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SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds. Selling. 16611 1:66% 2 It ■::. . VENETIA, b. f. 3 108 Bv SMitaire II.— Salvatrix P. SheridanL l«W Windsor 5J f 1:12 livy 21 In 168 1 1111 ll F Conner ll Meelicka, Klharlnr li Mi ■ 1 81587 FortErie 5S f 1 :08%slow 29-28 85 2 1 1 |» l | X Garner 6 Yenshee. [jmehnrne. I. I .11 21166 FortErle 8-4 1:28 hvy 1- 5 lot; 4 13 3* 4" .1 Metcatr c. Brandywlnc Kate K J«w Finn 21226 Hamton 3-4 l:14%fast S ]0fi 7 111" 2" J Metealf 12 The Spirit Sir Rlatse id.-t 20987 Conght 5| f l:14%alow 4 :it 6 21 1*1 1] T Hayes 10 A. N. Akin, Deposit. M. Jobasea 20430 Wdbine 3-4 1:13 fast 28 in:: 2 2 2 3 5«|J Metealf G Pan Zsreta, Recoil. Shvness 20176 Lexgtoa 3-4 l:15%hvy 18 100 8 s 2 4- 8»«iA Mott lit Billy Joe OHagsn. Hncnir 20137 Lexatoa 8-4 l:l3%fast 19 108 5 4 4 71 B*| W WTlor R Kmhroidery. TorvMsid, Grecian 17420 AViibine 5-8 l:01%slow 13-10 109 4 1 1 l2 l« J Metealf 9 F.ajrV. Commensi.i. Annus EAGLE, b. g. 3 106 By Yankee — Miss Kearney A. G. Weston. 20010 H.deGce 3 4 1:11 fast 1 Ml 4 4 2 2 2" M Buxton 5 Flwah. Vid.i Carlton 0 19989 Bowio 8-4 1:14%fast 4 88 5 7. 4 4". 5s F McAtee 7 Star Gift Briar Path Shueeler 19916 Howie 7-S l:28%good 8 9» 12 11 4- 43 W Lilh . 8 JoeDeibold, I.oehiel. HarrvSbaw 18353 Pimlico 5i f 1 :08 fast 21-5 116 6 5 5 ■«* 2» M Baxton 8 Gloaming Sarsenet Protector 18289 Plmlleo 51 f IM fast l« 104 11 5 3 1* 2« R Neanderll Rtlwart Helen. Gaelic, Albena 18136 Laurel 5| f 1 :07-fast 87 888 1 I I M 3 I M Bnxton 6 Protector, Pn lux. Dist a at 8h 17971 Laurel 6 f 1:46 fast 11-5 104 3 1112 l»| M Bnxton 14 LydtaA.. EllaJenninea, MamieK. 17689 Laurel 51 f 1 :07%fast 59-10 KM 18 8 7 .. 6*1 B Neanderi3 M.Mgomery, Mallard Pavemck 17552 Laurel U f l:07Hfast 8J 104 6 3 4 k«a :rj r Neander o Gnat. Stalwart Helen. Chsaee 17420 Wdblne 6-8 lK l%slow 9 112 2 6 5 42 P R Neander 0 Venetia. Commensia. Amans 16043 FortErie 5 f l:ofi%fast 9 lor, 3 3 6 4 4* 42 .1 Metealf 7 Reliance. Sir Rdgar, MarsCsssldy 1.7797 Hamton 51 f 1:07 fast 11-5 103 6 5 8 6* 6»| D Coni.ellvlO Orrnulu. Sir Edgar. Dr. Larrick 15,31 Windsor 5J f 1:06 fast 4 103 4 1114 14 I Connelly 8 S. McMeekin. Rancher. L. Payne LANGHORNE. br. c. 3 109 Bv Oddfellow— Nuns Cloth S. M. Henderson 21587 FortErie 51 f l:08%slow 14-5 M 4 3 2 3. 