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: : : , ! 1 f , SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 13798 1:37*4 I I"" BIRKA. br. f. 4 100 Bv Solitaire II.— Lily Golding f.T. Lowenstelnl 216871 Windsor 1 1 IS 1:5* hvy 9-5 9S 1 1 2 1 2-1 2i. M Gamer 8 Kiiday. J 11. Houghton. W.-I.i t 21457 Latonia 1 l :4i-" -goo.129 -10 102 3 6 4 4 8* 8" M Garner II Grosvenor, Dundreary. LackroM 21317 Latonia 8-4 I:l6%hvy 29-10 100 7 7 5 2H . M Qamcc 9 Wproof, F. rocket. Qtermaater 23297 Latonia ::ii:i6 mud 7 102 s 8 8 8 5-J M Garner 8 Carrie Grme. K.Delllna M.Casca 21181 1-atonia 3 4 C3-10 118 4 3 4 4 3- C Ganz Bl Oakland. Chilla, Flossie docket 21166 Latonia 3 11:13" last 7 110 S 6 G 72 6* C Ganz 10 Obarmeuse, Langh.-rne Suregel 2071! Douglas 3 4 LLilast 53 111 5 S S 4 48 J McCal.e 10 Dr.. II Longfellow 20G4S Douglas 3-4 l:12%fast 35 107 11 11 11 It 11" J McTagrtl.". I.ittlelathei. OHaran. I.a.krose 88358 Churchill 1 1-M 1:48 slow 14 112 4 6 6 G 6 6"JH Ott S Bene. Lnveland. Guide Post PATIENCE, b. f. 4 104 Bv Marathon— Miss Alert Mrs. J. Arthur. 21705 Windsor I 1:41 good -I 182 2 3 4 4 4 v. M Garner 0 Kate K.. IHcks lVt, Gnhie P.wi 21E67 FortErie ! I 1 :22--,hvy 57-10 105 5 I 1 2 1" C Hirst 8 Astrologer. JimBasey s of Love 21489 FortErie 3-4 l:20%hvy 28-6 186 7 G G G3 8*13 Acton s Laura. Cordon. Casl Deliverr 21322 Hamton 3-4 l:!IV-slop 3J 103 3 2 2 2* 2i .1 Acton 10 Astrologer. CUff Edge Fan Bu 21157 Conght El f LOIHhgood 21 103 3 4 4 !■» IM 3 Acion 7 Leblloha, 3. II. Ban. M. Johnson 20I5S Wdbine 3 4 1 :14 ,ifast 8-5 10a 3 E 4 4: 1 L MeAtee 14 Pay Streak. Bnrwood, Tbe Rump 20398 Wdbine 3-4 1:14 good 10 102 2 5 7. 4- S*| J Acton 14 Richwood. 1. Pet. The Spirit 20297 Pimlico 3-4 1 :14%fast 47-10 96 6 f, 5 3f. 2J J Mefahey S M. Casca. MontvFox. BlueMotis,. :• 19 Iimlico 3 4 l:18%faat 5 lot 1 2 3 4"fc 4*1 R Shilling 12 Pharaoh. Humiliation, Inez 20132 H.deGce 3-4 l:14%slow 41 102 2 G 7 S 6 R Shilling 12 Monty Fox, Pharaoh. Carlton 0 20055 H. deGce 3-4 l:14*Afaat 7 loo y 5 7. 2 41 W Ural 13 Ada Anne, Sherwood. G. Russell M869 Bowie 8-4 l:14*Afna4 100 MS 7 7 7 7 7*1S Woholm 7 Star Gift, Briar Path, Squeeler FORD MAI. br. g, 5 103 Bv Clifford— Mai F. Musante. 21502 FortErie i l:454talow 9 Ml I 1 1 4 8 8*| I. MeAtee 7 Facie Ben. L oKrrkcaldy. Font 217*55 FortErie 2 11:21 hvy 29 MS 2 5 5 4 S» J Smyth 6 C.onDeiivy, Kate K., L London 31398 Hamton 1 l:44ftmud 10 M2 5 G 5 E 4l 2" R McDott 7 N.HaVea, Astrologer. C.HIlowa. 