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CURRENT NOTES OF TEE TURF. ■lames Kowe will lake tweatj ta • boraea to Saratoga. AI Mloch has l.ii-n tamed • ,t a! the Shulls farm at Khrewsliury. V .1.. until fall. He weal wrong in training recently. Mater Lawrence will serve as itresiding lodge or th" Mufterin Fart ami llllkreat half-mile track ueettaga at Toronto. John Mill": will take a baajefa ..; yearliaga from Kentucky to w ork this week. lour are the Itroperty »f Andrew Miller. I ur la loag to II. K Knapp and Ifteen to V, T. Wi] .lohii l . i an has purchased fr Bd Kaae. man Bger of .« njriist I.ehiiont s Nursery Stud, the year Mag Iiji v ,.ilt hv Hastings Ioeketpieee dam n* For Lock, i-o .1 Luck, old "in. Iennyrock, Sand Pocket, etc., bj Haaorer. Ameiiaii owih-is ,,re i i nr every en,oiirai;eaient to tin- British in tbe maintaining of turf classic* which aave suffered great lj lo tbe European war. American entries for tie Derbj and iaks o 1817 , h.-ed Sat trday with Walter s. Vosbnrgh, bandbrap-,er of the Jockey Cluh. Though the list of tioinina limis will not he published hy tin- English authorities t is understood Cut a terlcan ownera bare con tributed liberally. Among those who hare nade iioiuinatioiis are Herman B. Onryea. August Bel iiHiUt, Harry Fay lie Whitney. John F. Madden i ml i ha •!