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MORE MONEY FOR RUNNERS AT HAMLINE. At tic -» • 1 1 .s. meeting •! tbe Minnesota Stale liir ,...,,,! it was definite! arranged to add two running icea io tin -i.e., i program, which is to »■ held oa th,. first live days ..f ii ■ la,:. September i !■• 10. Tea rac-s. for pursei aggregating sl..mih. the heist fiiiinitis horae program given at Hamline for a my years an- acheduli-d. Pin. tasfwlays ant bile raciag prograai, coa i- uiplati il earlier in tbi rear, was ahortened to ooe day, a- formerly. Wednesday. September v which had been set aside for the hist days gato racing, was added to the speed program. The two running •ajoisc races added were a daah of Ive-eighths. f« Wednesday, and a consolation puis,. :,t tve-eighths, limited n horses entered and started la previous races hut unable to will a liisi ,,r set nnl in any race. lor Frida.v . the la,.- at four and a half furlongs, planned original I for Friday, was advanced to the "eduesilu. program There are now two running races for each of the live days. The growing Interest iu running hots,- racing in Iba northwest is tin cause for ibe greater attention io running borses at Hamlin.- this year. A revised ruaatag race program will be aeni on application to Secretary J"Liu c. Btaapaoat, llamliue, Minnesota.