2117.9 Conght lm20y l:44%good 2] 1ih; 6 4 I :: :;- 8* 1 Acton 0 Oration, King Radford. Mlnda ♦1092 Conght lmTOy l:46*4faat 8 Iihi 2 3 4 4 4- 4* I. MeAtee 8 Supreme, L. George B. Weldi 21021 ought lm20y l:46%gnod 8 10S 13 2 1 l«a a F Coleman 11 Lib. Hall. Galaxy, Ladv Inuo.en. ,• 20790 Dorval 1 1:43 fast 7 107 7 7 5 G 6* 7o A Collins s TheRump. Ladvl.ondon. Balfroo 20746 Dorval 3-4 IS lo9 5 3 I 4" 8*1 W Hlnphy 12 Ksyroseros, B Wing Bubieonii 20648 Dorval E f lM6*4faa4 20 112 5 4 4 3V 8*1 t Colemanll Brooassedge, In. Dick. S.ofRocka COGS. b. h. B 105 Bv Canghnawaga — Maiest W. Martin. 21296 Hamton 1 1-8 l:53%fast 20 115 9 s 9 G s.1. ll - f Cooper IS L. George Zodiac J.H.Hoaghtun 21227 Hamton 1 1-8 l :.".i.-,fast S 112 7 7 7 4 4 4= F Oooper HowdylPwdy, Zodiac. Wey«noke 21158 Conght lm20y 1 :!41-good 4 b»7 7 E S 7 6*1 5*f F Cooper 8 I. Sitnelle. I.. George. Weyapoke 2i"..7 Conghl 1 1-16 1:55 mud 12 1 n» 7 5 2 2 2* 2*| F Cooper li Beau Pere, Durln, Voladay .li 20990 Conghl 1 1 16 1:53 slow 12 110 9 ll s G 61! 6"|F Cooper 14 Redland. L.SpiritUClIe Dnqueime 20867 BlneBon. 111 -fast 11 MS 5 7 7 S 6 4s J F Cooper 9 P. Regan. D.Mdonald Sherdes.s 20770 Dorval 1 l:43*£faat r. 112 9 911 9 G 7*1 F Cooper ll J.H.Hghton. Gerrard LTraters 20748 Dorval 1 1 :4:*vfast 45 Id 3 3 2 2 •• 4s F Cooper 8 Mudsill. Voladay.Ir.. BabySlster CLIFF EBGE. b. h, 9 111 Bv Clifford— Aranza II. fR. E. Watkins. 21621 Windsor 51 f l:06**fast 32 11112 12 12 12 lu-..A Nevlou 11. ITseeit, Mann 3obnsoa Colle 21332 Hamton 3-4 l:1444siop 10 10S 8 7 6 €3 3H A Neylon 10 Aatrologer, Patience Van Bn 21260 Hamton 3-4 1 :14%fast 20 110 5 3 G 8* GJ A Neylon 12. Bendel LadvLondon MfssWateri 17o: HlueBon. 1 l:40y5fast 6-a 103 4 2 2 2 4i 6" B Shilling 1 1 Spring Maid. Astrologer apruu 1697.:; BlueBon. 7-8 1:29 hvy 4 105 2 5 4 5 5J 2 3 Collins s B. Brigade. J.H.Houghton »irraii 1G500 Windsor 1 1-16 1 :51"r.hvy 2 103 7 4 1 1 2l 3J.T Smyth 8 Buln Welsh. T.ovcOav RuatvCoal 16359 Windsor 1 l:42slow 2 99 4 4 4 6 G2 4! .7 Smyth S Feather Duster. Just Red AskMa 16117 FortErie 1m70y1:43fast 11-10 106 5 11 1 1 1 J Smyth !l Contldo. Blue Mouse. Love Day CLIFF STREAM, br. h, 6 106 By Clifford— Maiest N. Macfaxlane. 