjl09 Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 58079 112 3 92 20849 Meeting House 125 112 5 120 725 21171 Femnouse 98 114 114209SO 3 100 720 209SO Ulackthorn 99 113 3 102X715 20233 True as Steel 99 112 4 115X715 21125 Andes 10i 113 4 123 710 21043 Talecarrier 104 115 5 117X705 21102 Battery 101 114 114Celery r 110X705 Celery Jack br c by Golden Maxim Virgilis Fourth Race 1 11C Miles MilesOregon Oregon Handicap 3vcarolds and upward Track record 45157 15 157 1 145 45 1 12100S 105 2100S Norse King 103 145 3 112X725 21014 Thornhill 101 145 145IS 4 114X720 IS Razzano 99 147 3 18X720 21012 Lazuli 107 147 5 105 710 19107 Polly II 105 1 140 4i 4 105X710 Fifth Race 1 11G Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Handicap HandicapTrack Track record 45457 145 1 105 115 140 7 100X72 21102 Hermis Jr 102 147 G 107X72 107X720 21192 Pig Dipper 112 147 5 100X72 21102 = OSiillivan 100 147 5 11 5 720 21101 Stoiieheng 95150 4 107X710 21171 Song of Valley 98 147 4 102X710 21102 Battery 110147 11014720SS55 5 107X705 20SS55 Chas Y Grainger 105 140 1402112C S 102X705 2112C Seimlveda 108 145 S 105X705 21105 Col Ashmeade 98145 S 8107X705 8107X705Charley 107X705 Charley McFerranll2 140 5 107XOIO 107XOIOSuperstition Superstition 109145 10 107XC90 107XC90Sixth Sixth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Selling SellingFillies Fillies and Geldings Track ncord 74572 100 2 109 DR GREMER 107 101 103 725 725Galeswinthe Galeswinthe 99 103 a715 a715Golden Golden Gate 107 102 108 710 710Tatiana Tatiana 109 103 108 710 710Miss Miss Philbin 108X710 108X710Belle Belle of the KltcheulOT 103 10S703