Third Race [3rd Windsor, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-21

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T1VIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Seeing. 91537 1:00 2 MB. I YERMAK. ch. g. 2 108 Bv Orir.ondale — Lady Alicia tCloher and Keene. . i uon a 5-8 1 04%hvy IS 10 102 7 4 S . Motl 7 B.Beautv. Infidel II.. Lit. Bigger - . ijitonla ■" 8 1 "J.muil S 105 5 2 ! 2 :■■■• W W l " l«.r 7 Rah] Cal, i.mhi. A. Maacial liouglas r r :.7.-.nui l 113 in s 4 3 i1 .1 McCabe 11 Chivator. A. Mancial, M."s pet Douglas r.-8 l:u3%mud lo Ml G 3 :. "•- 3* I MeCahe 7 II. Gardner, V. Worth, Immune I Juarez 31 f 41 fast C 112 7 M* 11*1 W W Tlorll Ralph S.. Brooks. | Patterson | ItliGY OBRIEN, b. f. 2 103 Bv Prosuero— Josie Ledi G. W. Scott. ; Wind m - l:«l*4good 34-5 MS 2 2 1 1* 5*1 F Cooper lit MissAlkin. Boh.sFirst. Lack R. - iii.l or 5-8 l:"-iast 27 103 7 E 4 12 124.B Shilling 12 Regina, Porl Light, MllestOQe »i Hamton 5-8 l:01%fa«t 4 103 4 ill4 1] t Cooper S Bernlce. Candle, Voagea II. m to ii 5-8 l.o-fast CO HO 3 1 1 1- S*1G Burns 7 Taka. liana. Tusli Tush BONEROS EIRST, br. f. 2 108 Bv Tony Bonero— Merces F. J. Ponsl. U ii S I II %g 1 1"! 105 6 4 4 "■ I* J Connors H- Mi-s Atkin. Lucky R., llalia * IVindsor 5-8 l:03%hvy 3 loo 4 7 41 ■- 6* J Acton 7 Dodge. Kins Neptune. Bernice J ■ Windsor 5-8 HOOifcfaat 139 1031 3 4 I 4! ?. 4e3 .T Connors 12 Retina. Port Light, .Milestone 3 BlueBon 5-8 l:0+*4fast 56 101 l 8 n »« l»i F Murphy 14 Tom Elward, Casco, lolite 20719 Dorval 1 2 40Hfaat 4 107 5 2 l1 I1 F Murphy : Tar Brush. Rally Sight, llarla - 20549 Wdbine 4 I E6%fast 2J 109 2 4 5 4" 6»| F Murphy s Candle, Alfadlr, r.etfettl I MM Wdbine 4* f Eatfcfasl hi 104 2 2 3 33 3 F Murphy I G. Smith. T Elward, B.Simmons J liur. hill 411 54-iofast 11 110 4 3 2* o11 .1 Butwell .I Jerry, Franklin. Col. Venule ATAKA, b. f. 3 108 By Br. Leggo — Princess Alma G. A. Alexandra. Windsoi ■:1-,slop rid 108 C HO .•■ 6*1 A Bchuerll Broom Straw. MissAtktn, Servia Vqueduet 5-8 i:»"-.siop 5 105 3 •■ 7 7 fH M Buxton b Dwie Site. Gahi«wlatbe, I.ynn : 408 Aqueduct 5 8 1 Olfeslow C 10E 4 I 5 4 ".J C Turner Plnmoae, Dune Site. Edna Kenna 240 Aqueduct 5 S 1 G M0 :: G C fi- 4i 1 Eowder .i Plamose. llih Morse. Tril.olo 1044 Jamaica 6-8 l:01%faat E MO ■ :. 4 4* 0»| C B.irnme 7 I.ilv Heavens. Tralee. Ilumose !•... Jamaica 6-8 IHMHfast 8 108 l ". I 2] 11 C B*gaaM 1! Bexalien, Little Alta. Stellarlna la . n a 7. t, l:il«-,fast 1G lot I 2 2 :.4 M J Dreyer 6 I., lhav.-us. Tralee Devon. Dolly 619 Belmont 41 fat r. 12 94 9 I I 7I4JH Hopkins ! S. Ballot. Broomvale. l-ernroek h,i. Kelraonl 5 8 Bl 1 • l-good 12 1« 7 7 7 7 7 7T3 T Nolan 8 Tril.olo. High Horse, Stellariua l.UZZI. ih. f. 2 103 Bv Nasturtium— Divination W. Gerst. -:..",. Iatonia "■ 8 ! 