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BELMONT PARK FORM CHART. NEW YORK. TUESDAY. JULY 20. 1915. sixth pay. Empire ciiv Bacfaag Association. Summer Meetlag of 16 days ito days .11 Belmont Par!, and II days ai Aqaeduct. Westlior cloudy. Presiding Steward, w. s VoalMirgh. Presiding Judge, c. 11. Pettlnglll Starter, Mara Caaahly. Racing Se«Tctary, V. 1: BchaaashcMg. Baring Rtarts at 2::o p. m. tTUcago date 1 ::;i» p. at. W hMUcates whip, s sours, p, blinkers Fig ures in parentheses following the instance of each race Indicate Index number, tract record, age of barae and weight .arii.-.l Imlvales apprentice allowance. i OT 7I» FIRST BACK 1 1-8 Miles. 6633 1 :5 ■- 5 115. *5 mi Added. 1-year olds si Cm 1 • i-H ward. Sellinu. Net value to wii r 25; tronnd. 66; third. 6. Index Horses AWIPPSI , % % Sir Fin Jockeys Owner- 0 II C P 8 — ■ ■ __ I i ! 21G69 POLLS H. w 4 07 S . 7, ,.■ ,, ,„ j McIagilW Pahlll 8 lo 1 I 1 I 216B7 iiSI I.LIVAN w 5 112 8 ! I1 :; • p. 8s C I: game I Mac Manns 3] .". t 8-3 7 b 1 ! 21710-NAPILK w ■ 1"7 II • 7 P :. ::.. JM W I oPn.l W Ib.lrbk .Ir I". .0 IS 5 " 1 I 21663HAMELLIA wa 6 162 B S ::- :,■ :; : y |« W l.ilhv Mis. I I. Paul pi li I 1 ! 21828 ♦PKNM.fx a 4 102 t 11 8 ■. 7 . -, 1. M.nk C w Gaaaer 8 8 I v "■ 1 : 20802 --saniow w 4 ■»• 7 ■■ b l" II :, ■ p J HcKver Northwood Stablest St A 1 7 1 1 21686*STONEHENGE wu 4 1 I I] |i 7- 7- L Allen C K l;,.,kw.|l |. IS I t 1 21628 II P.InD « I loo ., s s v s 1 Cutw.ll Mi Eurb- 4 8 S 1 : 21669 EASTER STAR w l lo 8 P» II 11 p :o M Bwaton 1 E Madden 1". :. ". 8 I 6 21C28iPTnN wa 7 117 17 Cat i; p. n" p. .1 McCahej P Doyle 1 c - 1 : 21463 col.D COLOR w •• 166 ■• 1 !■ W ll PC ll C Turner I W Hbldblatt I". :» 38 ■ 4 I rttie. 12 24S. 35,,, 48. 1:01, 1:13S. 140,, 1:53-,. Track fast. W iim, 1 B I by Hen.. Pollv ill im . I by W Cahilll. Wenl t.. p,,s| al 2:.;:: At p. I 2 m;i s. Slail goad and s|,.w Won driving: second aid third t • Pol. I I! . awav slowly, saved grtsnnd .n the turns and. coining last throngs Ihe stretch, oatstayed ■ II SI LEI VAN in the linal driv, OKCEEI VAN ra,e,l |,r ii.-nilv Ihroughonl and took the head in Ihe I -ti. loli. but tin, I wh.11 challenged NAPIKB meed ..11 lb tsi.h all Ihe way and outgamed Will. I IV r a the tinish. Ih,, latter gaved gnrtjnd on all turns, bin tired in the anal rbablb PENALT1 closed .1 big . 1, PATON 1 in a dull race SANPoW and S I ON LHP.Ni : L ina.h- the earij pace, bu! bdh tired The • winner was , atered for im ; ao bad. Scratched 21007WoodeB Shoes, 106; 2Ut28Voln. 106; 2I026 Uaj Picher, 112, Maan*CMMlv SUk HX UlcilTSahtl Napnr, :; pounds; Bcncjow, 2; Raster Star, 5. ._„ 21 r*7 £ rj SECOND RACK 5 l-2 Furlongs Straight. and6BS I".1. 