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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF There is said to be a possibility of the New Zealand government subsidizing forty stallions next season This with a view to breeding remounts remountsA A Christchureh writer says that in winning the Hawkes Hay Cup in 232ff Chortle made a mile anil a balf race record for New Xeland but the New Zealand Turf Hegister credits Kilrain with tliiit time in last vears Wellington Cup However Chortles was the better performance as he carried 121 pounds as against Kilrains 115 Taking times recorded as a guide New Zealand would appear to have quite a number of lirslclass horses at present but I am afraid it is not always advisable to place too much reliance on the watch when attempting to class race horses Pilot in Sydney Keferce KeferceH H A Houser and F N Thayer Americans who live in Mexico Harry J Mooro of San Antonio Tex and Charles K Jackson a San Diego news liaper man made up lie party that arrived at San lraiilKCo a few days ago with the latest plan for promoting a rare track at Tia Juaiia near San Diego They said that others interested in the track will arrive in San Fnmcisco shortly including Antone Klosiia of Mexico City brotherinlaw of the late President Madero Jose Cantu brother of the goteruor of Lower California in whoso district Tia Juana is situated V Tobias F L White and I C Tucker all of Dallas