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OVERLAND PARK FORM CHART DENVER COLO June 18 1915 Colorado Agricultural Fair and Racing Associa ¬ tions Summer Meeting of 20 days Overland Park Weather clear clearPresiding Presiding Steward P A Brady Presiding Judge A T Dobsou Starter Edward Tribe Racing Secretary W W Finn 21146 First Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse 250 2504ycarolds 4ycarolds and upward Selling Net value valueto to winner 175 second 50 third 25 25Kuulv Kuulv Odl3 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 21138 = Quick IOC J O Gentry ± Gl fl 2102l3Orbest Ill 23 G Molesworth 2MO 2107 M Kennedy 113 3s J Murphy SSO100 21024 Xool 111 4 = R Fisher 3S30100 21080 Cainia 10J 5 = J T McTaggart 17CO100 21079 A Slupskey 111 C t c Gross 140100 2107 Alice Teresa 109 75 II Stuart 3S30100 19059 Believe Me 111 S I Matts 1S10100 1S101001G747 1G747 Otto Kahn 111 0 ° W Leeds 47SJMCO 47SJMCO2107U 2107U Deerfoot 109 10 J Washer 510100 510100Time Time 23 48 100 Track fast 2 mutnels paid Quick 790 straight 350 place 280 show Orbest 120 place 280 show Mark Kennedy 340 show showWinner Winner L D Gentrys b g 5 bv Conjuror Fanny Wilson trained by C Howell HowellStart Start good Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing 21147 Second Race 34 Mile Pursi yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 25Equiv Equiv Odrtu OdrtuInd Ind Horse Vft Fin Jockey Straight 21077 St Avano 109 1 R Feeney CCO100 21085 Say 109 2n S Smith 130100 21084 Mary Emily 109 3 = J Donovan 393100 1907G3Clioctaw 111 4J C Basquil 970100 21023 Oblivion IOC 5 H Clark 1700100 19712 Superl 107 f3 T Nolan 1100100 21134 Sonoma 109 7 = 1 C Riddle 4200100 21025 C W Knon 111 Ss J Ryan G6CO100 21085 Cool 111 9 R Fisher 4010100 Time 23 48 113 Track fast 2 mntuels paid St Avano 1320 straight 100 place 290 show Say 320 place 1170 show Mary Emily 300 show showWinner Winner It R Greens ch m 5 by St Avonicus Orsova trained by R It Green GreenStart Start good Won driving second and third same 21148 Third Race 5S Mile Purse 250 3year olds and upward Selling Net value to win ¬ ner 175 second 50 third 25 25E E pilv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 19003 Bag 10 103 li T Nolan 3315100 19 C3Chty WariUOO 2 = 5 K Smith 2G5100 21078 = Cooster 111 33 J Washer 3CO100 3CO10021081Nifty 21081Nifty 111 1J H Pauley 270100 2701002JOI 2JOI Make Good 95 5 O Gentry 241 100 21084 Ixi Oazailora10 fil R Denny 173Tr 100 15353 Definite 100 7l T Dealy 741HOO 21025 Miss Folly 109 S3 K Hawkins cro100 21070 Mar OBrien 101 9J W Ormes UHMOO 17017 Bil McQualillOS 10 S Smith 12050100 12050100Time Time 23 47 100 Track fast 2 mntuels paid Rag S0830 sti place 90 show Charity Ward 480 place 300 show ooter 390 show showWinner Winner Davies SieniHiis b f 3 by Sem pronious Boema trained by M Garrity Start good Won driving second and third same Overweights Rag 3 pounds Marie OBrien 4 Billy McQiiald 3 21149 Fourth Race 34 Milo Purse 250 3 yearolds Selling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 25Riulv Riulv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 21137 Stolon Ante llli 1 = R Feenoy 3SCMOO 21070 Planetary 107 2J T Nolan 2SO100 2SO1002I07C 2I07C Viva 107 3 O Molesworth S93100 21137 Ida Pinack 107 4k C Riddle 985100 2101 John Spolm 101 5 = W Brazel 5hVloO 2101J Ida 107 r ° It Clark 1GOG 100 17820 Lacl 111 7 U Fisher 1910100 1910100Time Time 23 47 = 113 Track fast 2 inntiieU paid Stolen Ante 900 straight S3SO place 300 show Planetary 310 place 310 show Viva 400 show showWinner Winner A G Dnnlaps br c by Dorante Stolen Moments trained by T Hatfield HatfieldStart Start good Won driving second and third samp 21150 Fifth Race I Mile Purse 50 4 yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 25Eimlv Eimlv Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 21130 Amity 110 I1 R lines 21085 Wap 21085 Isabelle Vallelfr 31 K Smith 3201o j 21074 = Mollia Cad 109 4 1 Russell 3nl 2 1 074s Den StaffordlU 5 AV Leeds SOlOtf 21077 Sleppland 111 f AV Ormes 1400100 21085 Arbutus 109 7l J Donovan 3120100 21134 Joe Frank 111 S S MeGraw C250100 21133 Tallow Dip 111 U5 C Basuull 3100103 21133 Gl O Dawn 107 10 J Longo G300100 G300100Time Time 24 49 115 141 Track fast 2 mutiiels paid Amity S900 straight S5 SO place 400 show AVap 830 jilace 530 shoW IsalxIIe Valle 320 show showWinner Winner 1 T McNamaras ph m 5 bv Voorhees Handsome Florry aralned by A Donathan DonathanStart Start good Won driving second and third same 21151 Sixth Race 31 Mile Purse 250 1 vcarolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 173 second 50 third 25 25Ktiir Ktiir Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 21080 1080 Frazle 109 1 11 Carter 2955100 21081 Lt Knight 111 2s J Donovan 1315100 2 1084 Orba Smile 109 Sot F Stevens 1400100 1400100art art 590100 590100210813Buttcr 210813Buttcr Ball 111 5 = 1 J AVasher S3100 1 OG Transparent 111 Gs C Thomas 1410100 21080 Rooster 111 7 G Molesworth 1220100 1 1180 MissTcmpo 109 S3 J Frach 2S30100 1185 Lady Mint 109 twk C Basqull C300100 211315 Rus McGill 106 10 O Gentry 2950100 2950100Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Frazzle 0111 straight 1170 1170ice ice SOU show Light Knight 1000 place 110 show Orba Smjlc i70 show showCvVinncr CvVinncr F Fergusons blk in i by Plaudit Pleasant Girl trained by 1C Miller MillerStart Start good Won driving second and third same 21152 Sevcittli Hmc S Mile Purse 250 1 ycarolds uid upward belling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 25Bquiv Bquiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight211X8 211X8 Miss Edith 107 lt C Basquil 420100 420100210783Grs 210783Grs Fuvoritelll 2n 11 Brooks 423100 21025 Cal Cunt 100 3 G AVarren 120100 17150 Caronilolct 109 4 K Hawkins 2210100 21078 Kid Neltron 109 G F Stevens 2100100 21155 Chil Trance 110 O1 D Bauer 6930100 10405 Calcium 112 7 G AV Carroll 2030100 21081 Lcsear 109 S8 J Frach 3400100 3400100J7 J7 aG3F G Hogpen 109 1 E Denny 4280100 17821 Midsummer 107 AVhcelctlMSpidle 1490100 Time 23 4714 100 Track fast 2 inntueh paid Miss Edith 1010 straight 540 placo S300 show Grays Favorite 420 plarc 2SO show Cal Curn 280 show showWinner Winner White Wilsons b in 5 by Bowling Brook Servilia trained by J B Gray GrayStart Start good Won driving second and third same