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BALLAGHTOBINS IRISH DERBY VICTORY. BcQaahtobin. a bay cart by Morgan. it:. Pterenaa, iraa the Irish Derby of this year iu an obstinately outeated nmsii and In probabti the beat rhree-yeai old raced la Irelaad foe many ■ year. or this tee race and the manner of its winning tiie Dublin eorrespondcnl of London Sporting Lite wrote the FoUowinc day, the race oeeaulng Julie ". i li,,- race at the Irish Uerby at The l*urragb ekearly established that BaUaglrtobia is ■ . .li wbicb hnvi not been given credit for the staying power Which tie baf i .r . • 1 himself to be posseseed * f. It.- thick aad-thin admirer* rightly contended all along, in face of a ahvreal] performance aver a mile and ;i halt in April, that he was highlv cap able over i diatance it ground, aad when be atragied liome l.v a accfc iu front .,i Caruw Inny i..i ii,. Baldoj :•■ Deaby they ais., excaeed bia roa nlng on thai uecash n !,v claiming thai the euarae , did BOl suit In ,ii. He won the Bahh-.vle Derby as garnet] as coald be, but bj no stretch could it be made oal that it wga ■ great perfonaaBce lo , giv« eleven pound* and ■ beating h no more than ,i seek to :i not! artboae form last ntaaen araa not within twenty-one pounds of tliat of the son : Morganatic. Thus il «as Unit The Curtagll triumph . or Ballagbtebip w ;•- nil be more meritoriooa. for there be won after the manner of ■ three-year-old I which not only has great speed, but has this allied I with staying: poarer. ■■in the last two furlongs in the Irish Derby it looked more than once as If v ,-htoi would : him. Before the fa -..rite got his head iii front he hail drawn up to Hallaghtobin, with which he ■ lined on level terms for perhaps fifty yards, when 1 ii waa seen thai he was getting the upper hand. Hrfidually he forged ahead, but Rallaghtobin re covered the ground and won after a convincing dis-ptas of gameneaa by a bead. Bemembering what r Achtoi whs capable of in the War Derby New market. In Which he had bad link, the Irish na,l bad agalnat him an opponent fully capable oi providing n stool lest of stamina, in that teal j Hallaghtobin showed blataelf master, tboagh it is Put right to say thai u«ce agahi hcthoi had bad j link, and this eems to pursue him with a liuiali/ ma tenacity. • Achtoi S ill link waa that he was interfii red 1 with when St. Cuimin was broarbl down after tbree * furlongs through being slrmk into. :md uuain some tine.- furlongs from h.une C. TthK had to pull out t «,t h, eonrae to avoid paaalMe interference ,,u tlo-turn for horn.-. The cofi roae superior to all these disadvantage-, and, if beaten by a neck, his de feat caase after be had run :is honest n race :i the winner whicb is the higln-.i arauw I can be • io« How far the ill-luck which AchiM ex porn nc. -d iiia nave influenced the ultimate reaoil 1 1 caun-t. ot course, ay. hui il Is In teres t lug lo, the opinion of Trigg thai the letter horse won. Probably Balktajhtobia uoi:!,i baae won la 1 anv circumstances, for it waa plain to tboae who cloaelj watched the struggle thai after ichtal had 1 lufide his effort and got in front abonl a furlong - irom the winning im,.-.i. be bad then shut his bolt. ■ r. i Ballaghtobin was undoubtedly staving on the belter, and. were Ihe rnc- ■ mile and throe ,|uu I lei-, he w olid probably bare WOO more easily"