21310 Hamton 2-4 1:14 fast CO 113 12 12 Fell. F Jackson 12 Betterton. Commensla Richwood M681 Conght 3-4 1:15 fast 60 110 10 lo 10 10 lOlE Ambrosell Marie v Dr R L Swirer D Pet 15891 Hamton 1 1-4 2:05%fast 10 10S 2 3 3 4 4J S-8 P Goldsfn s Fuel.. Ben FI Oro lustlteii IS80S Hamton 1 1-1C l:47%fast 20 110 12 9 11 11 102 8*1 G McDpndl2 Bonanza. Mockerv Knnwav 15431 FortErie lm70yl:44 fast 4J 107 S 8 8 7 T 5r E Ambrose g Privet Petal M Picture Confido 15364 FortErie 1 1-8 l:54%fast 3J 110 6 6 6 5 4s lot E Ambrose 8 Dvnamite. Cos Senulveda 15115 Hamton 1 1-16 1:46 fast 12 105 4 5 5 6 5i 6*f W Waron « Rash. Ask Ma. Carlton G. KOPJE, br. f, 3 88 By Kroonstad — Gironde II. T J. Elward 21705 Windsor 11:41 good 29 SS 4 1 1 2 3 4*1 A Collins 8 Kate K.. Dicks Pet Galde-Posl 21061 Windsor 51 t l:10*4mud 23 89 4 3 3 ::! 3J K LapaiUe 8 MamaThnaon M c.avle M Casca 21644 Windsor 51 f 1 :09%slop 101 K 9 7 7 7 6nj Sterrctt 10 F.Iiminie. Reflection KharlneG 2! -.71 FortErie 5. f l:15%hvy 15 9S 2 2 2 2J 3 J Sterrett 7 Inquleta, Bula Welsh CIvnta 21488 FortErie 3-4 1:22 hvy 31-5 102 2 5 8 61 6SJ J Smyth ! Jim L., Toddling Celebrity 21392 Hamton 3-4 1:16%mud 6 98 2 5 5 4* 4h J Slarrett 8 Lib. Hall, AdaAnne I. Liishluiiiir 19107 Havana 5J f l:lS.,slowll-10 109 6 4 2* 1° C Jones j The Lark. Id tola ilaberdaHh 19093 Havana 8-4 l:27Vjhvy 7 100 6 2 «J IJ C Jones 11 lone, Mockler Margaret M.lse 18981 Havana 3 4 1:31 hvy 4 SG 3 3 4" 4" F HopkinslO Centauri. Mockler Cooster 1SS10 Charlen 3-4 1:17 slow 5 SS 9 7 6 4J 3" F Hopkins n J. h i„n- i riWcr Canuock 1879S Charlen 5-8 1 :03*imud 2 102 3 13 2- 2"k F Robinsnll Riv.King, Harlennln P White 1S744 Charlen 3-4 1:15 good 6 99 6 4 4 54 4" J Smyth 11 Pierrot. Minstrel Bamboo 18710 Charlen 5J f 1:10 hvy 3 107 1 3 2 Ink 11 J Smyth 10 Snuno. GoldcrestGIrL EasterBoy SUN QUEEN, blk. m, 6 101 Bv Rock Sand— Souriante fGallaher Bro« 217.7.7 Fort Krie 3-4 l:22hvy 10 109 7 7 7 74 S- W Andress 8 T. Dicks Pel Mlicka 20358 Churchill 1! 161:48 slow 11 no 6 3 4 7 7 7"2W Andress H Reno lioveiand Guide Post 20298 Churchill I 4 1 :12%faat C9 |M M M M M 9»*1W AndresslO Hawthorn. Ma/nik Tbe Norman 20063 Lexgton 8-4 1:14 good 16 109 6 7 8 8*1 8"1W Andreas « Hocnlr. Dr. Carmen The Norma u 18286 l.atonia 1 1-16 1 :4G fast fid 102 2 11 1 F- 1- L Hartwell!2 I lei J,... I Colonist 18120 Latonia 3-4 l:13*Afast 1G 5 114 G G 6 5 B»"l W Andreas 0 Colle. Lady London 3easl»Lonl u 17563 Douglas 1 1-16 1 :46%fast 19 110 2 9 6 7 7 9**1W Andressll Hermuda B Chance Imoresalon 17473 Douglas 1 1-M l:48%faat 68-M MS 111 1 9 r W AndreaalO P*ceasCaluway, J. Stein. Wander SPINDLE, blk. g, 8 108 By Heno— Tweedle T. Eggers. 