0 -. nu.l M 100 4 7 7 7 8" K Lapaille 7 BlackieDaw, Poppec, Tboraw 1 iiv:; Latonta "i-8 1 :»i :-.iast A M0 .". 4 :; "- B»l R »tt . R. Dau. Canlonie. Disturber ■ Douglns " 8 l 00 last 4 ln» .". 3 2 2" l"1 1 Koliiiisn 0 Kathleen, II. Gardner, Irrawadd.v W344 *hurchil1 5-8 1 i" last 3 102 4 4 :: 1 1 F Robinanl2 I. Kelly, Aunt Sal. Thorawtmd 0C40 • Inn. lull 12 IS test fl.l no » 9 li1 V% F RobaoaU i. it. sister. MargaretN.. I.uckyK. MATRIX, br. f 2 100 Bv Meelick— Paschal G. L. Blackford. •H.4. Windsor 5-8 1 :03«tnlop 23-5 M 7 10 10 11 11* I. MeAtee 1 1 Rm Straw. MiaaAtkin. Servia i .... i,,iti:rie 5 8 DOS hw .7 i MB 7 4 E «•* 5«| J Metealf 7 WterWar, Renerre, j;.2.Wlggln« 14X7 FortErie EJ f l:15%hvy «4 lot 7i 1 1 1- 2" A Claver t: Tar Brush, Caudle, Will Cash 1311 Hamton 6-8 l:d:-iast S 103 1 7 7 7 V j J Melcalf 0 Greetluga. Servia. .1112 • ...I eln 5-8 l.u2,-;.good K lo7 4 7 7 S EH J Callauun s l.arkin. Hose Water. S. Maggie • . ..nylu ." s 1 mliigood 30 lo7 7 7 7 7 O7.! Groth 7 Bluuie. Ocean ITinee, IliiUugar BERNINI, ch. f, 2 105 Bv Puryear D.— Pourquoi W. A. Reid. i .• Windsor 5-K l:01%good 83 ioo l S 9 ! ft"U Aeton 10 MifwAtkln, Bon/sKind. Lucky R. in Windsor 5-8 l:03%slop 24 ie i 1 :: rt 4 7" A Behug*r 1« Philiatine. OceanPrince, Reserve . 8 i.ii.,nia ■ i l 09 good 13 107 S 10 lo 10 M**1B HI li IxMil8e8tone, Capt.Reea, Manfred 21#w l.aionia 5-8 1:03 hvy « ,; 97 I . G H ■•■ K Judy 7 laeoba. MargaretN., OypayBlair 21298 l.ali.nia .". s 1 :e4 mud 14 110 3 3 2 2" 3*1 R Goose 8 Pauls, n. Gypay Blair. Argumeatl 21182 Uatonia 6-8 1 : ii-0iast 1" Id 100 G 9 9 S1 7»| ■ Griffin 12 Cora O.. Dolina, Mary Estelle 2 *9» l.atonia 5-8 11 fast fid no 12 10 9 9 j- A Neylon 1L~ .1: Straith. LouiaeStoae, Triad Pimlico 41 f ECfAfaal 3S14 110 5 9 9 81 G" H Chapped ! Ilumose. Qn of Paradise, lolite ■ • Pimlico 41 f M%slop 42 107 2 8 8 8 7" II Chapped t Blunie. domer. King Tuscan GREENWOOD, br. c. 2 108 Bv Marathon— Presentation F. D. Cngler. i: i uii.ona »-8 i:--.siop 11 ME 7 I T S" c ~t I. Geniry ii Distnruer, Sarlno, IllnalnatoT MS i..,;..iiia 4 f . I:: 112 2 4 2i .".».; 11 Goose 12 J.C. Welch, Miss Atkin. Traction : 1120 lAtonia 5Sl:02%fasl 38-a 112 S 8 9 M 9s E Martin IC U.F.Hnherger, Rlkton. Circulate : i..ii..uia 5-8 1 :■::» -.iiiii.l IS 103 3 4 :. 61 .v? R Martin s Iii.l.I II.. Disturber, Illuminator : ■■■■t y. l.aionia 7. s 1 K..,hy 44 112 7 i 4 4- 4«j R Martin s Old Charter. Klkton. I.litle Cove MARGARET E.. ih. f. 2 ino By Cvclades — Diplomacy N. F. Dortch. Windsor r ■ i . :,.