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FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds Selling 09ir5 1J2 S 0 6 COMMAURETTA blk f 3 98 By Tho Commoner Annie Lauretta W J Weber 210 5 I itonia 1 11G 14S good 225 100 5 5 52103S 1i 1 M Gamer ti Mirtinos Fidget Alledo 2103S Latonia 1 3 1C 203 mud 32 93 311 311209CS 21 21 M Garner 5 Any Port Oholns Consoler 209CS Iitonia Im70y 149 hvy 12J S7J S G 3 320S70 f 5 Ci I Hunt S FatherlMley Mallard Disillnston 20S70 Latonia 1 115 1 4Giffiist 1C 94 955 4 41 C Hunt Pcc Kiigene SActress WWool 20744 Douglas 1 11G IMiifast S SCi S 5 5 52C605 Gnt G C Hunt S Mallard Acis Tavolara 2C605 Douglas 1 11G 147 good 12 92 S 7 7 7205S3 2 = I2 C Hunt Mallard Iovelallcl LndyJGrey 205S3 Douglas 1 11C l52iihvy 425 SS S 7 7 7DISILLUSION 4 3 G Hunt 8 HDipper HkHill TKavanaiigh TKavanaiighBy DISILLUSION b f 3 88 88anCS By Chilton Night Gown W Woodard anCS Iatonia IniTOy 149 hvy 35 91 3 3 4 3J 3 1C Lapaille 8 Father Hiley Mallard B Dipper 3740 Douglas 1 11G l47fast 4 95 4 3 2 21 Il M Garner S KrlsKriiigle Dundreary MPeurl 20431 Douglas 34 l17hvy 29 107 9 S S 8l II Alex 10 Amazon Mallard Alledo 20323 Churchill 1 l39ffast 124 103 S 4 4 41S321 C C 3 H Alex Ladyltotba One Step Sea Shell 1S321 Pimlico 7S 127 fast 141 104 3 G C 7 71iH Alex 7 Pnlliix Embroidery ItazKano 1S299 Plmllco CJ t 1OS fast 35 107 4k c = i II Alex 11 Stalwart Helen Kagle Gaelic GaelicBy MARTINOS br gr 3 105 105ll By Masetto Ocanya J C Cahn ll i Latonia 1 11G l4Cfast 5 102 4 3 2 4b 5 K Martin i Acs Old Hen Alledo 2Kia I Uonla 1 11C 14S good 11G 107 443 4432i947 2 2 H Goose 5 Commanretta Fidget Allodo 2i947 I itonia Im70y l45slov 2910 107 4 3 3 320S3S 3 U Goose 4 FUetabelle MCassidy Badinage 20S3S Uitonia Hn7uy l4lfast 14 J 10S 1 1 1 I5 I2 H Goose 7 Day Day HroomFlower HKdith 204 Douglas IniTOy 149 mud 22 104 4 G 5 5202X0 G1 51T K Pool 7 St Cliarlcote Manioc Type 202X0 Churchill 1 11G l4Gl fast fid 105 13 13 13 13 13 JI3 Pool Stal Helen Christie M Morn 20255 Churchill 34 l13ifast 20 110 9 S S1S3G5 12 12 12s = s J McCabe 12 Billy Joe Izzetbey Mcx 1S3G5 Latonia 5J f 107 fast fid 111 9 12 12MISS 11 111SJJ Hanoverl2 Nobleman Chitra Dundreary DundrearyBy MISS FIELDER ch f 3 102 10220S71 By Prince of Melbourne Dainty F D Weir WeirG1 20S71 Latonia 31 l12tffast 71 103J 5 5 UnHryn3U G1 4ci 1 Stirling 5 P and Stars Converse UnHryn 20713 Douglas 34 l12fast Gt 105 G G G1XK5 3U 22 I Stirling 7 H Stars Converse MGoosby 1XK5 Douglas 34 l12fast C4 99 7 G G1SKJS9 9 9t4 15 Marco Liberator