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FRENCH RACING AND BREEDING GOSSIP. There is some expectancy of the resumption of racing iu nance, bat no aeaaabar steps to that end have as yet heen taken. Concerning this and some interesting features attending the development of thoroughbred breeding in France, the regular Faris correspondent of Londoa Sportsman said in a reread letter: "Hecent visils paid to Auleilil and Imgchauips IHiiut f» the possibility of racing iu the autumn, hut unless1 there is some wonderful change wrought by the allied lories within the next three months it is doubtful whether the Societe dBncoaTageaaeal will jusi yet publish any •Bulletin aunouuoiug the conditions of races to come. The conditions which govern racing iii Frame will hardly permit the same purses to he offered without the adjunct of the "Fari-Mutuel. which adds to Hie racing fund 4 per ceni. of its grosfc turnover, in addition to the gate moiie.v , thus enabling the expenses of owners for entries and forfeits to be reduced to a minimum. Great progress has been made in breeding during the last quarter of a century. Tnat period has witnessed the installalion and development of the little stud for and at I-i-Celle-Saint-Clotid by M. Delatre. That establishment has given place to the Jardy Stud, the Mecca of all sportsmen who visit Fiance, including his late Majesty King F.dward the Seventh. The famous Lagrange confederacy petered out. The ile, case ,.f gallant Major Fridolin, who crowned his raring career with the double of nornetta in the Chantilly Oaks and the Grand Frix. left another regrettable vacancy in the ranks of breeders, and then the Nestor of the French turf. M. A. Lupin, withdrew from racing, as his great age deprived him of the ability to watch his horses at work iu the ride ■ and gallops of Chantilly. Some thought that his stable would have heen taken over by his in phew, the Count de Clerniont-Totinerre, who had shown his leaning towards s| ort hy his proficiency in the saddle. Things were otherwise ordained, and IL V.. Veil-Ficard. whose name was connected with lmaiico. and the famous Fenrod absinthe, bought many of the mares and foals from the Lupin stud. thus becoming an acquisition to racing. M. E. Veil-Ficard was warmly welcomed and found his place iu the Upper Stud commission. A misunderstanding caused him to lose his temper, and he unbosomed himself of his. fancied grievance to the press, with the result that he withdrew his colors from the turf. "When Baroa de Schickier resigned his member ship of the Jim key Cluh he was the last of that brilliant cohort of sportsmen who from the Jockey Cluh stand watched the race for the Grand Prix between Fervaeqoes and Pall at leu, which had run a dead heat. M. IMnioud Blanc may be considered as the successful senior member of the turf, although in point of time he may he eipialled by M. Jean Frat. who has realized a dream of over forty k BX years ami f und himself called to the council of the senate ot the turf. If, Jean Frat has not been ■polled by fortune during the long weary years he has sought lassie honors. Wafkins is in charge of his horses, which include fifteen 1 wo-year-old*. and as he has shown that he is endowed with a large share I patience he may again he rewarded hy viciiv ami place his name ou the roll as owner an I breeder of a Derby winner. He would gain eau -siihrable prestige and after the long, long years of indifferent fortune a riaaaic mccess is his due. Since the Jardy Stud and the racing stable at La Fouilleuse were organized an immense amount of capital has been embarked in racing. Those who f i . queat the races and enjoy them from the apecta tare iioint of view have probably scant knowledge of the important industry connected with the sport. Where obstacles have been offered to its extension and development, as in America, other countries have leaped the benefit. The impossible conditions the States sought to impose on owners dad hreeders of race horses caused a general migration to the more seaaible shores of France. Mr. W. K. Vander hilt leading the way. He caused his breeding stud to be shipped to Europe and. tindiug a warm we! .Hue in Frame, combined with conditions more and more acceptable to owners on closer acquaintance, secured the property on the point of being vacated by If. camille Blanc. Saint Louis-do Foissy. the first place selected by W. K. Vanderbilt, has had its vicissitudes. Fart of the eaate had been leased for years to a local sportsman, M. Herder, who included among his 1 guests for the inaugural shoot of the season a certain M. Cavailhon. whose passion for the horse e 1 ended to cattle and their breeding. He had rounded a journal of his own. •LKntraineur. and with the luck of the novice foretold the victor] of more than one outsider, to the delight of the patrons of the Mutuels. Listening to him. M. Mercier decided that if the race course at Enghicn produced over tiftv per cent profit for its shareholders he might find a good return for his Investment, and he commissioned Cavailhon to carry out the scheme. Thus the new fixture of Saint-Louis de Foissy became an accomplished fact. Its success was like that of a mouse suddenly let loose in the midst of a tea scramble. Other racing societies sought to compel If. Mercier to enter into i their combination, and his refusal subjected him to all kinds of trouble. Engagements were scarce. and the dates advertised were also chosen by MB of the federated suburban ionises nearer Faris. Finally the Poissy meeting was nambered with the things of the past. The estate was then bought by that good sportsman Richard Heunessy. who i wanted an opening for the winnings of his Bone Fntraineur. which had won the Grand Frix de Monaco. At the death of Richard Heunessy M. Camille Blanc bought the estate, which is now in i the heads of Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt. who has largely increased his holdings by leasing and baying pasture land in Normandy, not far from Deauville. where some of the best thoroughbreds of the French turf have been foaled and reared. To the fertility of these pasturages may be ascribed the reputation of the famous Viotot Stud, which has belonged for generations to the Auniont family, and can claim among its best .Nuagc. winner of the Grand Frix in 1910. "Mr. Vanderbilt found other American owners to follow his example and the success , f Durbar in the last Derby decided on Kpsom Downs will encourage Mr. Duryea to continue to show his colors when racing recommences in France He stands second on the list of winning owners to Baron Maurice de Kothsi hild. for whom Sardauaple claimed close on a million of francs i it2KMH0 1 at the end of July. when a madman set fire to Europe with a scrap of paper. Clairet showed merit when he ran in France. and would have accompanied Mr. Duryeas lot to Newmarket, but be met with a slight accident and Murphy has delayed the departure of the sou of Presto unlil later. Mr. Jay Could, who secured the services of Iitiv LyiihuiTi. will be among the coming men as soon as things have settled down, for probably he had a keener none I ban most of us, and as one of the dollar kinus smelt oul the intentions of the modern Atiila. rreafa blood |s always welcome on the turf, and the BaroU de Rothschild, though going in extensively for snort, have their own lib tinct breeding material and their own private train-els. J. C. Watson has the sole right to mount the Jockeya riling for the old firm in the Mae and canary, known wherever racing is carried on. Na turally. considerable prejudice was wrought French owners wlnn tin- tiat of the Knglish Jockey Cluh was published suspending the time-honored race. French owners had applied for permission to send extensive drafts of horses to l.iiglaud other than those having been already engaged in events which Bad lose, | prior to the i onnneii em nl of hostilities. These applications Will have lo be lelleWed. and , oils, nt will not be withheld, since ibe minister of war and his colleague at the head of the agricultural department are perfectly will aware that It would 1m- Impossible for racing to be carried an anywhere near Paris with the Germans entrenched at Arras aud Lille fur the tune being."