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UNIQUE HORSE SHOW IN FRANCE. Among the visitors to Newmarket yesterday was * Mr. Brace Bletaae, a niember of the well-known racing family, who is home on urea-day* leave, ami who. after rlaltlag hi- father, went straight on 10 Newmarket, the lore of racing being thick upon 1 him. lb- is aii English officer attached to the Indian 1 cavalry, his experience gained with Ihe Calcutta 1 Light Hois.- and his knowledge of Indian dialects I ■eenrhag tor hiiu a commission, and promotion followed quickly. He was ai STpeee, then ai La Basee; : then back to Ypies. ami his regiuicin is now eene-where - elae m France, and he baa aeea as mm h 1 lighting of the tiercest sort as anybody living, but his wish is to lie sent to the Dardanelles. In the • curse of eonveraetioa he said: "Four days ago I was taking part iu a tamping competition, and there I were 8.0CMI horses engaged. The cavalry had four un I* special leave, which meant we were free to do what we liked and go where we liked, so long as we did not leave the country. So we got up a sp,rts s meeting, ami oaVera from all parts of PnUMe at tended and brought their horses. The English m alry, ludian cavalry, and Belgian cavalry ware ■ strongly represented. We started tin competition at t daybreak and hiiished when it was too dark to go on." There can s arcely have been a bene show ■• like this in the history of the world. The whole of f the brothers Blctso arc at the trout. IL Bryan i Bletso, who won the Grand National on Rubio be ing in the Dardanelles, and the other two. Morgan i and Percy, iu France.— London Bportamaa of July 2.