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FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. D. and C. Stakes. 3-year-o!ds and upward. Selling. 1 OTSJO 1 : .7 .-, 4 -10... , WATER LADY, b. f. 4 97 By Waterboy— Duchess of Towers Mrs. J. Arthur. : M FortErie 3 I 1 2. Ml 1 1 1 1- 1B l. MeAtee B Vogue, Bendel. Soueeler I Con gh t 3 4 l:14*4alow 3 110 4 4 4 4 ll W Obert 4 Recoil. Back Bay, Ban Zareta 2«M1 BlueBon. 1 1 :r:*r,muil 11-10 *94 E 3 2 l 1= 1- L MeAtee 9 Squeeler, Anxiety, Harbard 2US20 BlueBon. 2 4 1:14 fast 2 107. 4 4 I 3= 1* W Ol.ert 8 Proctor, King Worth. Back Bay ..s • BlueBon. 1 l:39%faat 19 10 106 S 1 2 2 21 31 W Obert IS "monada. B. Cunarder. Shvness 24M44 Di.rval 24 1 7-5 104 G S ." 44 m R Shilling II BveCuiiarder. Keweaaa, Deposit • •• Udl.ine 2 4 1:13 good 1G 104 7 7 fi El 31 R Shilling 7 Kewessa. B. Bav. Pimlico 3-4 ii:.4-,niiid 10 104 1 G G 3* 2J It shilling i Montresor, Surprlag, B.Cuarder Pimlico 2 4 l:i:;-:fast 42-10 102 7 6 5 •■* 1«* It Shilling B Wanda litzer. T. Field BARNEGAT, b. g. 5 104 B" Broomstick— Jersey Lightning R. E. Watkini. 1. 1 Windsor 1 1:1 ..-.slow 23 ion 2 2 2 2 ?,- V 3 Acton II Werl.ass. TheW. Moon, trosshuii Windsor 1 1 8 1:52 fast 28 1iki 7 G 7 7 7 C° J Aetna 7 Slumber II.. Indolence. Rancher Hamton I 1 8 1:56 slop M 103 S S S S 0 1;-" C VanDu n II Waterbaas, Tactics. Fount. Fay Hamton 1 1 IS 1:40 fast 12 MS S E 4 E G G4J Metealf 1; B. Hensley, Klngllambnrg, Celt,. 17771 Laurel 1 1 16 1 61 07 7. 4 E 4 4- 471 K Shilling 5 R.Bradley. Fler-.d.l. NightStlCI 13058 Laurel 1 1 M l:4M**afaat 17 a MS 12 2 1 1* V J Butwell 4 Paadean. ThorahUL. Lit. Nearer RESIGN, ch. c. 3 104 Bv Tran«vaal — Resignation J. B. Respessl. Windsor 3-4 l:ll*4fasl S7 int 2 r. G G Is W W Tlor C Pan Zareta, Back Bay, DonMask 1404 Latonia 1 1 10 l:40Halow SS-5 HH :: 2 :: .". E ■"•:, L Sentry .". Hank ODay. Embroidery. Tetan 21211 lit..uia 3 I l:lJ-r.last 7 0 lot S E S 31 2. I. Gentry K Amazon Broom Flower. Zali 1931 M.Orlns 1 1 IS 4 90 1 3 3 1 23 2 3 Smyth S For Fair. Just Red. J. Wright 19 .:• N.Orini 7 s 11-, fast 1 107 111 1 1% 2J E Pool 4 Ioilair. Manioc. HerhertTemple I" » N.Orins 3-1 l:l«0fast 1S-5 9S 3 4 4 3i 21 J Smyth 7 L. Moouet. Iseeit, J. Wright STALWART HELEN, ch. f. 3 88 Bv Stalwart— B"el»i Miller L. W«iUs Windsor 1 KMifaal 33 5 98 2 4 4 :: 3*1 1" R McDott 7 Cannonade, Richwood, Bdywine 1681 Windsoi 1 l:17-..hvy 12 94 7, E .". E •-- K McDott 7. Dr.I.irri.k. Progressire, Martian 1313 Hamton 1 1 IS l:47%fast 6 S3 4 4 4 4 41 4°* I. MeAtee S D. Mdonald, Bgressive. B.Head 1 ■ Hamton 1 1-10 1,fast 4 os 7 I 7 G C,~ G" J Acton 7 B. Broom, B. Cunarder. P. Eugene 0941 BlueBon. 