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FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 3ycarolds Allowances 00175 111 0 113 rSCIIJiMER b g 3 112 By McGco Intrigue N Macfarlane 2 K SS Conght ll43slow G fC f 3 3 = 1 Acton K Ilamhurg HofOak FounFay 20911 Phiilion 1 l42slow 17 95 3 21 3Ji U McDott Bushy Head Carbide Sliyncss 054S AVdblne 31 l13fast fid 109 8 C 3 F Jackson 13 Maxim Belle SirLJw JelTcrson 20078 Lexgton lm7flyl4G fast 23 10S G GTARTAREAN 41 4 E Pool S Tvpe First Fiddle Kneelet KneeletBy TARTAREAN b c 3 108 108205S1 By Stanhope II Tarloton C Millar 205S1 Wdbine 1 l42fast 5120 107 S S2045C G 33 11 Watts Jl Ainphlon FMontaguo ISance 2045C Wdbine 1 1S lrG fast 1120 129 1 12039G 35 21 II Watts FairJIontagne Linsin PepSmee 2039G Wdbine 1 14 209good 195 10S 4 4174S5 01 lk n Watts 1U F Montague PSance I Ciirzun 174S5 Wdbine 34 l14fast 21 105 G 7J 31 K Acton 1L Amans Tie Pin AVodan 17417 Wdbine r f lOShvy 18 103 G 4i 4J U Acton 10 Lady Cnrzon II Dame TornSllk 17324 Wdbine 5S l01last 235 10S 1 11G292 5 32 L Meripolu 8 Hero Hampton Dame Gartley 1G292 Windsor 58 l02good 100 105 9 9ANXIETY 71 7lnXJ AAillianisH Dengro Jerlhelma Jeff Hohert HohertBy ANXIETY ch c 3 115 By Electioneer Little Em A Turney 210SS Conglit 1 143 fast 4 101 3J 4 ° i J Callahan 4 Becoil CVllo Ida Claire 1 961 BlueBon 1 l42mud 10 tf 3 33 U McDott fl Water Lady Siiuefler Harlmnl 20SGG BlueBon 1 l40 fa t 75 102 I1 31 J Callalmn S Ida Claire Fly Home Sunset 204S5 Wdbine 34 l14islow fid 102 1s I10 V Coleniaull Aprisa Kuffo Slumherer 20295 Pimlico 34 ll5fast 2S5 112 23 2s T Bice rtitliMorng Primary Gammn 18140 ILdeGce 51 f lOSgoid 10 105 S 35 4 A SchusrlS NiuSimplex Carlone Cl Haven HavenBy CLYNTA ch f 3 110 1101C250 By The Scribe Mary Greenwood Gallaher Bros 1C250 Fort Erie S1 f 111 hvy G 110 S S1C057 G15 7 ° iW Andress S Aunt Josie Dengro Kazan 1C057 FortlSrie 5S 1 ol fast 7 10SJ 9 915S27 52 ii v Andressll Gold P Piy iy Car Orme FCroekot 15S27 Hamlon 5S 102 fast 20 105 3 31MUS 7 = 7i AV Obert 1 Polly Flinders Resign Palermo 1MUS Wliulsor fS l01Jfast 7 110 2 2ICCCO 71 S11 AV Audressll Jack Carey Scrutineer Resign ICCCO Windsor 5S l03slow 5 ftS 4 415IG 2h 4SJ AV Andress S AimecLeslie McAdoo JackCarey 15IG FortKrie m l07ffast fiO IOS 1 Cl G17 AAr Andress J Tokay Sam McMeekin Eagle 14359 Wdbine 4J f 51fast 24 109 8 S 8 = ° AVr Andress S Crystal Kthan Allen Ormuhi OrmuhiBy MAXIM BELLE br f 3 109 By Gold Maxim Belle of Oakley Thorncliffe Stb 20821 BlueBon FJ f l07fast fid 104 H H2051S 71 10 = JA Claver 11 An Del Kewessa Squeeler 2051S Wdbine ll3fast 28 10 2 2204S5 IS 1 A Claver 1 Sir L Joe Scliemer Jefferson 204S5 Wdbine 34 lllslow S 100 S 8l 918 A Claver It Anxiety Aprisa Buffo BuffoBy WODAN b g 3 112 112210S7 By Dr Leggo Coma P Sheridan 210S7 Conght 34 l14fast 1 99 7 4 43J 13 Haves 0 Black Pine Subject Aprisa 20890 BlueBon 7S 130 slow 275 105 2 G 2t J Metcalf 111 Paid Gaims KulTo Aprisa 20745 Dorval 34 l15fast 1 I04J 9 92054S 1s 2i J Metcalf 15 Slumberer Paul Gaines BDeep 2054S Wdbine 31 l13fast C IOC 9 91S310 71 52 J Melenlf i Maxim Belle SirLJoe Schemer 1S310 Latonia 5J f