Sixth Race [6th Hamilton, Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-25

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SIXTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3ycarolds and upward Selling CASH ON DELIVERY blk g 6 112 112208SO By Santello El Sonora J Livingston 208SO Latonia 34 114 slow 2110 112 2 2OS97 4 4 4 C Gnnz 7 Blackthorn C Orme LPanchitn OS97 Latonia 31 l14 mud 5320 110 2 220S13 5 4 3J 2i A Neylon S Dungro L Panciiita Wild Bear 20S13 Latonia 31 l13fast G910 107 G G 7 C C9 AV Meehan 8 Mex Carrie Orme Casey Jones 20433 Douglas 31 l13hvy 125 111 2 2202C5 2 3 35 3si A Neyion 8 Dr Carmen Billy Joe BigDippor 202C5 Churchill 34 l15mud 71 110 G 653 21 AV Meehanl4 Amazon CarOrine Pleasiirevillo 20313 Churchill 31 114 fast 4920 112 3 3 3 i 1 A Nevlon 11 OHagan Itoyal Tea Colle 20284 Churchill 31113 fast 4110 107 2 2 4 41 32 F R6bsonl2 Deposit Acis OHagan 20137 Churchill 34 l13fast 13 IOC 1 1BROOMSEDGE 2 2 2i 2i F Bgbson 8 Lady Moonet Acis Baonl BaonlBy BROOMSEDGE b g 4 111 11120SG3 By Broomstick Sister Mary L Desforges 20SG3 BlueBon 34 l11fast 5110 10G 4 420G43 5 4 U I1 O VanDuni Tho Spirit King AVorth Aidet 20G43 Dorval 5iflOSfast C5 111 7 5 5 4 1J C VniiDunll Tncle Dick Ford Alai Sof Hocks 20133 Lexgton 34 Il2fast 23G 107 G C G El 52 C Van Dnll CarOrine Thtreader Nobleman 19332 NOrlns 34 l13Vifast C 107 8 G G 1s I2 C AanDun S Jes Louise Cannock L London 19236 NOrlns EJ f 107 fast 75 105 5 4 3 3h Il C VanDnnin Cloak Belle Bird Hearthstone 19154 NOrlns 51 f 100 fast S 109 G 5 4 2 21 C VanDunll OHagan Lady London Prlwer 19019 NQrlns oi f l07good 710 107 I I7ILEY 3 4 41 5 C VajiDun 8 jSunno Iteiiuiram Jezail JezailBy 7ILEY br g 6 107 By Marta Santa Maid of Fortune MrsJPhillins 21090 Conght 51 f 109 fast 2 10G 2 1 1 1s I2 F Coleman I Gordon lniiieta Uncle Dick 20913 BlueBon 55 f lOSslow 185 103 2 220SG2 112 54J J Connors 7 Sir BInlse The Spirit Deposit 20SG2 BlueBon 34 l14fast 7710 105 1 1207G4 1 1 I3 2U J Connors 11 TheBusybody CBroom Galaxy 207G4 Dorval 5i f l07fast 35 109 1 1 1 I1 22 J Connors S Hearthstone Miss Jean Single 20720 Dorval Cl f l07fast 35 109 1 1 l I2 2 F Cooper S Bird Man Hearthstone Dryud 20045 HdeGce 5J f l fast 25 107 1 1 1 I1 I1 AV Liliey G Scorpii Inlan Snniio 20006 HdeGce 58 l00fast 4 100 1 1 1 1 2 AV Liliey 7 Acton Briar Path Dinah Do DoBy PAY STREAK br g 7 By Kenllworth Mitten R 0 Egan 20923 BlueBon 31 illi fast 91 105 9 9 Bled L Ilartwelti Briar Jalh Dicks Pet Sleuth 2045S AVdbine 31 l14fast fid lia 1 2 1 I1 2l J Metcalf 14 Patience Bunvood Tho Kniup 2031 = 5 Pimlico 31 l144good 31 Iff f 577 71C1A Sehngr 7 MurjorieA Pmlywine