-.liv.v 6S MM S 7. 7 7 7"; 11 Stearns 7 Bodge, King Neptune, Bcrnice i s lAtonia 6J f ISVfefaat M MS 7 2 2 7 7, i: critim s Checks, Dick Williams, riiroau MAYME W.. br. f. 2 105 Bjr Mint— Effie M. C. B. Campbell. Windsor "■ • 1 :01»4good fid K ::j 7 0 0 v. 8*1 .1 Kederis Ml MissAlkin. Bon/sFirst. LuckyR. 1643 in.lscn i-S l u2%,sl.ip 117 MS 2 #8 M M-" I. ientry !«■ Philistine. OreanPrince. Reserve 1 99UO Juarez l ts-.iast lo 112 7 7 7 7VW Orates 7 Toeataiter. Rubtfax, I. .Blanche , l.2!o .lii.u-. / 311 m-tast x 112 4 on 77i J Howard 10 AitnlSal. Ir.latte: son, H.Amly /OI.ZO. b. f, 2 105 Bv Tim Payne— Directa E. B. ElkinsK ■. I Douglas 5-S lHM fast 15 MM S G G G 5«»1K Martin It Kathleen. LuzSi, H. Gardner : i N.Orins 12 4sr.iast 15 106 8 13 11 it4.]-: Aaabrosel4 BalVaaity, s.n.stai. Irrawadd 19 •. N.Orins 1 2 7 112111 12 12 12" J Tengast 12 Glossser. Cuddles. Ihil fngar 19193 K.OrtBS *4 f 4 -,hvv 7 102 8 S ••" B W I.illey s S. Diamond. Chirator, Cuddles M44W N ii In- 3] t 41--,fast S 109 1 I" u; H Goose ".I TavD.msanle. B.Alice, S Diaini I-u: : N.Orins lj f 43%stow " 103 ! 2 2h 4H J McTagrt 8 Marg. .. S. Diamond. GrayLaCj 19006 N.Orins 3-8 20--.last .j 112 4 G- K" C Diahmou :» Blue Cap. Infidelll.. S. Diamond MOSS N.Orins S-S Sflttivy 10 111 4 i! 3 A Pick, ns 7 Souvenir. Marg. O., T.Dausaut OAKLAWN BELLE, ch. f, 2 105 By Box— Dinah Shad W. Straus. 64 U da 5-8 DOllfcfaat fid 104 12 12 12 12 li** J Campbell 12 Little Blrger. Bessie N.. Dolina 194 l.atonia 5-8 l:02hvv 134 110 4 3 3 61 9**1R Goose i l Muriels Bet. L. Stone. Busv Joe 20S99 Douglas 7,-S 1 :00%fast Md 111111 11 11 11 11 " J McCahe 11 MoinenStar. GypsyBlair, B. Joe Al-s, eligilde to statl should any of the above be scratched: ILLUMINATOR, b. c. 2 111 Bv Von Tromo — Candlewick J. Lowenstein. 1645 Windsor ■ s 1 :■ 2*-..-l..p 12 10S :. 7 S 7 101" W WartonU Broom Straw. MissAtkin, Servia Latonia 5-8 l:03%slop 3G-." 105 3 12 2" 3*| K I.apaillell Disturber, Sav:no. Uncle Will 21037 Latorda 5-8 l:0Sfcmud 16J 10S 1 11 1 S»f A Mott 8 IaSktel II., Disturber. Baby Cal 0528 Douglas f, -S 1 lOnmud 37-10 111J 3 3 2 If 34 .1 Butwell 5 I.vnn. Iavmaster. Father Kelly . Douglas H f ajSr.hvv 41-5 109 .". 3 3« 3" J Butwell 0 Black Beauty, Important. I.vnn 20344 Churchill 5-8 l:01%fast 21-5 109 6 3 1 41, 77 J Butwell 12 Loasi, Father Kelly, Aunt Sal ■ M Churchill 4 54%fast 41-5 108 2 1 1- ll J Butwell VZ Onota. Thornwood. I.uise Stone I Churchill 1-2 4S*5fast fid 112 7 8 Zl 5% J Butwell 12 Dodge. KlHson, John W. Klein

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Local Identifier: drf1915072101_4_1
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