3 166.1 60 Added X. | £ j 2 year oliK Allowance*. Xcl value U. winter » "": second, »HNl: tliinl. X.iC index Horses AAVtPPSl 4 , -t Str Flu Jockeys Owners jj C P S ! 1 ««8 1 w i 1T1 I ■: HACKLE w 111 4 1 1* i« v l«« M Buxton .1 B Madden 1 1 1 8 1 Mont— 2166111 DIKO « M - 4 V ::; 2* 2 -.. 1 • Tamer H T Oxnard M 12 M 7 Mout 21626 si GOD ws ill 1 "1 •". :, 4 ::■■ x Davies B B Caaaatl N B IS 6-6 out "lift?! Il ssv WILLOW wb iw 3 2 4" 8«1 S 1 .1 McKverQuincy Stable h*8 36 M S nut tattlftale n Ml •". I I 4] :. g j McCaheyQuincy BtaMc F24 " 88 5 uut tCoupled in betting; no separate place or show betting Time. 1:06%. Track fast. Winner Ch. c, by star shoot — Mary Talboti trained i. W. B Walker. Wiui in post at :;:oo. ai post :: minutes. Start goad nn.i ■low Won caaterieg; at coil aad third drlv-Iag WHITE HACKLE, niurli the beat, took the had at once ami won all the way anex tended. ILDIKO was parried out at the start, hut displayed 1 good order of speed snd slways beld the others safe. BUM • • D Bwerved out at the start, hui finished fast ami gamely, ll ss WILLOW was eased up in the Baal lll!l I All I. KT.. l.i:. a splendid looker, wa- not persevered wiih. fc -| rj ± tj THIRD HACK -3-4 Mile Straight. 74800 1:08% » 137-1 66 Added. 8-year-oldi Jj, X I j£ O " ami upward Si Ring. Net valu- to winner S475: -ei-niid. tMOj tliinl. 886. Index Horses AWtlPSt t ,2 - Str Kin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 21652 TRLK as STLFL ws 4 107 l.: 1 I! l- i» V T McTagtP 8 P Randolph 2 .. _:. 7 i« t j 21652* ;i;i Mli w :i SB S 1 •" :i V and I. Allen C J Brockmlller I M M 3 I i 21216 -IMKK OF DlNBAIUv :: 93 9 « «J • r:l I* T Ih-iiiv K J Travels !t M H M 6 206971 STR IK KB wii r. 112 I G 4 *» M II .1 Butwell 11 C HaUenbeck 8 S 2 7 5 1-8 1-3 21577 EVELYN C. w3 M 12 8 7: S| 6- 5* .1 McTagrtB Pflfferiing 1:, 1:, IS I 2l687»i"i; ikik wa 4 107 W 2 - 41 4 6* w UUey R T Wilson 4 6 6 2 -S 21578 DEVIL FISH w . 104 7 3 t" 7 7- 7- M Buxton E Hera 60 100 100 40 10 20269HII MILIATION wn 4 P7 l" 7 8 I* vl 8 11 CavanhJ Kelly SB :: 88 7 :: 21317 II. OS. CROCKET wa 3 01 v 10 M !•- ;r- • c Hturbes hi C Moore St M M M G 21171 WOODFA1R wa :: OS ll 11 W 10» 1 i« 10« p Hopkins! HouBlas M tin 60 38 10 21628 LORD MARSHALL wit 5 Hit 2 12 12* 1l s 11 11« H Breach J Johnston nt 15 IS H :: 21560 MR SPECS w 7 107 14 13 It 13 1- 12* A NidtclausMra A C Blume Is IS If. t; :: 21545 BATTERY w ", 112 1 9 U5 11* 13 13 .1 P Ryan H Rites 88 fSt 88 28 10 20266 MARYLAND OIRL wa 3 M 1 Lett at the post .1 McKverMrs H I Miller 38 :iO 38 li G 21686 CZAR MICHAEL wis 4 110 :: Left at the post. W J OiinJ WT Hedrick 10 15 li I 3 litne. 