8*1 3 Acton 1; Venetia. Yengnee. Lady London J1526 FortErie 51 f l:09%slow 13-6 106 4 4 4 2 2» I Kederia 8 White Crown. GoklCap. Imiuieta 21435 FortErie 51 f l:12%hvy 12-6 18816 2 3 4-1 48 . W Andreas and Reflection, Inauieta Colors 21 208 Latonia 8-4 l:12%faat 5 106 7 6 6 42 21 F Keogh 12 Royal Tea. Grosvenor. Skadraeh 21165 Latonia 3-4 l:13%fast 25 107 2 2 2 2h 2n F Keogh 10 Channeuse. Surrget. Day Day 21035 Latonia 3 -4 1 :16%mud 23 10 108 5 5 5 A* 4»l. A Mott 0 Zili Malahar "intra 20887 Latonia 3-4 l:16%hvy 23-5 103 4 2 3 6J 8""?.A Mott 10 Freeman Sureet Ratina 20949 Latonia 3-4 1:14 mud 13 101 6 4 6 6 6HA Mott 6 Dr.Larriek. CarrieOnne. Chartier 20557 Douglas 2 4 LlCmud 5 107 5 4 4 4J 59 E Pool 7 Mex. Carrie Orme. Amazon 20492 Douglas 3-4 1 :16%mud 19-10 112 2 1 1 l1 21 J Butwell 16 .Mex. Ienuyrock. Rloude CRYSTAL, b. f. 3 105 By The Commoner— Miss Alice ft. Smith. 21392 Hani ton 3 4 l:16%mud 1 102 3 2 3 02 fi" T Rargton 8 Lib. Hall. AdaAnne. ULHcktniag 2i2f.:: Hamton S-4 l:14%faat 2 lor, 1 1 1 l«12» v Obert li Cardigan. Celebritv. Meelicka l:i.!95 FortErle 5-s l:O0%fast 4 MS 1 111- l-» V Obert 8 Ralko. Tokay. Carbide 15241 Hamton 5-S l:00%fast 51 115 2 1 1 2- 28 .1 Callahan 7 Kd Crump. Orniulu. Ida Claire 15084 Hamton 5-S LOOVifast 6 113 3 1 2 2s 2* J Callahan] 1 Kd Crump, Ida Claire, Ralko 14471 Wdbine 5-8 1:01 fast 16-5 11". 2 2 1 2 ?. .1 Smyth S Sir Bdsar. Kd Crump, Orniulu 11416 Wdbine 4J f 54%fast 13-5 105 2 1 1 1* 1= J Smyth 8 P. Flinders. IdaClalre, Jos.Zarata MEELICKA, ch. f. 8 92 Bv Meelick— Glassweed W. P. Fine. 21683 Windsor 51 f 1:12 hvy 44 5 bj r, 5 ] :i. -;; 1, McAtee 16 Venetia. Katl-irii- G.. Moaeowa 21557 FortErie 8-4 l:22%hvy 17 8S ! I I t*» I«| L McAtee 8 T. Busyhodv. I. Pet, K. Worth 21394 Hamton 3-4 l:16%mufl 6 107 7 7 7 7" 4° E Ilavnea 8 Valas Pegs? L. Miss Waters 21293 Hamton 3 1 l:14%faat 20 107 3 3 8 42 433 E Haynes 11 Cardigan. Crvstal. Celebritv 21117 Conght 3-4 Ll.igood 20 103 4 3 3 3* 3 i H Ilaynos 12 Slellata. JoseflnaZarste, Bnterpe 21010 Conght 3-4 l:17V5slow 15 100 6 G 8 7« 6"JE Haynes 1 Gordon. King Radford. .1. Zarate 20923 Rluel;on. 3-4 l:14%faat fid 98 8 11 12 12 128, ■ Havnes 13 Briar .lath Dicks Pet Sleuth 20458 Wdbine S-4 l:14%faat fid 102 10 8 11 12 13" E Havnes 14 Patience. Pav