l Vfefast 29 112 4 3J 4 2 J Metcalf K Dundreary Foxy Griff Kesign KesignBy SIR L JOE b g 3 112 11220S90 By Campus Josie Ledi G W Scott 20S90 BlueBon 78130 Slow 4 105 1 11V4S I1 97i U Shilling 12 Paul Gaines AVodan Ilnffo 1V4S Wdbine 34 l13fast 13i 105 1 1204S5 21 2 U Shilling K Maxim Belle Scliemer Jefferson 204S5 AVdbine 34 l14slov fid 102 5 G1 715 It Shilling 11 Anxiety Aprisa UutTo UutTo13l 1793 Iiurel 5i f l07ifast fid 107 14 1414S77 13l 1319 U Shilling 15 MayQueuii Meelicka UneleBryn 14S77 Oonght 5S l02fast 30 114 G G144t5 4i BJU Sliilliug 12 Carbide King Hamburg Kazan 144t5 Wdbine 4J f 55 fast 5S 112 3 G 7 U Shilling 7 Kthan Allen Stir Up Starcress 14359 Wdbine 4i f 54fast 73 112 C GJ G5ilt Shilling S Crystal Kthan Allen Onnnlii OnnnliiBy CUPIDS DART ch c 3 110 By Aeronaut Corker Mrs L A Livingston 14510 BlueBon 5S 102 good GO 105 7 7 712 A Clement 7 IdaClaire Kedland Kthan Allan AllanBy DOCTOR D b g 3 107 1072IOOS By Galveston Veraa Rice H Dots 2IOOS Conght 31 117 slow 30 101 S S207GTi C1 G J G VaiiDun S Gold Cap York Lad Kichwood 207GTi Dorval 34 l14fast GO 111 S S20C8f G C14JC AHiiDun S A N Akin in Dl Beilection 20C8f Dorval 5J f lOS ffast 23 104 4 41 7el U AanDun Faker L Spdthrift Iiidiffereut 20199 Lcxgton 34 lUSJEfast fid 102 S 11 112I1C Aan Dni Blackthorn Royal Ton KdithW KdithWBy HAROLD ch c 3 110 11020S70 By Sir Htion Himcra G J Long 20S70 Latonia 1 11C l16 ffast 31 102 G AVAVoolG5 0 9 B Oil Pce Kugene SActress AVAVool 20557 Douglas 34 UlGyfmud 47 10 1 11S343 G5 G9J B Ott 7 Mex Carrie Orme Amazon 1S343 Latonia 31 l12fast 2rt 107 5 51S310 5 G IF llurpliy 5 AVliIOKsom One Step I loos Hoo 1S310 Latonia 5J f lu7fast 1S3 111 7 71C551 7 772 J Lottus I Dundreary Foxy Grllf Kesign 1C551 Saratoga 34 115 good 4 112 3 31G47C 32 47j w AV Tlor P4lillix Peg Borgo 1G47C Saratoga 5J f l09mud 15 109 G S S16 AV AV Tlor 8 Andrew M Alhena SMcMetkin SMcMetkinBv WHITE CROWN b g 3 112 Bv Peep oDay Dividend J Livingston 20527 Douglas 34 l15mud 3310 102 1 11 119JI McTagrtll Boyal Metinn Greville Manners 052 Chiir hill 34 113fast 1720 107 1 1lS3G5Latoiia 22 2 ° A Neylon 1 SkiiesKnob Planners AirIield lS3G5Latoiia 5ifl07 fast 21 103 7 71S92 71 7 L Hartwpllll Nobleman Chitra Dundreary 1S92 I ato lia 1 l41fast 4110 10G 2 21S44 3 3 = 1 A Neylon Cannonade Gold Girl M I 1S44 Lato lia 34 l13fast 9i 107 G G1S12S 42 3 A Neylon 12 Cannonade Nobleman AV Witch 1S12S Lato lia G f 107 fast 27 101 2 21 22 J Metonlf 12 ardigan Chesterton Hoos IIoo 17990 Churchl 5i f lOShvy 37 103 11 11MISS 9 ii Martin 12 Billy Joe B Brolhir Chesterton ChestertonBy MISS CLARA ch f 3 105 By Stalwart Navarres Hope L Weiss vij 10 BlueBon 31 llGslow fid 99J12 99J12OStO 7 9 J Dodd 1 York Lad Gold Cap Ada Anne OStO BliifUon 7S 130 slow fid 10 12 10 S A Collins 12 Paul Gainos Wodan Kuffi 0745 Dorval 31 115fast 20 101 5 2 C3K Haynes 15 Slnmberer AVodan Paul Games OGI3 Dorval 5i f lOSfast 25 102 S 7 G7 1 Connors 11 Broomseilgo ITn Dick Ford Mai 73 T xgton 4 l14fast fid 102 7 71X51 81 7ln1J McTagtlli Izzelbey Pleasville B Spiller 1X51 irdeGce 5 f lOSfast 1C 109 9 Cl Slu 11 Kslep 11 Kstimahle MissFrances iiiielda