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Windsor Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, July 21. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. n — 77-~° The fitrurcs under the heading "Rec." in the I entries below show the best time of each horse I at the distance, r.inoe January 1. 1911. no matter I where it finished. In oases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. I Racing starts at 2:38 a, m. Chicago time. P.iO.i vRuns well in mud fftSujierior mud runner. Ml maidens. •Apprentiee allowance. First Race — 3-4 Mile. :: vear olds and upward. res. Track record: 21622—1:11% -5—118. 1ml. Home. wt Bee. A.Wt.Han 216221 Rack Bay 117 1:11% 7 107X735 •K 22- Iron Mask 115 1:66% 7 107X730 2ir.i-.2- Carbide 86 1:12% 3 00x72.-. 21701* The Widow Moon. .161 1:11% ~ 105X723 21230 first Dearee 81 1:12% 4 166..720 21586 Tory Maid 112 1:12 S 04.. 720 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. : rear olds. Selling. Track recrd: 10511—1:05% 2—168.1 210831* Venetia 85 I :iO:-.-,s 108X725 •«001O** Eaxle 163 1*6 106 f20 •"l.-,s7 Lanhorne 110 1:05% 100X720 21302 Crystal 165. 720 21683s Meelicka 88 1:06% 82X715 215261* White Crown 104 1:07% 86X710 1 21370 * Peggy L 1011:10% 88X703 2KiOP Scrutineer fM ....1121*6% 105..703 21200* Josetina Karate ... 88 1*6% 88..700 21683 Argent M 88 1*8 91. .880 21683 September Morn . . 88 l:13h 101. .600 21366 Stoaewood M ...166 1:11 86..680 Also eUgBde to start la order named should any of above be scratched: 21370" Tralane 168 1*6% 102. .705 21263* Digtiitv 112 1*8% 88 ..710 21402 Ella Jennlnga M. 103 1*8% 86. .690 2DI00 Kim M 86 l*6%a 07.. 000 Third Race — 5-8 Mile. 2 year-olds. SeRing. Track r.-cord. 9J.537 -1*0- 2 los , 20868 ¥ nnak 105 1 :03m 108 725 2170*:* Peggy OBrien 103 1*1% lo::...--o " 17 i:;-: Bnneros Kirsl . . . . lor. 1 :"2 108. .720 •2liM.-. Ataka 160 1:01% lp8 715 n»50* Lnasi l«8 1*1% 103. riO 2164.V Matrls M 102 1:03% 1oox70o •M7,:: Bernini iM 108 1:08% lor.x.o.. 21301 t;reenwood M| .,.112 1:04% 108. .705 21682* Margarel E. M. .100 l:68h 160. .686 "•17o:T Mavine W. M ...10311:03% 105 .GOO •"i 7-:- /.../.. M 104 1:03% 105X880 21264 Oaklawn a Be Mlll I " ::; . 165 .688 ilea eligible i" .-tail -Houid any of above be scratched: 21643 illuminator 108 1:63 HI ■ -» Fourth Race — 1 Mile. D. and C. Stakes. ,500 Added. ft year olds and upward. Hewing Track record: 15730— 1:37%— 4— 165. lad. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 215fl0*f Water Lady 84 1:38% 4 07X7:ir. 21701- Barnegat 113 1:38% 5 104X730 2K.22 Resign 3 104X725 21725* Stalwart Helen ...117 1:40% :; 88X725 21580s* Hendel 108 1:41 %m I 163X725 21681 Fountain Lav 162 1:40% 5 105X725 21rt81s*tPro*rress1ve 110 1*8% 5 04x720 21000* Schemer M 168 1:46% :: 87X726 21701 Crosshun 86 1:38% 4 96X715 Mi~. I. Arthur and Mrs. T. Francis entry. Fifth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2 vear-ohl-. Allowances. Track record: 10TI1 — 1 :05: s— 2— lOo. i 218S21 KING NEPTUNE.. 117 1:09m 120x727, 21620* Milestone 103X715 21643 Reserve M 102 1:00%m 161x710 21556 lolite ■ 163. .710 21620 Ran Handle 106X705 21620 Dick William.- M168 1*8% 101. .705 21004 CoL OateHas M.164 l:13ai 104 .680 Sixth Race — 1 Mile. "year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 15730 — 1:37%— 4— 105. 210V-,-* Barka 1661:46% 4M6X72S 2170:. Patience 107 1:40% 4 104-720 21582 * Foul Mai 105 1:4:: 5 103X726 21200* Cogs 106 1:38% 5 106X715 21021 Cliff Edge 100 1*7% 0 111x715 21310* Cliff Stream 84 1:41 6 106X710 217.:.- Kopje 88 1:41% :: 88X705 21557* Sun Queen 100 1:40% 0 101x705 21510 Spindle 166 1*6% 8 168X705 21666* Col. Randell :: 64.. 680 21665 Mordecai 100 1:12 4 107X680 21684 Zali 4 101 X0B0 21070 Ovation 104 1:45-- 4 104X000 Alas eligible 10 start la order named should any of above be scratched: 21685 Laird oKlrkcaldy. J61 l:46%s 4 168X710 21--.2:: Miss Watus 4 163X765 Seventh Race — 1 1-8 Miles. :: vear olds and upward. Betting. Track record: 88634— 1:51%— 6— 165. 2!7o.v Guide Peat 16441*8 5 165. .728 21700* Prince Eugene ...110 1:52% 5 103X720 21700- Burwood 102 l:56%s •: 07x715 21685" J. II. Houghton ..120 1:54 8 86X715 217mi Dundreary "• 80. .705 21720 l.mkv George ....117 1:53% 6 101X705 217O0* Cordie F 80 1:52% 5 94x705 21885 J list Star 107 1:53% B104X70Q