1 1 :4_---,siow 10 M01 2 9 s 8 o GT? c VanDu n 9 Busby Head. Carbide, Schemer 20891 BlueBon. 1 1:43 slow 2! 5 107 3 4 4 2 21 SfJ Metealf S Celt... Shyness. King Hamburg .osj; BlueBon. 1 33 5 97. 3 7 7 G 6- 1". L MeAtee 7 Bushv Head. Martian. Harbard 20767 Dorval 11-1GD47 fast 12 93 2 6 5 G 6 613JI. MeAtee 6 Kingly. Brave Cunarder. Celto 20721 Dorval • 3-4 l:14*Afast 30 94 fi 6 6 6 PJ L McAfee 8 Back Bay. Deposit. Briar Bath 20844 Dorval 3-4 l:13%fast 20 97 4 6 6 6 6* J Aeton d W. I. adv. B. Cunarder, Kewessa BENDEL. ch. c, 4 103 By Uncle — Bremen J. J. Timmerman. • FortErie 3 1 1 .ii:--.sii.w IS 10s 2 7 E 8* 2"?. w Ural s Water I. adv. Vogue, Squeeler 21486 FortErie .: I 1 :21r.hvy 12 122 4 2 11- li M Garner 1 Bushy Head. Martian. Uaantk 1470 FortErh 1 1 8 2:ll%hvy 21 112 4 1 1 1 1 | l* W Obeii 7 Cuttyhnnk. Joe Stein. Weyaaoke 1397 Hamton 1 IllV.mud S 109 2 11 1 11 l"k W Obert 7 I.. George. .1.11. Houghton. Zodiac •1200 Hamton 3-4 l:14%faat 6 105 S 8 8 2" 1* 3 Acton 12 I.. I on. I. m. M. Waters. J. H.Hhton 21029 Con ghl 3 4 1:16 good 4 MS 2 4 3 3* 2" J Aeton 11 lucbgabibble. Son. Bov. A.ODav 20662 BlueBon. 3-4 l:14%faat 25 99 10 11 11 9 105VT Dodd II The Bnsylx.dv. Viley. CornBroom 20K25 BlueBon. 1 l:41*4faat 44 11110 9 7 8 8i 9lJJW Oliert II Penalty. .I.H.Houghton. El wait S Udl.ine 3-4 l:13fast 10 MS 7 8 7 41 4J G Finch 14 Yorkville. L. London. York Lad FOUNTAIN FAY, ch. h. 5 105 Bv McGee — White Plume Thorncliffe Stable. 681 Windsor 1 1:47--.hw : 1.17 3 4 4 4 4C 4--.tA Claver 5 Dr.Larrick, Progressive, Martian H 1 t..n ! ; s 1:55 slop 15 104 12 2 2 2« 34i J Smvtli 6 Waterbaas. Tactics, Slumber II 1294 Hamton 1 1 8 1 /..!--. fast 11-10 103 1111 1". 22 A Claver 4 Tactics. Pandean. Cliff Haven 2U56 Conghi 1 1 l6 1:48%good8 lot 4 3 3 2 2« 1" 3 Smyth 4 KiiiLl. Tactics, Cliff Haven 20068 Conghl 1 l:4f.-siow 3 113 G S G r. 4 4"; I Goldsfn ft K.Hamburg, II. of Oak, BchemeT 20864 BlueBon. 11-4 2 OSHfasI 6-7. 110 2 3 3 1 3« V P Goldsfn 4 Black Broom. Il.ofOak. P. Petal ; Wdbim 1 1 IS I:47*yfcfasl 19-20 110 3 3 3 3 3 2J T Ric,. 7 Privet Petal. Ormulu. UnattJ 2*429 Wdbine Im70y 1:45 fast 11 1 4 2 3 3 1 21 2" A Claver .; Waterhass, Privet Petal 774s ; Wdbine 2 1 1 IA4*Afaat 26 MZ| 4 113 3- 8 ] C VaaDua 7 ;-t Britain. Barnegat, Calumny PROGRESSIVE, ch. h. I 94 Bv Cesarion— Star Cat Mrs. T. Francis. 