21519 Denver 1 l:48*4mud 9 MS E 4 4 E 8* 6*f 3 Fracb 7 D.Mntgomerr. Acnasea oblivion 21249 Denver 2-4 l:1414fast 57 1 11 2 s s s m W Dimes R Miss Clark Booster v„s 21199 Denver 1 1 :4l HI in 4 2 3 4 ."4 8*1 W Ormes R Dalston Hardy Prince Conrail 21144 Denver 1 1 :4D-Sfast 21 115 7 4 4 G 6* B*| W Ormes 8 Dalston. Brando. Prime Conrad 21077 Denver 1 l:42%fast 91 112 10 7. 5 s S4 7"1W Ormes 10 St. Avium. Brando Cmendatkui 21023 Denver 1 l:41*faat 11 113 2 4 8 8 8 8** W Ormes 13 Hen. Walbank rtBick Dalst.n 19986 Juarez 1 1 8 1 £3%faat 5 107 4 fi 4 6 7 7*1 J Howard 11 S.Connor PlrstStar VoladavJr 19965 Juarez I l:39%faat 10 no 4 5 7 3 8*18 3 Bobbins 0 Concha. Pr. Conrad Bl •ickViHi.. 19923 Juarez 11:48 fast 4 106 1 4 I 5 r,« 48i G Molesth 7 Otilo. Twili-ht Stolen Vnte 19886 Juarez 1 1-8 l:63%fast 3 102 1 8 2 2 2- 2* W Ormes 7 Cardie F.. Dalston Voladav Ir 19673 Juarez 11:39 fast 6 MS 14 6 5 4= 2n Q Molesth 8 Canapa, Art Rick 19829 Juarez 1 1-8 l:36%mud 2.J 102 12 3 4 8* 2" A Mott t! Dalston. OrblcuiaHon B Mate 19793 Juarez 1 l:41%fast 5 107 15 7 7 6* l1 G Molesthll Black .Mat- Cantem Alco 1977... Juarez 11:39 fast 4 109 7 6 7 7 sn 44iG Molesth 8 JohnReardon An, Reel Chevron 19712 Juarez 1T.UV?tfast 21 109 15 6 4 8* 33 J McCabe 10 Flor. Kripp. Cloml Chief Suner .9687 Juarez 7-8 l:27«tfaat 3 108 13 5 7 C4 8 T Rice :» Tony Koch Leuore II irilv 19678 Juarez 3-4 1 : l6V5slow 10 ins 3 2 4 t* I I .1 McCabe S Ben Lew. It,,h I vu.di Koosler 19631 Juarez 1 l:4S%slop 15 MS 2 2 8 8 S 8" C Gross S Mercurium, Hard Ball I Noliii 19471 Juarez 1 l:3*%fmat 10 MS 2 2 4 4 7= ? C Cross R Pit Streak Art Rick Choctaw 10426 Juarez 1 1 S 1 :52%faat 4 104 2 2 3 S G 6*1 3 Kederis 7 L. Innocence First St r 19373 Juarez 1 1 :39V5fast 4 BBS 4 2 4 4 5" 2=J J Ked-ris t! Penalty, Crdie P.. fransnareiit COL. RANDELL. b. g. 3 94 Bv Duke of Ormonde— Laura Van B. J Creishton .: 8 Windsor I 1-8 T:02*4mnd 42 R S 13 5 5 E*» A Collins n Surpassina: Harold Fomt • 11-16 1:53 fast S MS i W Doyle s CI. Ibdowav. Pie.lli,, ■ • CuBon 8866 Mboro 61 f Liou.good 3 10S i« l HartweU 8 Largo, Woodsle Task Mboro 51 f l:07%good 2 10S :,"- R Troxler 0 Onar, Task The Parson Prospect 2 4 1:20 good 3 MS V P Moore 8 Beat Mora. J. Hanover T Parson 20674 Prospect Ab5-8 1:01 fast 4 1M ::- D LIndsey 8 St Helene Buryale R i rm, 2C662 Prospect Ab5-8 l:01«4fast 3 107 |1 Doyle 8 First Tromn BuVyal* S» id ..... 204 2 Fie, trie 5-8 1:01 slow 4 104 2«l W Doyle 10 M. of HonoV. EurVale VellcberT 20417 Klectric 3-4 l:25%fast 6 104 6 C 3ackson 8 Eariymorn, Oser §oldle M29o Pimlico 3-4 l:15*4faat 260 109 7 7 9 9 9--Ht Shilling 8 T.othMorning ni tv Primv 18440 H.deGce 5 f l:08%good 100 107. 