Streak. Burwood 20067 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 23 105 5 5 9 9J ID* E Haynes 11 Fair Helen. Minstrel. Fly Home 20039 H.deGce 5i t l:07*andfast 30 Ml 1 7 10 9* 62 E Havnes 14 New Haven. Sil.Moon. Yorkvllls 19994 Powie 5J t l:09?sfast 12 107 6 5 6 8* 72J E Haynes 13 Celebrity, R.Moses. J. R. Han ell WHITE CROWN, b. g, 3 96 By Peep oDay— Dividend J. Livingston. 21 o26 FortErie 51 f l:09%slow 43-6 M 3 11 1* I* M Garner 8 Langnorne, Gold Cap Inqnieta -l-i4 Hamton 3-4 1:14 fast 10 112 3 4 5 7 »H!A Nevion 12 Commensia Wodan Schemer 20527 Douglas S-4 l:15%raud 38-14 182 1 2 5 11 H1!iJ Mctagrtll Rovai Meteor, GreviUc Manners 20252 Churchill 3-4 l:13%faat 47-26 MR 1 2 2 2- ■• A Nevion 15 SkilesKnob, Manners. Vir. Field 18365 Latonia 5i f 1:07 fast 24 103 7 6 8 7 7" L Hart«ell12 Nobleman. Chitra. Dundrearv 18292 Iitonla 1 l:41%faet 41-10 106 2 2 3 8 3h 3-i A Nevion 13 Cannonade. Gold. Girl, Jee It 18244 Latonia 3-4 l:13%fast H 107 6 7 7 42 3 A Nevion 12 Cannonade. Nobleman, W.Wttcti 1S12S Latonia 5ifl:07 fast 27 104 2 3 3 2 2- J Metealf 12 Cardigan. Chesterton. Hone Hon 17996 Churchl 51 f l:0S%hvy 37 105 11 9 9 9 92"1F Martin 12 Billy Joe. B. Brother. Chesterton PEGGY L., b. f. 3 98 By Von Tromp— Ishtar R. L. Bresler 21570 FortErle 51 f 1:15 hvy 21-28 188 1 111- !■ R McDott 7 Sonny Boy. Toddilnsr. M,.rdecai 21o23 FortErie 51 f 1:11 slow 24 5 88 1 2 1 ll 1* It McDott s Toddling Luther Mi-s Waters 21?94 Hamton 3 4 l:18%mnd 7 107 fi 3 2 2 2* B McDott s Valas. MiSs Waters Meelicka 21260 Hamton S-4 l:14%fast 20 88 4 4 2 4- 8*1 R McDott 12 Rendel. LadvLondon SlissWatera 30040 BlueBon. S-4 l:16%slow fid 96 4 4 4 8* 11 •" K McDott 13 York Lad odd Can tia tnne 207.20 Wdbine 3-4 l:l$%faat fid 95J 2 5 4 H 8* M McD*ottl4 Yorkville. L. Ixmdmi! York Lad 20424 Wdbine 3-4 l:l3%fast fid 95 3 2 4 12 15IS2M McDottl.5 Braudywine, Ecntonl Ida Claire 19907 Havana 5-8 1:07 slow 2 97 4 2 l2 ll R MeDert 8 Cath. turner. Elsewhere R Maid 19853 Havana 5-8 1:03 good 21 94 4 1 l1 l2 R McDert 8 Taca. Chil. Trance Infer. Queen 19602 Havana 5J f l:17%hvy 13-5 96 5 3 2» 31 J Gartner 6 Bordello. Hill Stream, Proctor SCRUTINEER, b. c, 3 105 By Voter—Kin Rose G. M. Hendrie. 21690 Windsor 3-41:14%slow 31 iln s 5 4 2- 2»* I. Gentry 12 Sir L. .!