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READY FOR THE BUGLE AT HAMILTON The Finn and Royal II to Measure Strides in the Hamilton Derby A Fine Program Hamilton Out June 21 The spring meeting of the Hamilton Jockey Club begins tomorrow with one of the best programs ever offered by this club The card is nrido up o the usual seven races with the Hainill n Derby and the Salisbury Handicap as the main attractions A race over the grass course is also provided The Derby has an added value of 4 0J and will have a Held of live with The Finn Koyal II and Commonada among the number The Salisbury Handicap is a sprint at threequarters and some of the fastest Imrses in training are among these that have accepted Jef ¬ ferson Livingstons Iron Mask will meet the Texas speed marvel Pan Xareta at a difference of two pounds in favor of the latter This race will divide interest with the running of the Derby DerbyThe The track conditions are perfect for the opening and the whole plant has been overhauled and re ¬ painted since last fall Close to 500 horses are on the grounds and included in the number are all of the best stables that have been racing in Canada besides several important additions from New York and Kcntuck3 Kcntuck3The The two big special trains that left Ottawa last night were delayed live hours in arriving duo to wimo of the cars jumping the track close to Ham ¬ ilton Fortunately horses and stable hands escaped injury injuryAllie Allie Loudon will be missed during the meeting Mr London was stricken with an attack of appendi ¬ citis yesterday and was hurled to one of the local lurspitals and operated on at six oclock last night Lute reports were that he was resting well wellJockey Jockey Charles Peak arrived from Hot Springs where he has been recii crating sinew the close of the Havana meeting Peak will get himself into condition to ride at Fort Krle where he will nut in an application for a license with the Canadian Racing Associations AssociationsThe The stables of K H Klkins F Johnson and F Staton arrived from Kentucky this morning Jockey Loftus is expected to arive tomorrow He will have the mount on Itoyal H in the Derby