4 4 I 10 U « J Drover 12; Nin.simt lex. Carlo fi i ,"* 18408 H.deGce 51 f IrOSfcfast 80 MS 11 S S ll 12** D HoffmanU Tidct, Pennyroek T Meeilcks IIHI S*»7rTi* ,Hl:l!2r,a,rt fi0 10- 4 ,J ,; 7»7»in Hoffman 8 A. N. Akin. Caidteai Encore 17868 Bowie 61 f l:08%faat 20 108 7 2 3 B 1 6*1 D Hoffman 9 Alston. Iscbgabibble! Fmelda MORDECAI. ch. g. 4 107 Bv Olorifir— Meta Russell W. P. Finel -1... Windsor 3 4 1 : IGV.i.iud 49 109 2 E E 5° B»* B Havaes R C.onDliverv V •le e K MerVr w .17,70 FortErie 53 I 1:18 hvy T] no z -, - |i 4.1 r Ilaynes 7 Peggy L. Sonny Bov -...ddli M488 FortErie 3 4 1:22 hry SS 107 7 6 9 9 7« I Haynen 0 Jim L. Toddling Ceiel.i tv 19028 N.Orins lm20y l:47«imud 3 107 2 11] r* 22 .1 Smyth 0 JoeStein Servicence E iJ»ht 18972 N.Orins 3-4 l:14*Afast 4 106 7 G 7 5 44 3 Smyth 9 Hildas Brother Ciisro it 1 IS930 N.Orins 3-4 l:10%mud G 103 2 4 3 4« 2". E Smith 8 Viler, Llcht KnVdit KM.I-.V 18900 N.Orins 2ll:14%fast 6 105 S 4 3 2". 2 *3 Smyth S I.. Knigh?. I. S ri,| 18S6 N.Orins lm20y 1:42 fast 15 MS 13 3 4 r,4 6* 3 Smyth R Garnean llb-h ci .-s c..i Vvwlfc 18754 Charlen 8-4 1:18 fast IS 109 10 10 9 8 9: 3 Smyth 10 M.Casca. Sonny Bov * tmc-L,. l86»Charlen 8-4 1:17 mud 10 100 4 7 5 91. w Q Corey 15 LAlglon. Chilla Toddlin-- " 18880 harlen 8-4 l:14*4faat 25 95 3 3 3 4- 6* W Lill-v 10 Hndsimted. BramlyUiuJ Galaiy ZALI. ch. g, 4 101 Bv Zal— Wasti A. L. Taylor. !I684 Windsor 51 f lllr.hvy Ml MS G 4 4 6* 5t".r. MeAtee K K.s Differ rorkvUle Si,-lti,i.,. 21641 Windsor M lilMilop 14 HJ6 7 .; c 6-61 3 Kederis 7 lommensia. Ricbwood Car ?me - I "oma 3-4 1:15%mud 22 5 111 3 3 6 5" 7 "F Murphy 7 Amazon. Transit S„si„s 21402 Latonia 3-4 l:14*ihvy Ml 97 6 S G 6 4* M Garner R Lit. Father. PceHennis R Oonae 2211 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 13 ill 5 4 | 4 4* M Garner 8 Amazon. Resign !, ,„ 21035 Latonia 3-4 1 :164imud 17-10 110 3 3 2 q !• p Roblnsn I MaUliar. Cbltra LanehormT co.;, Latonia 3 1 l:16*hvy 4.J 108 7 6 7 7 73 F RoblnsnlO Freeman. Sureeel "itTti.e, 9.16 Havana 61 f l:23%nvy 8-5 99 1 1 in IH F Robins n 6 B. Cunarder. Manasseh Jessa 3r 9647 Havana 61 f lr064,fasl 5 l3 2 1 in 35 F Roblnan 8 Wau.Pltaer Br Patn A x Akln 19531 Havana H f l:08«faat 12 5 107 1 3 3- l* F Roblnsn 0 Snip. Cooster Faithful 19439 Havana 3-4 l:23%hvy 2J 1*5 11 1*1* F Rohinan 7 Some Kid. Indifferent T Callay OVATION b. f. 4 104 R,- S+ir Sboot— Lady Elite F. Farrimrton Windsor 11-16 l:59aihvy S 87 6 3 S G 6" 6 IE McDott J In.Ben. LilierlHall Fellowman » FortErie lm70yl:48 si.,w 11 104 B 5 6 E 5..1. 