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SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-old-: and upwaid. Selling. I9MM l.M-. ! -KC. , fiUIDE POST. b. m. 5 105 Bv Filigrano— Lady Augusta B. Rosenthal. ii oi i II food -.!• 5 1 in 1ST, .v ::-. . Kederis •■ Kate. K.. Dicks Pet. Kopje ".■ Windsor 1 I •• I v fast s •"• MB 7 S I -1 •» 8*J r Cooper 7 Snrutiasing, Iliiawav. l.l. Sifter ii I. nla 1181 -".-,i,oo.l :: " 111 1 1 1 l M l- it ;,H,S. N Wryneck, Siiek I in. Prospect ■ t Latonia 1 1 it. 1:44 faat 14-S m. i - :: :. :.:■ ;,■■ i; ;„«,s,. 7 Rtpeetloo Maoasseb. Ipressioa i . Latonia lmTuy l:44%faat •"•:: lu 104 3 i 7 3 2 2U k Coos,- s Miss Thorpe, S.Aetresa. J.Laaise l l MM Latonia Im7«y l:43£faBt SJ inc 1 :: 4 :: :: 2 it loose ftaotil, Manasaeh, Mallard » 1**74 Latonia l i W 1:41 fast SI-CM 4 :: I :: l| l«| i: Qaoae 8 ".Thorpe Mallard, Expectation 20744 Douglas ! i : ■ 1 4S«4faat 4 P* t; « s 7 8 83 It Qoaaa 8 UaUard, Ada, Tavotara w u Dougloi 1 i 16 l:4S%fast 11-10 110 3 S 2 3 S" 3« It Oooaa Hani Ball, I. Gentleman. Bingo ! Chat-chill i l M I 48 «imv 23-5 no 2 7 6 4 3« 3J R Goose 8 Reno. Lorelaad, Cardie F. PRINCE EUGENE, b. g, 5 103 By Hamburg— Eugenia Burch J. Livingston. 17. Win, i-., i i i 16 i:i.4r.-lo 21 i M 11 W I ■ 7* ■•:i. M darner il Sanreme, Barwooa, Fly Home 16: Windsor I i II 1:48 last S3 » 111 0 4 3 3 51 :.« M Oamer 7 Snrpaaalac, FHtaway. BbySister 2I2C2 Hamton 1 1 16 l:4S%faat 4 108 3 7 3 3 3 3 -J A Nevlon 7 B. Broom, B.C*ardcr. D.Mdonald 20870 l.aionia 1 1-10 l:4S%faat 27-5 113 2 3 2 2 2| li J Hanover 0 S.Aetres*. W.WoaL Comanretta 20743 Douglas 1 3-16 l:iS%faat 14-5 105 8 8 7 4 3 :!■ a Nevlon 10 Hard Ball, White Woe, ciiiv 20854 Uouglaa Im70y l:44%taat 24 114 8 9 8 8 * »■ 5H A Neylon l" Brynllmah, Tavolara. Korfhage 20290 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47%faat 29-20 112 M 7 4 4 2 l* A Neylon 13 M. Bui welter, SUekPln, SereaaU 20267 Churchill 1 1-M l:4fi%fast SC-9 IN 4 6." 4 4» 4 -?. A Ceylon 9 TureadeT, R.Keenoa, I.Genmaa 20229 Churchill 1 1-M 1:47 fast 13 no 6 s 7 I 6 61SJF Robson S Brave, BaekKeeaon, Tatreadef BURWOOD. b. c. 3 97 «- T-an sv»a!— Miss McLaughlin A. Tnmev 7 Win,]-.. i 11-16 1 7 -.-low 19 102 12 3 2 V and Callahan II Snpreme. II v Home, Bondreary l ■■ Windsor I l:40%faat 46-6 l«7 7 7 S 6 7= 6»| It MeDottlA Cannonade. Dandreary. :r-vi KortErie lm70yl:57Hhvy 21-6 !E 6 :: :! :: 8 V R atcDotl ■"■ Supreme, Progressive, IdaClaire I » FortErie Im70yl:34%hvy 19-5 us 3 2 2 2 23 2M. .1 Callahan a Kedland, IragreMtiTe. s kctreas :1336 Hamton 11-16 1 30 slop 1-5 X 1 1 1 1 V V It McBott 7 Ken rock, Joe Stein. I-I v Home 1207 Hamton 1 1:46 fast « Ion 4 6 I 3 S1 S*| J Callahan s Squeeler, Rnenre. Baby Sisier 20894 BIueBon. 1 1-8 1:5C*4bIow 14 102 111 1 1» 1» //Callahan » TheRump. Raincoat. BahySiater 20K45 BlueBon. 