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RANCHER AN EASY WINNER IAKES WINDSOR S MAIN RACE IN A CANTER AFTER BEING CROWDED TO LAST PLACE. Tan ZarctR Continues in Her Winning Way — Brick-Icy Wins and Changes Owners — No Jumpers and So No Jumping Races. Wiasjaor Out.. July 39. liCorge M. Ilemlrios Itaarher ;i .■ inl for todays teatare, tbe Wind ■!■ lull Purse, a dash ol mat mile and ■ slx-•••iiiii with fln lidded. There were only sis tarters. Rancher run n capital wee in winning n a raster bj fear kagtha after leaving the «« in ;i Jam :ih.| beiag crowded baek lata last Place. The bone was n prohibitive favorite mid [lie Kuortesl priced winner t tbe meeting. The Wolverine Handicap, ■ sprint at three quarters, attracted much interest froai the tact thai among tbe live starters waa Paa Zareta the Texas mam i. She wan asked to carry l."i; pounds ami heat some fair horses. The mare proved equal lo the iiisk. going to the front anon after the *ta« and. etting all tbe pace, ahe l«d Com-moaada ai Hi" finish i.y ■ couple of lengths, and Ibe linn- I 12% was good, considering thai tbe I rack ua ii.. i at it- beat This araa her fifth con-sccutlve victory, tbe eighth that ahe has scored in taiinilii this -cason. and gives her a record of lurtcen tirsls ,,ill of la»r last sixteen starts Jockey Ural, who had the mount -n Lucky George iu the second race, wag taken quite sick after be ilisaanaated. This was probably responsible for Lucky Georges defeat, as the lad all hut fell oft at the end. Incidentally Brickleya victory in the race resulted in his -hanging ownera. He wu bM "P from his entered price «f S500 to fOOO and nought hy Sam Louis. Jockey An dress KMM suspended for one dav liv the starter tot illaobedience at the i« st in the aecood lace. A. O. Blakeley has received word from II. O. t oinsiock thai tbe latter has already taken up the thirty -six yearlings be has at his farm in California and is breaking and shaping them op so they will I.- ready for Blakeley t" go along with oa liis arrival in aliioi nia next October, it is Blakolevs intent ion to spend a ronplc of months at the Com stock ranch before ahrpping the youngsters to New oilcans. A a ong the hand an brothers to Sal anity. Beraiee and Baek Shot. Blakeley goea t mm In re in I laiiiillon. tiien to Saratoga. A. «i. Wis!, ,n will shi|i his sialil,. t,, llaniiit u I . His, lav and at tie c Iiisjon of the hitter meeting, will leave for Saratoga. The following will leave a division trf their stahles t Windsor until the return of racing here: 1 M llendrie. ]■:. W. Mo,,;,-. Ii. K. Brandt and i;.., Campbell. Judge Charles | Price will put in a week tishin-al "tie ..f i he ueurhj res.urts at th- conclusion of tie niei ting. The lack .1 jumpers has he, u mpoaalbh for the ihaeaee of Kteeplechasing at the meeting. Por the hist t i i in- in a number of years no a single Jumping lai e has been run According to some horsemen who hare looked over the yearlings at tbe Seagraai farm at Waterloo, out., thej are the graiMleal looking hand that the pi. sj, lout ,,t be Ontario Jcckey Ctah lias had in ninny years and it is predicted that the stable will he specially strong in the two-y ear-old division nci 3 ear. Several owners have decided, on account of the lack of stable room at Hamilton, to ship from here io |ort Brie, where they will rest until the open lag of the Niagara Racing AasociatoiaR meeting. Included in tile nnmlier "ill he the horses ou | liv Amos Tnrney, Callaher Bros., Stevens and Vivell. William Walker. T. I. Haves, c. 1.. Campbell, J. 15. Cray. 1. .1. Kelley and J. •. Calm. Incie .limmie tvax elaiaaed hy C. E. DeUaea after he was beaten yesterday. II. I., t rame. 1 1 .on Cllieaco. a recent recruit to the spurt, whose Flilawa.v and Kiva are raCtag at Windsor, is ihi a visit here. He will take in the mm tlug ai llatuilton. s. ftl. Hi ndersoii has changed his plaaa aboot ahiprdng io Kurt Erie. lie aeni his ageal t-Hamilton this morning t" engage stahiin on the outside and he will race his intin- string there. Francis .1. Pons will leave for his farm sear Nashville. Ienti.. at the conclusion of the Wind sor ateeting. Tin- two-year-olds J. /.. Wiggins .ind Bonero Pirsl will he dbuMieed of and Mr. 1ons wiil devote his time from now until the ■ipeaiag of the Sew Orleans u tiag to breaking the niiK fearlings be has at his farm. One of the lot is by creat ileareaa, sire of the fast ally. Lily Heavens.