7" B M Dott 7 JoeFinn. IldyHowi v v , , 1 ,r.;; » »" "»».vl 4"B HO 99 4 3 4 2 11 1 R McDott D Klua Radford Lord Mai Ml, WJCongh lm20y l:46»4,good 8 104 6 7 6 7 M 7 I Casper II Liberty Hall Ford Ms! OsIsav 20091 Conght I l:l7,.,slow 60 97 234 I r, 4" R McDott 7 Pgresslve. T Busfbod v I 1.1,. 20766 Dorva 1 l|43%faal 20 v 4 1" G I 1 I S" -.| Clancy 10 IrisbHeart, Boeari LMkvileorve « 1 -miiiO 61 f 18 faat IS MBS 5 S s |*fK AmbroaelS L.London. ML pffi "■■ ■ « Ibin" .1112 fast 121 112 S S 4 S G i K Ambrose « Psn Zareta Be.o si.w.ess ?»1 Pimlico 2 4 1 12.5rast 417 104 11 11 12 ]:; 12".C VanDunir: Charmeuse , . .. .. Tr ,11, 1.2.,.. Dorval lWTOTltfl fast 30 107. 2 3 4 1 6 S«»B Carter 8 RlueMou". K inniu,, At Also eligible to start in order named should any of above be scralehed: tA.T.KJ; ©KIRKCALDY, ch. g. 4 108 Bv Plaudit— Gunrod H. E. Harbourt ,v,r":". I 1-M 1:56 hvj 41 SS 8 s 8 s | |s R McDoH K Kiiday. BlrkaTT H RonaMaa FortES ■ 1 l:464fcalow 29-3 101 1 5 I 2 ■■. ■-■ .1 ,.ton 7 Uncle Ben Ford M.i •"l;1 57 FortErie 1m20y1«rvy 12 164 5 8 7 : I wCral R FssTi liSteta Wer.aoke 2 U70 FortErie I 1-8 2:11»5ivy 27 99 7 2 .; « ai ,;.•■. R McDott 7 Cuttybunk B • .,1. 1 . ... s ..„ : 1 on g .1 Im.ov 1:44*A« 112 106 7 S | 1;! | 9 ,ia W ,„„.,., B Ovation. King B iilf.. d K,VI,I ;":: ;" « » I 1 s 1 ,.■, good 3o 103 7 6 4 7 7*6* F Cooper B Fe k. J» V I sn ■ ■■■ BlneBon. I 1 S 1 .-Seatfasl 42106 4 .; ,; 7 «. s".j v s.-h ugr •• P R , •,. ,. . , rhM*" L-, , Ja 2082U HlueBon 11-8 1 rSSVtfast 48 ISO f. 6 6 E S Bjt HaTes* R J«b?.t? Mud ikHIM* *».24 Dorva Im70y I iv-,fast S 1IW 11 12 12 12 11 .;•", R shilling 12 Durln. Penalt] I 11,kv c.r 2*411 Dorval I 1-10 vmRSm 6 in 5 3 4 5 I oVj Metealf lu B. Stater, BarphnrahSi. rTaTTlj MISS WATERS. b. f. 4 105 Bv Lord Esterling— Lucrece F. J. Pons. P"o -ii-n. i 1:11 slow 73-16 m :, • " - i i i Mrt.-.ii; - Iettfy l... Todd lint Lnthr? ,:;» Hamton l*%mod 7 112 4 i S 4 ;;■" ,1 Connors s Valas. I.u.v I.. Mcelicka ; • Ham" ton 3-4 1 13 slop 8 IM C ■ i i .1 MM calf s KateK., Reflection. MamaJohnsn I2» Hamton 3-1 l:144Jffaat " MW 11 9 9 I" J« T rar*|rtonl2 Rondel. L.London. J.R.Hoogoton 21087 Oonght :: i I i;-..siow ii _. I«4 ! c . s .1 Connors Miss Chancer, Mrs. Me, I.oiaioh.i ,v-- BlueBon. 3 t l fid 102 fi 3 9 • . ."