1:14%. Track fast. Winner B. •_. by Broomstlek Loyal trained by J. Byer. Went to post at :i::;i At post 7 mutates. Start Rtragxllng and slow. Woa hamlliy: secoad and third liinin- ri:i 1: as STEEL rook the lead ai oacc and. drawing swaj In llx earlj rnna*ar. was easina up at the end. 1SR1 MIY disposed of STRIKER and Bnished gamely under punishment. I l Ki: OP DUNBAR. • hai- ,.t Interference, raced next to the rail thronghonl and outstayed STRIKER. The latter showed speed awl quit as if snort. 1 /A K MICHAEL ran oat at the start and forced l.oUH MARSHALL. MR. SPECS and MARYLAND OIRL mil witli him. EVELYN l . closed a gap. The winner was entered for BAOt; as hid. Scratched 2DB 7*Fcnmouse, 101: 21708 Sfaera I, lo7: ZlftlSFPlantagenet, »S: 174s:; Lahore, 102; 21086 Alh.ii.i. 103; l1"::i Minstrel, 86; 21402 Aacoa, 107; 13088 Carbareter, 107: 2M87 Beethoven, 102; 21601 Sinai, 01. Overweights Evelyn I.. 2 poinds: Devil Fish. ::. fch -| r7»Q 1" 1 Kll I RACK 1 1-16 Miles. 9530— 1:44*A — 5—120.1 Fifth Rnaabftff Knickerbocker B J[ i . 1 Handicap. altie S2..". o. 3-year-olds. Net value to winner ¥1.02.".: s..-ond. S3S0; third. SI.*. Index Harsea AWiPlSt 4 .■ "i Str Fin jockeys °.%yj: " H P S tl Oat4 SARA TOG A vTl K •; 1 1 : :■ 1 r C Turner l .! L. ary 8 8 8 8-5 3-3 21650VIR1AL BY. JURY wsa los 1 1 1- iJ 1 J- V T Davtes E B Cassatt 8 8 8 2 8-3 21689 VLADIMIR wa 07 7 7 7 7 r. 4 ::- .1 McTarrtK A Clark 88 88 88 I 21437-THi: LINN wa 128 1 j 31 «* C Bsame H C HaUenbeck 6-5 7-5 1 1-3 out M868TETAN 112 5 ! 8* 8 * "•- T McTagtGreentree Stable 28 28 88 7 ;: 8U66COQPETTH 114 I 3 8» 3* : ,;■ t;- j Batwell M Corbett 2 ::. M-Gf-5 1-2 21649TU»VAL MARTYR w lo" 2 6 2* U 7 7 7 .1 McCabcyO A Cochran 1". 38 88 7 I Time. 12. 23%. 35H,. 47%. 1:00. 1:12. 1:25. 1:38, 1:45. Track fast. Winuet Br. c. by Ojcden -Unsightly trained by D. J. Leaiyi. Went t.. post at 1:03. At pest •". minutes. Siait good and slow for all hut VLADIMIR. Won canter lag; second and tlird driving. BARATOOA. after being a forward contender from the start, drew awa in iln final eighth and won In a canter. TRIAL MY JURY set m fast pace for seven-eighth* and. tiring in the stretch, was driving haul al the Rnish VLADIMIR, practically left, gained stead! lj and finished fast. THE FINN had no apparent mbdiaps and • .11 1 1 when the Baal drive came. COQUETTE seemingly was under a pull throughout and kept behind hi. uptemeats for the entire way. ILTA.N tan fairly well. Sei niched 1 2H.40 1 Roly. 111. Overweights Saratoga, .; pound.-. rj OA FIFTH RACK— About 2 Milesl 1 llBW.V-4:tfl— 5— Li:.. 1 Sleepleclmsc. SiWHt Added. 21 X 8 Ov year olds and onward. Helling. Net value to winner 8666; second. 8160; third. 830. Index llors.s AWtlISt 8 •! 9 12 Km .Tockevs Owners 0 II C P S 21236*OLlt SALT w 8 14:5 1 S "- .■ V 1 1- K P.urke E A Bwrke 7 .", I 5 I 1-3 out 21631 si iisskt v S 140 r, 4 7 4i 1 f -■ T Tuck.y I, Jacobs -l 4 :: 8-5 2-5 21631 JIM HANSON w 7 14:. 