MnrsCssidy Converse 1SKJS9 Lexgton 1 l3Sfast fid 117 12 12 12 122ft77 11 J llciJ Loftus 12 Wblossom Emhdery One Step 2ft77 I exgton lm0yl43fast 194 97 9 10 10 10DUNDREARY 10 10 B Marco 10 Royal II Sharpshooter Comada DUNDREARY b c 3 105 1052I1GG Stickney7l By Sempronius Ameeras Williams Stickney 2I1GG Latonia 1 1I l4Gfast 42 104 G S fi 7l G L Gentry Acis Old iRcn Alledo 210ifi Latonia 1 115 1 MS good 13 102 124 5 r 4 1 Ott 1 Commniiretla Martinos Fidsot Fidsot5J 20740 Douglas 1 11G l47fast 4J 100 1 5 G 5J 32 H Ott S Disillusion 1C Kringle M Pearl Churchill 34 1 13fast 7i 103 4 fi 1 S17 15 Ott 12 Hilly Joe Izzetbey Mex Latonia 51 f 1 07 fast 3GG 102 2 3 3jouo3 4 = 3 i 11 Ott 12 Nobleman Chitra Tetan TetanG jouo3 Latonia 31 l13fast 415 112 2 2 2McADOO G GJ II Small 14 Cardigan Dortch Resign ResignBy McADOO br g 3 IOC By Electioneer Natasha R L Baiter 210i3 Latonia 34 114 good Ci 10S G G GISVCG G1 4 i W W TlorlO H Goose W Witch Imperator ISVCG Latonia 34 l12fast 24 105 7 7 GJ 5 A Mott 7 Aunt Josie Orinnlii Dortih 3 Latonia 34 l13 ifasL 10 110 13 12 121S1GO 11 12 D ConnellyU Cardigan Dortch Resign ResignI3 1S1GO l itonia 1 l40fast 215 IOSJ 121 1211S07S I3 21 D Connelly 1 Leo Hay Sandstone Tory Maid 1S07S Latonia 31 113 fast Ifi 110 2 G 3 23 I Connelly it Hooker Bill Dortch LlttleStling 179C5 Churchl 31 llGmud 17 109 9 G GSYRIAN 45 1J I Connelly FoxyGrill Nobleman Talebearer TalebearerBy SYRIAN b c 3 103 10321HW By Electioneer Chicklets G W J Bissein 21HW Lalonia InuOy l45 = fast 395 lOiil G 3 2 1 S I 13 Grillin V Prospect H Comber SirWillinm 20703 Douglas 31 114 good 35 100 9 10 10 1019 D Connelly 11 Amazon Maznik Blackthorn MKX Churchill 34 l12fast 22 110 9 7 10 102 D ConnIlylO Chartier Deposit The Norman 0122 I xgton 34 113 fast CJ 110 51 CiD Connelly The Norman Sosius Undaunted 1S310 Latonia G f l07 fast 12 112 11 KesignG D Cnnnellyl Dundreary Foxy GrilT Kesign 1S169 Latonia 5i lOSfast 1G 112 3 G 3 = D Connellyl2 Royal II Hoes Hoo M ex exBy FREEMAN b c 3 108 By Sir Hnon Merry Heart G J Long 21123 Latonia Im70y l41fast 53 KB 7 S S i Ott 8 MissThorpe GdePost SAelress 21002 Lalonia 31 ll2Vfast CS 113 7 9 81 S A Pease 10 Hnclelryn MCassidy Converse 2C967 Latonia 31 llChvy 7110 US G 2J 1 M Garner 30 Snreget Hatina Dr Doinrherly 20S95 Latonia 31 lir mud 1910 10G 7 4 23 32 IS Ott is Talebearer Griiiupr Wterproof 2073S Douglas 1 139 fast 45 Iffi S 1 1 3 3u H Olt 12 Greville H Comber Fleuron II 20350 Churchill 1 l42mud 345 110 4 2 2 31 41BiA Ieaso 10 Fleetalielle H Interest Greville