•«. P Murphy ii The nnsvbodv, vilev. Cora Broom l--l Iituna r. l 1 lL-.hvy 63 US 11 11 11 H" W* Gross IS Isa.Vallo. B.Sistor, Brack. Belle — JESSE JR., b. g. 3 105 By The Commoner-Brssie McCarthy J. W. Hed- rick. Jr.. ...7 1:. im.iiii 1 1:11 fast :;*» ItiT i G 7 9 » J:T W J OBll 0 KM shore. Hedge, WoodenSboes _ "."■■ i! c!,; ,,■ 3 1 I:12%fas1 3* W 2 ■ .". •• i* 1 Gartner 7 star Gift, Belamour, Clint .•"T II .1 ;• ■■ lm70yl:45 last 40 S$ :. 4 :t ■; s 8«JJ Gartner K CHtTField, ProgTeaaiTe, Locale! Iooti r . 0 •• 1 iisfast 7 10s ;, :; | |i *■ .1 Bntweli ■ lair Helen, Klwah, Alheaa : k is h leG . - V- f l: «Vsiast 12 no 1 7 7 71 7,;.l Gartner 10 Coraican, fair Helen, VidVt 19821 Havana Bl 1:12 slow : 94 4 5 6 8:":..i Onitau ■ A. x. Akin. Bhennuod, Yel. Byea istti liavHiia 64 f l:2S%hvy 12 91 4 3 4= 4;*-.l Gartner ti Call, Brave Cnneroer, lianasneh lf.U Havana 3-4 l:13%fast * 100 f 7 8 DMJJ Dreyer B Eater. Gem. BriarPatti, lark M U.17 Pimlico 4i f 55 fast 63-10 109 B 4 3 31 3 J Rutwcll li Sir Edgar. Scorpii. Sorrento 141S Pimlico 1-2 4S%fast 13-10 115 1 3 V 35 J McCahey s Hlki r, r.islllnsion. Fair lWen !l" H deGce 4* f 54%fast 1-2 109 4 5 4 31 2" C Knight .". Bargeon, Tie Pin. Ethan Allen 1W1S H.deQc* 44 t 55 fast 6 104 1 4 2 1» 11 J McCahey • Sir Bdgar. Deviltry. Tarzan C iRLTON G., ch. h, 8 100 By Carlton Grange — Resignation J. S. Ownneyi queducl 3 i 1 8 III 5 2 4 41 6*1 M aTtbewaM outlook, Plntagenet, Ken. Park ■:il Pimlico lm«9jrl:*and%fast S-W ]0 12 8 2 -• 2| F Coleman s Bthenge, l..l-.ui.1inl. C.llollowav Pimlico lm70yl:4C%fast 145-5 99 3 6 S 4 3- ::• .1 Dreyer 5 Prgreiolve. B.Qnlnce, J.Oelbold 1 • Pimlico H1:H slop 28-2*115 fi S 3 ** i T Nolan :i Cannock, Gold Cap. Abbotsford Pimlico lm70yl:45%faat !*i 94 « 4 1 1 1" V I* I.o Ut 7 Amain, Spearhead. Isidora Pimlico 3 I l:li--,rast 11 10 102 1 s f, f,- :-: T Nolan 11 C.AshmMe. V.Strome, Yorkvllle ii deGce 3 4 l:U.Dsiow 4 110 10 9 8 V 1*1 T Nolan 12 Monty fox, Pharaoh, Yorkville H IcGce 51 f 1:07 last 10 lor, 10 ft lo 10 !T Nolan 10 Ada Anne. Colors, Sleuth H tlPGce i-t 1:14 fast JO 1H I | 5 ." 45 AV Ol.ert 5 BIwah, Ragle, Viilet 1 voce Havana Bl f 1:141 K..o i 10 m 3 7 7 6"J AV Hinphv 7 Yel. Eyes. Tiger Jim, Sherwood . Havana 51 f 1 :io good 8 115 6 6 I B»l W Hinphv 7 M.Pmity. B.rTwd, Kr.U.I.Sjrer IMM Havana fij f l:Ll hvv 12 111 6 6 5 5Ki R Waldron 7 A. N. Akin. Ticer Jiru. Wander 1S759 Iharlen lm20y 1:43 fast 5 109 2 4 4 4 32 3 J J Connors 11 E.ofSavo.v. I?. Around. Fifty Five SIR DENRAH, ch. h. 6 100 By Peep oDav — Miss Marconi AV. Garth. ifi R Belmonl 1 1 W 1:48 i:im M 1111 4 3 L 3 lh 8* J afcTagrtll Paton, "in. Penalty B Aqueduct ::4i:i:; fast 10 U8 B 7 7 H1 8,4JG Corey 7 Sleuth, iiit Edge, San Vega L1138 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 fast 10 no I I I 2 2" M Baxton 7 Audi-, ivrlh Bock, Patrick S.