7 ! v I* 5" - 3* il HensonB Tuckerman Jr in 12 12 8 1 21602 S1AI CAMHIAN w 6 148 4 2 B 5 _ «• 4*» A Lee J F.Davis :; :, q 3-3 4-5 21631 I.I1TLK IliCII w B 140 I v 8 1 •5" I" Wlllms W larth 8 8 « 2 4 7 21631 ZELLWOOD W 7 148 3 1 4. s 8 •■ «• J "lark L Jacob M 15 1" 3 H 21671*SIXTY FOUR W 5 146 I I 8J 7 7 7 7 H WiUuis Mrs I 11 Lucas 30 30 30 M 1 21671 ABERFELDY W 4 186 2 7 2" : • " FelL Q Palmer W Cordes 38 88 28 7 3 Time, 4:16. Track fast. Winner— B. «. by Seahorse 11 Stiiiie Thomas trained l.y B. A. Burke. Went to post at 4:32. At 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third diiv-ii.r. OLD SAI.I .1 ~ under stont restraint all the way and. takiuj; the lead when his rider was ready, won easing up. SYOS8ET moved up rapidly in the Baal half and ran wide, but otustayed JIM HANSON. The lait.-r fenced well ;.nl was taken w*de until in the final mile, then came resolutely, hut tired In the closing strides. BENEtlAMBIAN quit under a drive ABERFELDY fell at the eleventh jump. The winner, entered for SU K , was 1. id up to SI. 2i", and bought in. Scratched i21«31 iFrljolee. 14": 21631 Handsallround, 138; 21467 Wooltex, 14::: 21071 loud. 133; 21108 M-slia.h. l.:o: Llc.71 Brush. i::.i. "J -| PT O "I SIXTH RAIL 5-8 Mile Straight. 66685- 58 2—122.. 06 Added. 2 year olds. 5 Jl I O JL Maidens. Fillies. Special Weights, Net value i.. winners.;:,.-,: second, .f7 : third, s:,n. Index Horses AWtrrst u M X Str Fin Jockeys Owaera O B C P s 21691-H1DDKX STAR wa 11- I I -1 I1 1* 1" M Puxton G P Johnson Jr S-0 ] 7-0 1 2 1-3 21691 ROYALIST W 112 1 S -".• 2 2" 2 T Da vies ,| Banford 4 4 4 8-2 3 5 21491 DORADOS w 112 7 •". ::". S1 8* "• D HoffnaanC Preece 88 88 88 7 :: 21691 KI/.I I1 W 112 M •• 8 7- 7: V T McTaKtCtevelaad Stable IS M 28 8 1 21691 MDAMB HERRMANN w 112 G 3 V 8 5 " 1 McTagfrtC N Darke 88 88 88 I 4 2134* TATIANA w 112 4 1 *h 81 8" 6 C Bgame J MacManus ]« 10 10 4 2 21651T:D1T11 OI.OA W 112 2 :. 4 q 41 7! C FhthorJ H Shreve 21 3 21 4-5 1-3 21691 SMOOTHBORE W 112 9 N •- H - s; Li Allen .1 E Madden 1". 28 88 I 1 20997 C»R1 I w 112 8 8 88 1" - 9« I StewardC J Quinn i 8 S :: 7 7 21691 MAUOJE QUINCE w 112 3 7 1" 68 M M W Lilhy J L Paul 15 28 28 S 4 Time 1:00. Track fast. Winner— BIk. f. by Bargomaster- Black Venus trained by .1. P. Mayberry. Went to post at 5:03. At post 5 minutes. Stan good and slow. Won cantering: second and third driving. MIDDEN STAR raced Into a dectaivi had in lie first half and was under stout restraint at the tinish. ROYALIST raced under pressure from the star; and outstayed DORADOS. The litter closed up steadily. In; Fred in th- final sixteenth. KEZIAH closed a gap and Bnished uaimly. MADAME HERRMANN had a rough race. EDITH OLGA gait. Scratched Whit" Kye. 112.