21681 Windsor I 1 : l7--.h y " 107, 2 2 3 2 2* 2s R Shilling H Dr. I.ani.k. Martian, loan. Fay : ortErli Im70yl:575»hvy 21 103 142 2 V I M Qnrner S Supreme. Bnrwood, Ida Claire 2I4:» FortErie lm70ylA4%hvy 9-5 MM 13 3 3 3* 8*1 J Acton 7. Redland. Bnrwood. Star Actress 21313 Hamton 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 3 10S 2 2 3 2 2". 21. R Shilling .■ D.Mae.lonal.I. 15. Head. S. Helen 2MJ Conghl 3 I 1 l74-,inud 5 111 E G G 6 6*13 Aeton 1; Vi.l.-t. Zin Del, S.] l.r ■ ..] Conght 1 l:45ik*low 9-5 111 2 6 5 S 2i I* 3 Acton 7 TbeBnsybodv, IdaClaire. Ovation ■ 1 BlueBon. 1 l:40%fast 4 112 1110 10 10 10« |»J I. MeAtee 11 Cuttyhnnk. Bushv Head. 3abot 94 Wdbine 11 16 1:48 good T-W MM 7 G G 4 4* SJ A Collins 7 Tactics. Luther. Glint Pimlico lm7oYl:«;-;.fast 12-5 110 2 3 3 2 1 l3 H Shilling 5 BenQuinee. CaritonG.. J.Deil.ol.l ! • SO Pimlico 1 1:ID-,last 13 10 1 10 1 3 3 3 I 1" R Shilling . Glint. Cliff Haven. I.ocbiel MMM Pimlico lmOOyl 47 ifchvy 22 5 109 1 1 1 1 1 2» It Shilling 7. Lasnll. Amalti. dint 20069 H.deGce lm70yl:45 fa-t o 106 2 1 1 1 1- 2" R Shilling 8 ClitHiel.I, I.ochiel. Wood. Shoe? SCH2EMER. b. g. 3 87 Bv McGee — Intrigue N. Maefarlanel. • Windsor I 11 -1..W . 107 5 r. G 7. ?. A Mott 12 Sir I.. Joe. Scrutineer. Wodan Hamton 1 1 T" 2 106 ", 7 4 2 li 2. E Tanltn 12 Aprisa. Subject, Cadenza Hun, ton 1 1 16 l:48*4fast 9 r. 102 " 3 2 2 2 ::• J Smyth v Moving Picture. Martian. Kazan . 1 11 n iton 3 i 1:14 fast 11 5 112 4 7, 6 4»1 ::4 F Jackson 12 Commensia. Wodan. sir I. 3«e 20066 Conghl 1 l:45af|Slow C !»G 5 2 2 3 24 S*l 3 Aeton ii K. Hamburg. Il.ofOak. Foun.Fay 20941 fae Hon. 1 1,,w 17 93 3 2 2 3 L" 8*1 R McDott :i Bushy Head. Carbide, Shvness ■ ■ Wdbine 2 1 1 I3?4faa1 fid 109 S 6 7 6= 8* F Jackson 13 Maxim Belle, KlrL.Joe. leffersoti ;imi7 I.virton lm70yl:4S fast 23 10S 6 3 2 2 4 43 K Pool 8 Tvi-. First Fiddle. Kl let CROSSBUN. br. f. 4 96 By Peter Pan— Lucy Cross R. B. Stelle. . Wii Isoi 1 1 :IO.-.-lov 57 94 "11 5 5] «•! I. MeAtee I. Waterbass. Barne«at. T.W.Moon ■ J Windsoi 1118 2 7 7 7 74" J Callahan 7 founnensia. Rcbwood, Car. or Ilml .. :: 1 1 11 fast 77-20 MS 2 7 7»* 6 A Nlcklauc H C»y, Monty Pox, 31m Baaey i- Pimlico 3 I 1:14 mud JG 7. nr; 7. 4 2 2- ::| A Schutgr 7 Faker, Joe Deibold. Work. Lad M14M II deGce ■ I 1 l-Sfast 00 106 4 7 7 6 B* M Matths 7 Star Gift. Belamour, Clint ES I! deGce 51 f 1 OSfasI 50 108 1 9 9 I •« M Matths- tt Miramichi. Belamour, Glint 1964a Havana 51 f 1 06%fast G 99 7 7 r |*f J Dreyer 8 Wanda Pltaer. Rrisr Path, Sail 19 Havana I 4 1:12 fast 30 Kd 4 7 E 45 J Dreyer 7 Briar Bath. Cliff Field, l.iieore