- 3X54 Belmont 1 l:4lVf, 25 1lo 7 7 7 s 7- 7" •, Corey H It. eUgkt. Orotund, Bobinetta j ill Rolmont 1 l:4t%mnd 15 111 :: E E .". 4- 41B G Corey i AtRloeh. BaMuetta, Btonenenge I84M H deGce lm78yl:4S fast 30 loTMn 10 10 11 8 1":: AV Doyle 14 11milinln. llurakan. P*greealr« 17779 Bowie 7-8 l:29%fast 20 112 9 8 S 7 D1 9T.i V UlitinirelO Castara. Frontier. Jack I.axson OROTUND, ch. f, 4 £9 Bf- Hinpodrome — Olevia R. 0 Miller. 21487 Relmont 11:41 fast I VC, 9 fi 4 5 62 fi13 W I.illey ! IHat.Bkore. Hedge. WondenShoes :n: I Aqueduct 3 1 1 12 110 7 7 8 V !• -I Butwell 7 II. Volant, Preaumptn 1 «1 Aqueduct 1 1 ".-.last 4-5 W7 •"■ 2 2 3 7, r.; .f McTag*rt .", Nepatays. Penally. M.B. Harbor 21127 Jamaica :i I l:13%faat 7 166 6 E E 4- 1*1 W I.illey 7 Preanmption, Harakan, i y 20793 Belmont 6a t l:20%faat 12 99 fi B 4 2l 1 AV UUry 8 1. Shore. B. Bryaon, Beetaoren 26656 IVlmont 1 l:41V5last is 5 162 13 2 2 21 2«1 AV Cral S B.oLIgbt, Bobbtetta, I Dpnner jmu Belmont l 1:40 good 10 102 1233 2» 3, V Iral 5 v. Baoec. Dr. Dnenner, Jawbone 2623S Pimlico Im70v1 :4.".*tfa.« t 23 10 1 E « 6 fi C- 7T A Bcfemgr 7 Amain, Spearhead, Carlton 0. 20WK H.deGce lnuOvi :4«v-,good 9-5 95 5 2 2 1 1 25 1. BfcAtee 8 O.Kripn. Dr.Dner, Chrtophine 2O072 H.deGce lm7" ! Itiifaat 7 1 T, ;, 11 7 5 5 48 A Schuterl I.nzz Around. Al Bloeh. Cogs is«i4 H.deGce lm70yl :46%faat 4 103 4 3 2 2 l"k 2» -i Smyth 11 Jim Basey. Goldy. Petelna 18429 H.deGce lm70yl:47 slow 7 KH 6 6 5 3 2» 31" It .Shilling 7 StarGift, R. Around, T.Busyhody COLONEL ASHMEADE. b. g. 8 97 By Sain — Antipode C. C. Smithson. ramaica " 1 I :07fast I". 112 7 4 5 5- fi" AV I.illey S Klkiitlire, »:. Kd-.e. M.B.Eubanki "i Electric l f 1 25*4aiow fi 5 114 1* II Tlwilfi s Deviltry. Page white, Barlyatorn 3*323 Pimlico lniliv l:47%mud 14 HB 5 114 610 fi6 A Behugr 7 Noma, Petelna, Lairdo Kirkcaldy 20230 Pimlico 34 i:i4=ifast 9 io:» :t 2 2 21* 1" A Bchutgrll Ven.Sreonie, Yorkvllle, G.Plnrae 20947 H.deGce lmTOyl :4andHfast 12 107 6 4 5 7 SH|: H Breach 9 Tow.Kleld, O.Kripp, Ven.8trome 29935 H.deGce Dn76yl:46%good 46 113 5 11 3 61 7,e4H Breach 10 Ueraaada, C. l". Grainger, Pataa