•■ • Schemer Wodas 18310 Latonia 51 f l:07%fast 17 112 8 5 9 0" Pi .1 McCabe l.t Dundreary Foxy Grid KeMca 16109 Windsor 5 Sl:or,%hvy 7 112 7 5 I 6- 5*1 W Waron 7 Fteais. Stareress Carrie Orme j»«** Windsor 6-8 l:0iy6fast 5 112 8 3 2 2 2lJ W Obert 11 Jack Carer. Rcsiirn. K.Hamhure JOSEFINA ZARATE, ch. f. 3 88 By Abe Frank— Minyon H. S. Newman. 21«* Ham toa 3-4 l:14%faat t| M 3 111- PL McAtee 12 Rendel. Lady London. M.Watei 7.llll .on ght 3-4 l:15%good 21 83 1 1 1 l*| 2» A Collins 12 Stellata, Meelicka. Euterpe 21010 Conght 3-4 l:17%slow 21 94 5 3 I 23 331 A Collins Id Gordon. King Radford BeauPera 20923 BlueBon. 2-4 l:14%faat fid 93 fi 3 1 l2 62; A Colllna 13 Briar Jath. Dicks Pet Sleuth 20643 Dorval 3-4 l-14%faat 3J 102 4 1 2 1*1 3*4 F Cooper 14 Reflect ion. Schnapps-. Jefferson 19SS5 Juarez 51 t l:06-,fast 4 SS 7 6 4 2"k « | B Marco 7 Kirs. La Caxadora Delaner 19S62 Juarez 5-8 l.-00%faat 2J 110 5 1 1 11 8afc J Howard B Kittle May " Pels Heeuan 19815 Juarez 511:07=ifast 21 M3 3 5 5 hi 5" JA Mott 7 R. A.Jom i. M. OBrien. I.ghi.rne ARGENT, b. f, 3 91 Bv Singleton— St. Agnes J. A. Thomson. ®M Windsor 51 f 1:12 hvy 51 90 6 :: :, 7.1 7»t K LspailleK V.-netU. Meelicka. Katharine «. . - Mam ton S-4 30 97 8 9 S 8* 8»1 L McAtee 11 Cardigan Crvstal Celebritv 21206 Hamton 51 f 16%fast 20 so 7 8 s 8* S»l h McAtee 11 VHej Miss Carle Pav Streak 21087 conght 3-4 l:14%faat 7 MS I 2 1 I* 6*1 C VanDun » Black Pine, SubjeVt, Aorisa lU25Sorv* 5-8 l:3,sfast 20 146 1 2 4 4S 8* G W Carll 8 Carrie Orme, Alston lam Cortea 1706. Dorval 5 ! I *4%faat 15 115 4 2 2 3 4*1 G W Carll 8 Ashokan. Amans" Broom Flower 16577 Conght 5-8 1:03 fast 8 105 4 5 4 4- 3O.W01.crl 0 CarrieOnne VnnaRose Meelicka R814 Hamton 51 f l:08%faat 88 9S S 5 6 Sl 6*| J Metealf 12 Palermo, Pi tor. r!ossle :r«cke| 5827 Hamton 5-8 1:02 fast 2.. M6 It 7 M* M» J Metealf 12 PoUv Flinders. Resisn Palermo 153.8 FortKrie 6-8 l:W%fast 13 100 7 6 5 6»k 7" F Moore S Redland Celebrity Ilelus SEPTEMBER MORN. ch. f, 3 101 Bv Prep oDav— Attelle J. C. Cahni. 21683 Windsor 51 f 1:12 h 11 M R 7 7 r.u 8**1M Gamer 10 Venetia, Meelicka Kathaiim 0 -0431 Douglas 3-4 l:17%bvy M2 m:: 10 10 in :» u:" i:ott I ft Amazon Mallard Vlledjj 20239 Churchill lm70yl:14%fast 111 .» 