Cannock 20215 Pimlico 34 111 fast 273 112 2 2i 3 2 I1 I1 A Schutgr Silver Moon Dakota Ixihengrin 13129 HdetJco i 115 sio 10 o7 L ft at the post J Metcalf Aodelilg MartinCasca Y Lad Ladt 19780 Juarez 5S l00fast 75 110 7 75S t li G1 GT J Murphy S Tower Hoc Allen Ro f Ring 19719 Juarez 5S 59fast 75 312 9 4 4 G1 8 J Murphy 10 BirdMnn DocAllen LIIeywood I951S Juarez 31 114 mud 2J IOS 3 4 4 53 tlsJA Mott 7 JndgeChPens HiirdBall BLyncn 19 171 Juarez 1 l39fast C5 105 3 II 1 I1 I2 J Metcalf 8 Art Kick Choctaw Penalty PenaltyBy MISS GAYLE b f 4 By Tho Commoner Alpaca E W Moore 208G3 BlueBon 31 l15imud 5C 102 10 10 8 7l 5s A Collins 10 Bniuilywiiip Dicks Pet AlCourt 207C9 Dorval f f lOSVfcfast 75 100 4 3 4 7 f2 L McAtee 11 Mnrtre Bine Jay Ortyx 20GI5 Dorval 1 1 22 G5 F Colemnn 12 Sleuth Inipiieta Laura 20424 AVdbine 34 IMSVifast 19 105 1 5 C 11 14 3V Obert 11 Brandywiiie Kgmont Ida Claire 17535 Douglas 34 113 fast 31 104 11 10 It II1 11 K Denny 12 Droll Coy Louise Paul 17212 Lexgton 31 l13fast 85 103 5 G PaulG 5 42 4 ° 1 13 Denny U Casuarina GIpLove AVellKnown COLORS b f 4 104 By Yankee Mamie Worth Mrs J D Misick 1010 Conght Cl f 109 good 3 102 3 32071S 4 3 32 lh T Pargton 8 L London Kosemary Beilection 2071S Dorval 51 f 108 last 710 100 G 4 2 21 11 L McAtee 10 Inlan Mrs Me Blue Jay 20520 AVdbine 34 l13fast 10 102 4 3 3 3l 6 II Hanmerl4 Yorkville L London York Lad 2010G HdeGce 51 f 108 good 41 1011 2 1 1 lh G23 S AAnholml2 Col Cook Yorkville York Lad 200S1 HdeGce 51 f 107 fast 20 103 2 2 2 22 2 K McDottlO Ada Anne Sleuth Ortyx 20039 HdeGce 51 f l07fast 15 110 5 3 7 S 103 J Connors 14 New Haven SilMoon Yorkville 20003 HdeGce 5S l00fast 40 103 G G 7 J 7 J Connors 7 Acton Viley Briar Path PathBy YORK LAD br b 6 115 By Yorkshire Lad Addie A Newell 21090 Conght 5 f 109 fast 3 109 3 5 S S2 7 L Hartwell 9 Ailoy Gordon Inipiieta 21008 Conght 34 117 slow 41 11G 5 1112 21 J Metcalf S Gold Cap Kichwood Kgmont 20940 BlueBon 31 l10slow 145 111 3 3 3 22 Il L Hartwclll0 Gold Cap Ada Anne Richwood 20SG3 BlueBon 34 l14fast 1C 113 7 G G G G53 A Schugrli Broomsedgo TheSpIrit K AVorth 20521 BlueBon 5J f l07fast 114 115 4 7 G G G5 J Metcnlf 11 An Del Kewessa Siiieelcr 2057G AVdbine 34 111 fast 2G5 111 7 587 C21 B Shilling I TBusyhody Dickslet Bwine BwineBy NEAV HAATEN b g G 107 By Filigrane Ethel Thomas AV Smith 20576 AVdbino 34 114 fast fid IOS 3 979 iO lT Bice i TBusybody Diekslet Bwine 2011G HdeGce 71 f l08fslow 9 US I G 4 7 7 i J Groth S Merciiritim Silver Moon Carl 20039 HdeGce Glfl07fast 9 112 4 4 3 I1 I1 J Groth 14 SilverMoon Yorkville Thesies 20012 HdeGce 34 l14fast G 112 3 B 5 4 33 M Mthews Thesieres Uncle