7-8 l:28%rast SI 104 i 3 t 3 3- 3 -I Call iliani:, R« Inouleta. V.n. Strome I046JJ Wdbine 8-4 l:U 17-10 io4 5 fi 2 SI 3J c Coleman 14 Patience, Pay Streak. The Rump 2oes3 Plmltto 3 4 ir.vlinv 12 109 2 2 E C* C|T Rice B AUiena, Brandywiae. laidora 2tH»1 Ptmlico :: i l:WHhvy 22-1 M I 4 3 4J 44 T Rice 7 HBter, Amaaa, Kazan I. H. HOUGHTON, b. h. 8 « Bv Bungarven— Ben Ledi G. W. Scott. ■ Windsor 11-16 1 •■ hvy 9 Ms 2 4 4 4 S * 3 3 It Shilling S Kilday. Blrka, WadawnrtbsLasi 1646 Win. I-.. i l I 16 l:.Vt%Rlop 7." 10 iin 7 s 7 « 6* Shilling a Kneelet Apriaa. Fellowmau . Ham i..ii 1 l:41%mud 4 ii:, l 2 3 I ::- "-It! Burns 7 Bendel, I. in kv neorge Eodiac 21296 H.uut. ,n 1 1 s i : •,:::■■* last s 120 6 4 6 7 7" V 0 I.urns IS Lucky George, Bodtae L.Traver* i.i." Hamton I I ii4-iast 1". iir, p. n 11 WJ P|Q Burns 12 Bendel, L. Umdon. Mia* Waters 1 286 Hani ton ;.. 1 :iti4r.!ast IS IIS 1 0 7 7- V Q Burns 11 Viler, Mi-s iarle. Iav Streak 0894 Blu. Bon. 1 I 8 l:56%slow II 3 114 2 4 5 4 6 5»J G Burns !l linrw I. The Itiinip. Raincoat S ■ BlueBon. 1 1:ll-:.last 69-10 116 1 3 3 2 23 2 G Burps 11 Penalty. Klwah. Star of Love 28799 Dorval 1 r4.:-..tast 8-5 117 r, 2 3 3 V 1* G Cuius n Rerrard, UTravera I. Innoc.-nee I Borvul lmTOy I:4T%fast 10 112 « I I 5 2i 3* R Shilling 7 c-ittylnink. The Ramp. Balfron DUNDREARY, b. c. 3 on By Semnronius — Amceras Williams and Stickney. Windsor i l 16 l:471fcslow -I MS 7 3 2 3 3i 47, J Kederis il Suprease, Burwood, Ii Home 1626 Windsor I l.4"--.ta-t 8| !••■ lo s .; .; ::• 2« w W TlorlO CannoBade, Wad.a Laat Rnenre 21457 l.aionia l l:40%good K 1 100 0 5 3 1 1J 2J F Murphy II Hrosrenor, Blrka, Laekroae 21212 l.aionia lm70y i:44%fast 99 105 0 0 7 I 4 Sf I. Gentry 8 Disillusion. Cmaurctta Urtlnos 21 MM Latonia 1 1 14 l:4«%faai 42 mi 5 S 0 5 71 W L Gentry » A.-is. OM Tan Alleilo 2MSC Latonia l l 10 l :4s good 13 MS i i 4 i S :.SJ I! ott r. Ommauretta. Martinos Fidget 28709 Douglas 1 1 16 l:47%fast 45 160 15 0 I 51 ?.- B ott 8 Disillusion, K. Krlngle H Pearl 28265 Churchill 3-4 l:1S%fast 70 103 4 5 0 72 8" If Oti 12 Billy .I -. Inetbey, u- 19JS0S Latonia fitlM fast 30-5 102 2 3 4 4- 3. I? Ott I* Noliiemiiii. Chitra. Titan I "CRY GE3RGE. b. g. 6 101 By Maceo— Presentation C. B. Marlmanl. •■ WindKoi I 1 l« l:4S«4good 9-10 Kti 12 2 1 1 2 W Cial 12 Brickley, Apiisa. Wild Horse 679 Windsor 1 1 16 1 : •"■. V.livy 29 10 185 5 2 2 4 5- 5*1 V Coaier 7 I 11 l:.n. UbertyJlalL Fellowman 21397 Hamton I l:4I%mud " lor t :; 2 2 8* : "• it UcDott 7 Betslel. .1. n. Houghton Kodlae 21296 Hanxton 1 1 s 1 :.-.::%fast 10 117 3 2 2 1 1= 1- it UcDott 12 Zodiac. J.H.Hoaguton l,.Traren 2H58 Conghl Im20y l-H-.good 2| P 4 10 4 4 L" : W W Men 8 L.3pirituelle. W. auoke Kihlav 2M92 CoVght lm"0 I 4 ...fasi 12 104 S 4 :: 3 2- : W W Men K Sapretae, Bula welah, rord Mai .ion Conghl 1 1 16 c:.- slow 26 M4 3 1 3 3 !