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FOURTH RACE 1 11G Miles Oregon Handicap 3ycarcld NOR6E KING b c 3 112 112210SX By Fair Play Nineveh F B Lemaire 210SX Jamaica 34 113 fast 3 130 13020fi01 5 5i U Troxler 7 TothMnlng Ilanovia Figinny 20fi01 Jan aica 1 11G 147 fast 1S3 102 102207o I1 I1 L Allen r Double Kagle Topllat Pandean 207o I5el uont 1 115 l41fast 32 105 2 2 = 1 J McCaliey 2 Short Grass 20591 JJol nont 1 11G l1 ifast 12 97 1s 1 P Lowder Top Hat Addio M Hodge 20222 Pin lico 1 18 158 mud 135 11G G 53 T Kico i KhiucMaidei Half Rock Itunca 20227 Cht rchill 1 11 203fast 40 117 15 152riW J OBnl5 Regret Iehbles Sharpshooter SharpshooterBy TIIORN1ULL ch c 4 114 By Hastings White Thorn D J Leary 2101 1 Jamaica 34 l13good 113 123 5s 510li Dugan i Spring Board StarGlft llShaw 20620 Belmont 1 140 fast 710 111 Il I2 E Dugan 3 G M Miller Republican 20139 IJclmont 61 r 121 mud 45 112 11218IG9 I1 1J1 3 Dugan Psiimption Astrology Sarhead 18IG9 HdeGce 1 1S 152 fast 6 107 1071S45C 5 oi J Butwell r U Bradley Pardncr GMMiller 1S45C HdeGce Im70ylllfast 115 113 1131S433 2 h J Butwell 8 Pardner Little Nearer Polly II 1S433 IIdeGce lm70ylW good 31 113 113IS120 H 31 U Shilling Amalfi Lit Nearer Hnr Shaw IS120 IIdeGce 34 115 hvy 45 111 4 2J U Shilling 0 Crossbnn Undaunted Prilrio PrilrioBy RAZZANO llk c 3 93 By Perjuicio Maid of the Mist II L Pratt 21 12S Jamaica 1 1lfi l17 = ffast 3 100 4 4i J MeCahey 1 Klines Flying Fairy Top Hat 0975 Jamaica 1 11B llGfast 15 9S 9S2i93G G1 5i J MeCahey 7 The Finn Sharpshooter Klines 2i93G Jamaica 1 11G l17Vsfast 15 99 42 32 J McTagrt 7 Slmnbcrll DubleKagle Tonllat 20801 PipRk Ab34 l13 fast 1 109 Gl 4 J McCahey 7 Kliine Maiden Figinny Holiday 20337 Uelmont 7S 120 fast S 93 2 = 31 J McCalioy 7 Pebbles KUDOS Distance 20107 Uelmont 7S l2Smud 7 97 972021G 2 21 J McCuhey Flying Fairy Gloaming 2021G Pimlico 1 l41fust 43 110 510 43i W Ural 7 Runes Celto Volant LAZULI ch m 5 By Knight of the Thistle The lady in Blue J JF F Adams Adamslii 21012 Jamaica 1 1S l51fast G 109 lii in o Fbtlier fi Amalli OSulIivau Guy Fisher 2097G Jamaica 1 11G IMG faat 15 107 107Im70y yis o Fbther 4 Koly CHIT Field Otto Floto 20309 Pimlico Im70y l4Gfast 13 115 5i 53 T Rice S I ichiel Corsican CHIT Field Field2h 0214 Pimlico 1 11G 149 fast 9720 10S 10SlmGOyl17hvy 2h 2l C Fbther 3 Cliff Field Wooden Shoes 20193 Pimlico lmGOyl17hvy 5710 105 105lm70yllG 22 lh C Turner 5 Progressive Amalfi Glint 201W Pimlico lm70yllG fast9720 112 112f 22 1i P Goldstnl2 LitEugland Abbotstd Balfron POLLY H b f 4 105 By Heno Polly W Cahill CahillG2 19167 NOrl ns 1 11G l43fast 13 US USIm70y G2 Gl iJ Smyth S Indolence Robert Kay Old Bca 19125 NOrl us Im70y l45slow 12 100 u1 G51 J Smyth J Rob Kay I Grander Verena 190S7 NOrl ns 1 11G 119 slop 41 101 5 5tu E Smith 0 Verena Kob Kay Mary Ann K 1SS33 NOrl ns 1 111 good 5 IOC C1 4s J Smyth 0 Just Red Rob Kay LMarshall 1 913 NOrl ns 1 l39ifast 3 105 G 5iJ Smyth 0 Indolence C Bufonl Rob Kay