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F J ■ of 11 t . [ t . J t , j j 1 j | , , | 1 , , , I i ■ 1 i ; i t ; i ■ 0 r it v t e I r e e t II e 1 is s .v r e k i WINDSORS RACING QUITE INTERESTING. . _ s Feature Race of the Day Taken by Mockery — Mandarin Wins for Mr. Seagram. ■ Detroit, Mich . August 1.N. — Todays program at - Windsor was made up of a aeries of overnigut races. 4 Well ha lanced Beads wtnt to the post la a majority t the races and the contests were interesting. The - mile and oae-atxteenth dash that was fourth on the - card attracted the most interest. P. M. Civill fur- 1 Dished tie- winner in this race in Mockery, which 2 came from behind and, alter cloning a big gap, won 2 easily from King Box. The S. M. Henderson stable won ils first purse of • 2 the meeting when Laagborne heat out a liij; band in 2 the third race. The winner came out ol the race . 2 lame behind and fear was expressed by his owner • J that the horse had broken down. .1. K. Seagrams ; 1 good-looking Mandaria won the race for Canadian 2 life, Is. Mandarin ran a good, game race, being . * toned to overcome iiiueli bumping in the home stretch. Mortimer Mahuney. before coming to Windsor in company with .lames OHara. made a thorough inspection of the Southern .Maryland Agricultural 1 Associations track al Bowie ami reports numerous ; Improvements made on the course. The track has . I lieen regradeil and the infield leveled. This will 1 1 enaliel those in the grandstand to obtain a splendid I view of all part- of the track. Th" Petting ring ; has also been enclosed in glass, which will make • that part of the enclosure comf.irtable in eold 1 I weather. , IJ. I.. Baker, who is here for the meeting, today ; made an effort to engage jockey Cooper to ride • for the Baker stable during the Kentucky fall j meetings. Cooper, who is under contract to Willie • j Martin, was forced to decline as his employer in- ; lends finishing out the season on the Canadian tracks. At a meeting of the stewards of the Canadian • Racing associations held in the clubhouse at the Windsor course this afternoon the suspension 1 against jockey Ambrose was lifted. Ambrose got t | into trouble over the running of the two-year-oil I Mile-tone and his ea-e has come up for eonsidera- tion several times during the summer. This winds up the Milestone affair and all of the parties con ccrned, including the horses owned by the Qoiacy t Stable, are again in good standing. Francis .1. lons. who came an from Tennessee a ■ few days ago. is weeding out his stable preparatory f to shipping back to lo- fans near Nashville. He • ; disposed of the two year, Id J. Z. Wiggins to his s : brother. Oven E. Pons. He also arranged with the e : latter to take over the fillx Miss Waters. The re- - ] iiiainder of Hto -n lug v. ill be Shipped to Tennes-ee e on Monday neat to be freshened up for the fall II meetings in Kentucky. Mr. Tons has decided to 0 put Judge Wright in training again and trainer W. • it. Sallee will take the horse up immediately upon ti his arrival at the lons farm. No attempt will be e made to race him before the New Orleans meeting. :. Mottlmn Maboatey was an arrival from the sea a shore this morning. He will remain her., several i days before leaving for Ottawa. V. Northey. secretary of the Montreal Jockey y Tub. is expected here tomorrow to confer with h Joseph Mel.ciinan relative to arranging with the a beraeanea for stabling at Bane Bonnets for the fall II nieiting. II. J. Mclntyre. J. H. Madigin and W. P. Kraser r were arrivals today. They came to attend the e meeting of the Canadian Racing Associations. o. K. lons iuis obtained first call on the appraa-I. i- tiee W. I ral for the remainder of the Canadian n meeting*. Charles Boyle, Br., one of the- old guard of turfmen and at one time associated with the bate * Charles Littlefield in the ownership of a powerful stable that need in the east, was a visitor this is afternoon. Mr. Boyle has six highly bred mares * at his farm al Woodstock, Out., and three of them n Golden Wedding. Boeedale and Cipher Code, have e yearling colts hv the Meddler stallion Detective. •• It i- the intention of Mr. Boyle to bring these e youngsters to the races next spring. P. Sheridan, owner of Venetia. Back Bay and d other horses racing on the Canadian circuit, has »■ obtained a com rait OB the apprentice Robert Anderson. 1 This lad. who is said to lie a promising B rider, comes from Tennessee. The ban on the horse Lather, whose entries were "p refused on a. count of being a bad post actor, has Is bi en lifted.