■» 2- A W Man 8 RalaeoaL The 1,nino Kilday 20785 Dorval 1 1:44 fast 4 112 5 4 4 4 S* H W uhert to Bognrt. Spobn, o Tla True 20766 Dorval 1 1 i:-l-.iast 4 114 7 4 4 4 5- If W Ota it 10 Irish Heart. Bogart. Foat ■ •. » Dorval lraOj l:48*4faat M 104 2 2 3 2 1* :;i .1 1 hI.i 12 Dnrhi Penalty Ajax :-o57:! L . ImiT 01 f 1:30 hvy 4 114 5 11 f * A Walsh s Pixie. Tiger Jim, P. Dumas CORDIE F., ch. m. 5 94 *~ T1i« Serib-— Elizabeth B. P. J. Miles. 1,00 Windsor 1 1 16 ii7:.slov 92 101 4 8 9 9 S* M IK Lapalllell Snpreme, Burwood, ilv Home L1040 Windsor 1 1 It ! :.:- „siip 27 b*n 1 ; ■• :i ■ s3 O Qraver :• Kneelet. prisa. hVllowaaaa 21339 latonia 1 1-8 1 :56 slow 40 5 111 0 4 5 5 ;,i 1*1 F Ilobinsn 7 Flownian, .LKnaimh I. II dair 21214 Latonia 1 1 16 1 20 1114 5 S 5 0 i; 5*1 M earner s Mockery. White Wool Wryneck 21125 Latonia I 1-16 1 i7 fast 04 MS. 9 7 7 7 9 7»J V tooiasnlO IrisnGntleman, Mockerv Obolus 2W00 Latonia 1 1 l« I K-Vast 7s 106 9 s 7 0 5- 5" MI Bt earns 11 White Wool, Mockery W Horse 24feS9 1 1-16 1 4i;r,fast 69 99 9 0 0 6 71 7»»JC Hunt 11 Olga Star. Acis. Irish Cent I email •ot« Douglas 1 :: 16 1 : 8%tast 27 MS 7 7s ft i !M*C Dishmnnin Hard Ball, XV. WikiI i: kTngea- 20608 Douglas 1 1 8 1:53 good 40-S 101 4 4 5 5 3" 3=i. C Dishmon ; ;.d,l Color. Plylag Feet. Goldy FIRST STAR, b. g. 6 104 By Star Shoot — Amy Davenport T. Eggers,. Jios. Win. C 1 1 1 Mi I - hvy 5 110 0 0 6 6 7"- T A Schugr K KUday, Blrka, J. H. Houghton K46 Windsor 1 1 10 1 :7,:;%siop is; 112 9 9 8 7 7,; 5«j W Kelsay :i Kneelet. Aprisa. Pellowman 21584 Denver 1 l:41%fa*t 21 US B 11 11 M H PfC Riddle il l»ulse Paul, Iaisv Ma.-k RIPato 21551 Denver 1:44 mud 2 113 1 5 5 1 1* 1-1 I Fraeh s CeoK Siuthern Gold Fairly 21480 Denver 1 l:41ibfast 16 108 1 7 5 5 0- :. W Orines ! Ill. Mohr. O. McGee, Lou. Paul 21890 Denver 1 l:41Vsrast 10-5 US 0 0 0 5 S 3H W Ormis i Tarl.-ton I.. Sav rl Itirk 21280 Denver 1 l:44%slow 91 113 4 9 9 7 r.» l3 W Ormes p Fairly, Zangaree. Ohllrion 21082 Denver S-4 IHfast 37 108 8 9 9 9 9nT Dealy 0 Mganeae. Desuer. P ntoinetfe 19980 Juar.z 1 1-8 l:53%fast 4 103 S 10 6 4 4J 2i R Shilling 11 SatoCoanor, VoladayJr., Cans pa 19873 Juarez 11:39 fast 3 111 7 6 5 6 8 S-J .1 Murphy 8 Canapa, Spindle. Art Itick 19SM Juarez 1 l:3S%faat 4-5 108 3 4 5 4 3= 3- T Rice 7 Goldy. Eck Davis. Barnard 1S747 Juarea 1 M fast 2 10s s s 8 7 7*1 7«»1R Hoffman 8 Cordie 1.. Canapa. Goldy 19631 Juarea 1 1:40slop 5 US 3 7 6 i 4-1 4T; R Hoffman 8 Mi-r.-utiam. Hard Ball, -t. Nolan 1*602 Juarea 1 1 8 1:5S**faat G 185 2 7 0 6 55 2 R Hoffman 7 C.McBougll, ArtRick. Ilerclum I9T.26 Jnarec 1 l-S 1 :54%fast 4 107 7 6 6 6 7 t»l R Hoffman 7 Vofaday II. . Linbrook, Durin 19477 .Ina r I 1 1:10 fast 6 112 S 5 5 4 4-ll.R Hoffman !» A.Heinze. Orbiiulation Tparetil 19426 Juarea 1 1 s 1 4 107 3 7 6 3 41 S" R Hoffman 7 Gofdy. I.adv Innocence Penalty 1H4I4 Juarea 1 l.lfWjfail 8-5 US 3 7 7 I 5" l1 R Hoffman 8 Doll l;..v. W. Horse. Ancestors