7 4 5 E I B*»1R Urqhart « B. Candle Reouinim M aa K JdMO Lexgton 7/. f 1:11 hvy 83 99 7 7 6 51 5** B Pool 0 Dark Flower. Gold. Girl. Dismisi c TTPX ;on ;.!!!!? aSJ H !2 1 l: I""1 4 laul Oain.s. BeilBov. GondoHno - 16053 Lex gton 5-8 111 fast 9-o 144 1* R paal 7 Lucille I! Moselrvine ICrn ?;-ii on!a il ] :0=igoo.l ss 102 5 5 fi 4| rtfp Rjwdnsnll Mad. Daebess. Inea. LesIwvalWes U 182 Latonia Ml« fast 1. 110 4 J :: V 7.",F Keagk 12 Dor Perkins R m„.,. Prunelln 15025 Latonia 5-8 l:01%fast 38 110 4 2 2 *» «»■ G W Carllll On. • Step, Grecian B.B.ATorker ST0NEW00D. b. g, 3 99 Br Wadawortb— Trisauce E. D. Weeds. ■ IP Latonia I 1:4a hvy 18 145 9 7 7 1 8* c" F Murphy !i Oranse. Kris Kringle. Maltie V itonia 3-4 l:13%fast 101 145 8 5 4 4«jj Campbell 11 Diuniiv. KrD Kringle v Metal V-Vr- V:lt,oni-:l lVJ2SS*?i Vi i"t1! ]ft 7 lfl 102 J CampheUlO Charmeuse. Langborne. Suregel 1 166 Latonia 6 t l:03%faet 56 M» 11 m ]u n M* w Obert 11 Snrudel Dumlreirv St Char7-..te 15079 latonia 61 f 1:10%,nud 42 104 4 5 7 7*7 «lWObert 8 IborneVRArent Wsternroof 15005 Latonia 5-8 l:0i%fast fid 112 7 10 8 I*| 6*1 J Booaey 11 Chesterton. fcxyGrtff. Lallgtlrne Also eligihle to start in order named should any of above be scratched: TRULANE. b. g. 3 102 Bv Atkins— Princess Tulane R. Ripleyl. 21 .. Denver 5? 1 l:07%fast 23 10 in9 .. 5 a s«s X . 1 : nrarren s is- i,v 1 v,,.-i. 1 i ■ ■■ .- 21175 Denver 51 f l:06%fast 101 H» 2 2 I HI V *U WarrTn S ConchRrnsBrotlJf W CWe5 19959 Juarez 1-8 lrtl%fast 21 165 2 7 8 6* i« 11 Clark 11 cics 1 ■..,., i: , ,1 i-i-i ," 19935 Juarez 51 f l:07%fast 31 102 2 6 I I : B lUrco u V n V t* .1 onus ofc, olf R ll l 1»7«6 Juarez S-4 l]lS%fast 8 Mil 7 4 6* 6*f W Ormes 13 Marsand AvocadTSara Conaar " 19736 Juarez 51 f 1 :0.;-,fast 4 112 8 M 6 hV »«»1W Ormea 12 ih„, it 1,, , , n ," !., 1970S Juarez 51flf%faat 21 185 I :: s o :: L Gentry 12 11 a j, Ton . 11 » vhouhl ir,";,: lull"x *-4 1:12%faat 3 112 M 7 S 8 I -m: W ar1112 J..ln, ,.el.ii Yii ■■ i. do I I?, ml 18410 Juarez 3 -I 1:13 fast 2 1105 4 4 «• 4* J McCabe 15 Ida %inaek VeVta Jobb Soohn l3M5Juarea 1-2 46%fast 51 112 4 | ,- v .1 Murphy 7 Jo. /,!,!.. »£%J£? Mnk I37«8 Juarea 1-2 4, fast 12 US 1 5 5? 6* W Ormes 7 Climber Sunremaev m dn.irn 13685 Juarez 1-2 46%fast 5 106 5 2 S* It* W Ormes « p. Brntl. r RvT ones" 11 It . 8308 Juarea 8 f 88%fast 6 5 lir, 5 ;v 8*8 R ivr ml Tanlin r. Siii.r. n , il ,, ..