len Seluth 1MCS Bowie 24 l14fast 41 111 5 3 3 31 f fB B M Mthews 8 Yodeling Itrandywine MCasca 19STS Bowie 34 l14fast 135 113 1 1 1 li 13 M Mthewsl Chuckles Joe Knight Laurua 19293 NOrlns 51 f lOGfast 41 IOS 3 C 3 31 3s M M1 thews Gabrio Melicka Salon SalonBy J H HOUGHTON b h 8 115 By Dungarven Ben Ledi G W Scott 20S91 BlueMon 1 1S l5 slow 315 114 2 454 5 r9i G Burns l Burwood The Bump Raincoat 20825 BlueBon 1 lllfast 5 10 11G 1 3 3 2 22 2 G Burns 11 Penalty Klwnh Star of Love 20770 Dorval 1 l43fast S5 117 5 2 3 3 I1 I4 O Burns 11 Gerrard LTravers LInnocence 20723 Dorval Im70y l47fast 10 112 C C C 5 21 3 H Shilling 7 Cnttyhuiik The Bump Balfron 205S2 AVdbine 1 I1C l4Sfast 2710 104 2 S 3 r f G B Shilling i Balfron Fenrock Beau Pere 20520 AVdbine 34 l13fast fid 111 1 13 13 S r II Shilling 14 Yorkville L London York Lad 20455 AVdbine 31 l14fast SO 106 3 5 5 51 5s R Shilling 8 Dicks Pet Cordon M Johnson JohnsonBy DOUBLE BASS b s 4 101 By Uncle Double Six Brookdale Stable 20548 AVdbine 34 l13fast fid 112 4 7 G S 9U Goldst ni Maxim Belle SirLJoe Schemer 20185 AVdlilne 31 l14slow 3710 107 2 2 2 22 C 5A Schugrll Anxiety Aprisa Buffo 14131 AVdbine 31 l15fast 12 IOS 7 6 4 45 79i J Hanoveri Loft UK Cobonrg Belle F AAuzzy 14S91 AVdbine 34 l15mud SJ 104 S SWhamnEng 4 3 3 3 ° P Teahan 11 Amphion Rich wood Boy WhamnEng 5S good 121 98 98FkstoneCEns 43 B StoUea I cbySymgton DMistress Kudos FkstoneCEns CS good 12J 121 121LADY 10 AV Griggs S Sil Balm AVeslphalia Saint Cyr LADY LIGHTNING ch m G 105 1051S747 By Dick Welles Flash of Lightning H G Bedwell 1S747 Charlen 51 f 109 good C 110 3 31SGS7 158 S3 F Moore 8 Luria AM ley Hildas Brother 1SGS7 Charlen 51 f 109 fast 10 113 3 139 11 = 1F Moore 12 BlkCliicf F Levy Yellow Eyes 18515 Charlen 51 f l09fast 7 113 G 1 5 7 7 ° 1 K Moore it Miss Jean F Yankee B Chief 18528 Charlen 5S lfllgood 31 113 3 2 5 8 8JJ Hanover S Colors Bl Chief Joe Knight 1S4G5 HdeGce j f lOSVfcfast G 108 J 1 1 l 2 C n Troxler 12 DULSnger Undnled Kmorn 1S357 Pimlico 34 114 fast 7 109 1 1 3 51 11 R Troxler i Grazelle Gold Cap Cannock MONTY FOX b h 7 By Cesarion Metrical W C Capps 20915 Mboro 78 l2Sfasl 2J 11G 11G7S G CappsG U Troxler C MissBarnllarbor Petelns Thrill 2CS09 Mboro 7S 130 good 3 110 jut K Troxler 7 Pliaraoh InferuoQiieon Kegular 20732 Mboro 51 f l08VfRood 23 116 21 U Troxler 5 Pharaoh Thrill Muzniiti 20651 Prospect 4 li9fast 25 117 1175S I2 MuzniitiI2 U Troxler G Itemarknlde NellieC JLsSister 20113 Electric 5S C9fast 3G 115 IJ B Troxler Faithful 1ass On Yncn

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Local Identifier: drf1915062501_5_4
Library of Congress Record: