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;■ I I • I . • ; i i i i I , , . I I : ■ 1 r j j 1 * t GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. C Farther progress IM the meat Rermaa drr»e T tW.ird Warsaw from tin north and south was officially announced ai Berlin yesterday. The Ger — man war office n ports the capture of Oatratewka ■ , u Ihe Narrw river, abonl sit. miles north of .1 Warsaw. In the south the BnaslaM are in re .] treat. With ihe capture of Windau the Ger- • mans have, come inio possession of another lea- . port on ihe Baltic, and are within a few miles of ., Riga, seat of tie governor general of the Baltic ~. provinces. The best Of the state lit follows; ., ■In Courliml the Russians were repulsed mar ■ 2 il ■sschmai den. easi ,,! Tiikiiin. and near Union J, dori and [Talngen. Bast of Karahany the enemy ., also is retreating before oor attack. North of ?, Nowografl, on ihe Narew, GernHta Iroona captured enemt poaitlom north of the ronflaeace of tie Sf roda ami Lissa rivers. Fresh landsiunii troops ,.- which were under tire for Ihe Aral time especially • distinguished themselves. North of the mouth of . the Skwa we reached Ihe Narew. Ihe permanent fortifications id Oatronlenka on the aorthweal bank of Ihe river wet Copied. South of the Vistula t| • r troops advanced into hostile i„siii,,ns p, Blonie aid Grojec i Clonic is seventeen miles west of Warsaw i. German lamlwehr and naf I It traopa of | the army of Hen VOO Woyrich repulsed superior R f ices of the enemy f r un their positions at llzanka. I • troopa arc i losely pursuing t In- inertly. Our S. cavalry Blreadj has reached the railway line from Kadom to Ivangorod. Between the Caper "is tola and tiie we are following the retreating -enemy." Labor leaders a nnounee,] yesterday at Bridge|iort. • Conn., that approximately 1,090 maciiinists employed A in the shops of the Remington Arms and Aniinuni- " tioii company and four subcontractors had gone on sirike. but indications were that difficulty in accomplishing the aim of the union men had been ex- perienced m some of the plants. n official of the I Remington company denied emphatically that any of t the men in that plant had walked out. Kumor • had it that Maj. W. L Ientiehl had off. red the :. machinists an eight-hour day with other concessions and that th.y had decided to remain. Subeontrac tors, on the Other hand, admitted that all of their s machinists had walked out in addition to the new hint of the Ibniinglon Arms and Ammunition com- J pany. strike calls were issued for the machinists v., iking in the Bridgeport Engineering company, the Columbia Nut and Bait company and the Gaynor ■ Manufacturing company. Fewer than live hundred * machinists are employed in the lasl named three i plants Later il was announced that ■ sirike call I ehm had been issue! for the Ballard Machine Tool : compaay, where Ibirty-flve men were discharged list week. II was said at the headquarters oT the rtrlcklayers union that loo men who had been working on new buildings for the Remington company. ilid not go to work today. They were inlormed last night that because id lack of work they were i of nei ih d. A dispatch of yesleiday from letrograd says: . Russia is still determined, even if Warsaw linisf be abandoned, that the war shall be continued until . the enemy is beaten. It is th - belief here that the j chief motive for the preeeal desperate efforts ef licld Marshal von ilindenburg and Field Marshal mui hfackensen is to take Warsaw ami to crush the caars armies before they can be adequately sup I li. ,1 with arms and ammunition. Reports from | Berlin prove that the highest statesmen there are alarmed over the ever multiply ing signs of Russian national unity and that they feel compelled to act , quickly before this unity expresses Itself fully in i i ].,| eil;, equipped armies iu the field." John B. llcrreshoff. president of Ihe llerreshofl Manufacturing Comnaav. yacht builders, died early yesterday at Bristol, B. I. lb- was seventy seven rears ok!. John B. Ilerresboff was the founder r the famous linn oi 1 lerresl.otT. yacht builders, who designed ami constructed virtually every suc-i.ssiul 2 defender of the Americas rap. The Yigi laut. Defender and Columbia, successive defenders of the international trophy, all were products of Ihe wonderful brain ami handicraft of this lirm of boat builders, whoee work was so synonymous with excellence I ha I fu- villis no yacht was considered a goad racer unless il came from their shop. Yesterdays baseball results National Leacae: , Philadelphia s. Chicago ».: Si. Louis :;. New York l: Pittsburgh 8. Brooklyn i: Boston ;. CIncia nan L. American 1-eaguo: Boston :;. Chicago 0: Cleveland .".. Washington 4: Detroit B. Philadelphia ... federal League: Brooklyn ■■■ Chicago 1: falo s. Pittsburgh ."i. Pram su.uio to ttiii.noo lives have been lost in the Hoods in the vicinity of Canton. China, according to a cablegram to the state department at Washington veslordav from Pekin. Coaaol General Cheshire has anpealed for all the assistance that can be rendered by the navy department. Dot. John Riddel and apt. Berkeley Knochs. until recently attached to the embassy at Vienna, as ainiv observers, were a-signed yesterday to the war college. With their retain the Baropean battlefields are left practically without American military on servers. A large pari of the shipments of American rot ton held up by England probably will be can- drained by the prize toiirl. Thin was indicated by a rating made yesterday.