* „.A| "" • uprMii.iij. 1,11 v Iltisyr.ditn. llr.Onll i , 1 .1 ■ 9iec l..«. r mk . a - 11. o , 11 SStm "" X I- I J1 T:""n S " r""k- Con.maurotla Nellie! 13098 Juarez S-8 s .U-fast •l-f»s J 114 11 7 7 22 ! J 3J Murphy L C .priciou- Toknv Cnnirnetli 13072 Juarez 3-8 342,fast 2J 114 4 SSarafe Mei p » J Loftus 0 J. Silver BIossow? t.adneat. " " "" " V K **»"" » •SSSSi. ifirer. FarN, Xlo IvSPELS* f3. Su 1,BVD/Lk K1" Jg 1 ngden J. B. Reaper. ». 1 Latonia ■■ 1 . l:l»%fast I ■- fas, - 9 H 10 1641 i . I 1 , 1 1* L Gentry ll K. Krin-Me v Uetsl si.-u.,,.t ■■• ] •""""•- 3-4inj%hvy 8 M.7 2 1 , 8 10* L Gentrv IO KneeW Wateroroof vu, 18332 Latona 61 f l:6B%fast 41-16 110 11 7 7 56U.f.Mt . If r: . -ii,rdu w w i, ; " ;,.. , p 18170 Latonia 61 f l|678k»rood 13 112 4 2 fi 5»8-»l». McEwenl2 FldgetT WateV Wltch F Crockei 7 churchl r,i f l:07%mud 29 100 5 7 8 9 8»« F Mnrnhy » VV*h Z HankOD, v * IteokerBIU ELLA JENNINGS, b. f. 3 86 By Star Rubv— Graziosa G. A. Alexandra I" A«nieduci s 1 :-d -.good ..0 :is .1 r, , ., .,,..|. j „„.,,, ., r.IM,,,u- i , 1 1 [, ,. , »« «jHinaiea 1-4 1:14 fas 98 ME 2 4 4 .: 6««1M Run..,. 7 N.mreddln 1 .V I Icnl , •, " 30295 P ml co 3-4 l:15%faat 22 1.7 2 4 4 8 6-«lT Nolan 1 v ,,n,- Vi ,.:„• , "l."" • " " 20232 Pimlico 1 l:4l%faat 44 1*2 , j 3 ., j ,, 1 ,.* ■ Q i;U, • x ,,, V m " , ,■ " v y 1M71 H.dcCce 5J f 1:08 fast M 1104 2 3 c Sm: T •,- r" v , s 7, e" m 18447 11 deGce § f 1 us-good 8 MS 10 7 I ? so, 1 Dreyer 5 TV 11 "wZ-viT"" UU28 H deGce ■ r I:n8%slow 41 Ml 17 10 S W 1 •■■ R Shilling 17 l*ennvroek Babe Lad? Bran 1S3M Pimlico 3fl:t6%faat 121 10713 10 s 4 q R shllltag 15 «3a1ebe,alty%olaa8 KIM. t. g. B 97 Bv Cvclades— Allcharm W. Martin. » : -:• Wind?. : i .1 r--.slow SO 102 1 ! 2 3*11 - .1 Callahan 12 Kit I Joe, Scrutineer. Schemer I !■•.»! ]■••!. ■ i i : -hvy 11 99 - •; : 7 7 .1 Callahan « Reflection. ln.|uiota. Colon 21316 Hamton i l io--.fnsi 43 99 2 1 I 3 8* H*IL Me A tee 12 tprisa, Schemer. Huhjerl 21091 i mi kb ! I 41*4fast K :is i _ is :■ • K Forehd ti Sunset. . K. Akia Ressand 20043 Blue Bon. 5 f i os.-.slow :r7 86 S i. g B* V] K McDott 7 Sir Blaise. The Spirit. Deposit 20690 BlueBon. i-S l 10 slow Q ME I 0 4 J 7 ; J Callahan 12 I • hi 1 Gaines, Wodan, Buffo I 21 148 "dblne 3 4 l:13fast 3 107 7 4 4 b- "j T Rice 13 Ma iin Belle, Sir L Joe. Schemer I