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FOURTH RACE — 1 Mile. Mohawk Stakes. 3-year-olds. Selling. 91561 1:37% 3 119.1 PIXY, h. f. 3 96 By Peter Pan— LAlorette R. T. Wilson. 22218 Saratoga 3 1 l:M hvy S 18 4 1 1 l 1- .1 McCahey 5 Leochares. Sintendent, H.Bbee •e yp 22018 Saratoga 3-4 l:13%alow 23 ! 1 2 2 2 2" 2- .1 MCalov 5 Hanson, Sea shell. Mara Caaaidy " 21678 Belmont 3-4 1:13 fast 17-16 88 4 2 2 8»| 2 J P Ryan 8 Hanson. Double Eagle. H.Prynnc ::; 21198 Jamaica 8-4 l:13%fast 13 5 98 6 5 5 4- 43. J McCahey R T.othMnmg. s. shell. R. Maiden "J, 1N 20994 Jamaica •"! f 1 ■•■" slow 4J IOG 3 5 5 5 412 .1 McCahey S H.Noon. T.othMnine. Phosphor ,,r 22218 - - 20852 Belmont 2-4 st 1:12 fast 6 188 1 2 13 s- .1 McCahey 6 Roy. Martyr. Flittergold. .Maid i] - 21711 S Belmont 61 f st 146 slop 2* 108 2 :: 3 -- 2] J McCahey 4 Pfaoapbor, SpngBoard, MarionH. n 7! 2"2_1 rinilieo 3-1 l:15%mud 4-5 lS 6 5 3 55 5" W Fral 8 Montreaor, . Lady, Surprising n„ 0 .-- 2O10S ROLY. b. c, 3 108 By Golden Maxim — Lotowanna D. J". Leary"1. " Sai lI iga ! 1:42 good 11 a WW 3 1 1 3 ! 1 Turner .". One Step, Cot Ijid. star Gase Fy I Reimont 1 1:38 fast 1 102 1 1 1 1 l2 l2 M Buxton 8 Saratoga, RoralMartyr Ravxano no 2 09 Aqueduct 11:33 fast U-6 95 223 3 •■ _■ .1 McKver 5 Montreaor, HarryShaw, LRotbi t Aqueduct ll:39fast 18-5 109 1 1 2 2 2» 8« M Buxton B I eoSkohiy. HrrySbaw, Tliornhil] ,,, ** : .st 3 110 3 2 2 2 2* 25 M Buxton 4 Flcmny. Raxzano. Top Hat PI 20878 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:46ttfa*t 3-10 l 4 1 1 1 1 I2 I3 P Lowder 4 Cliff Field. Lazuli. Otto Floto 22 20878 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:471fcfast 11-20 Mill 1 Is 1J P Lowder 4 Runes. Ambrose Armament 20198 Belmont 7-8 l:26%fast 6-6 115 6 4 2 2 1 l4 M Buxton 1 Prairie, Dinah Do. Kl Riod pi 28818 Belmont 8-4 1:13 fast 3 106 4 8 4 B 8 M Buxton 7 R. Martyr. Broomleaf. D. Shore 28159 Plmllco 8-4 l:13%fast 3 186 I IIP P M Buxton 13 S.Wnson. M.McGigIe. Royalty •£ LADY ROTHA. b. f. 3 106 By Golden Maxim or Favette— Sandy Ban A.Miller. r. 21 22381 Saratoga 1 1:42 good Ifi MM 5 7 8 7 PJM 1 rnei S R g pt. Trial by Junr. The Finn nn 21 21411 22217 Saratoga 1 I q l:57%hvy t 126 1 1 Butwell 3 Waterhlosaom. Lad: Teresa 38 3 Saratoga I I I 2:ll*Jislow s 106 1 ; i 3« 2« M Ramer » T. by Jury. Saratoga. Iron Duke 21648 I.eln. out fast 6 9.", 4 5 5 I 6 V-2 J McKver 8 Roly. Saratoga, Royal Martyr 20s ■• I Aqueduct 1 1:38 fast 2i :-4 J 5 6 E 4 I •• 1 Lowder 6 Montreaor, Roly. HarryShaw 20 21531 Aqueduct ■ 1M4 fast 7 100 4 .". 4 2 1 |L Allen fi V. Notions. Montreaor, H.Barhei 21347 Vqueduct 7-8 1:31 livy ! 7 181 111 1 2« :■■ .1 Butwell :: Watertown. Ethan Allen 30! 30218 20975 Jama! » 1 I 16 l:4W fast 8 109 6 6 7 7 7 7 -;.M Buxton 7 The Finn, si irpshooter. Runes ni 2O780 Belmont 1 l:39Hfast 3 MG r, 6 I 1 2j ! .1 Butwell 8 Addie M., Comely, Charter Maid ■• ■ 20378 Churchl 1 M6 1 : Wif.good 19 5 II: 4 3 2 2 ?■- 2".! Butwell 5 Waterblossom. One Slop. S.Shei; ■-,. 20,.: LADY TERESA, b. f. 3 101 By Star Shoot— Maribcl Quincy Stable. pr , Saratoga l 1-8 l:57%hvy 11-5 109 :: 3 3 3 1 C Bgame 3 Waterblossom. Ladv Rotba -,. 21977 Q Aqueduct I l:38%faat 7 96 2 4 6 6 5 :. .1 McCahey .1 SamJackson. IronDuke. Bucknorn „„ "., 21886 Belmonl %fast 8-6 98 6 E I 1 1 l« J McKver 8 OM Ben. B HikerBill, Stonehenge ,V 21584 Aqueduct 11:1", slop 18-5 188 8 13 1 2 IS*. I McKver 5 All Smiles. Saratoga. Gran ■ Aqueduct 1 t 1:14 fast 16 118 6 7 7 7 6 V" Bgame 7 Wanda Pitxer, Btruscan, He will " 111 «713 "..- 20873 Jamaica 11-16 1:48 fast 4 5 9f 2 4 2 3 Z 21 .1 McCahey 5 J. J. I.illis. Hedge. Patrick 3. " 80248 PlmHco I l:41*£faat 17-M M 7 3 Lost rider J McCahey 7 Runea, Celto. Volant *A 20U8 H.deGce 3-4 l:l3»Agoodl7-10 06 4 4 4 4 41 .1 McCahey 8 P. Bleu. N. Simplex. H. Temple 20067 H.deGce 51 f l.-06%fast 13-6 183 1 7 C C1 8*1 B Ambrose 8 Celto. NorseKing. Her. Temple SI DISTANT SHORE, ch. g. 3 108 By Yankee— Lady Schorr Oneck Stable. .: m..i 13 ■■■ 3 2 1 3 I M M i i- ■ 8 leochan - ■ Tower, Tl ■• .ill II -" 22043 Saratoga I i-.m.d 21 109 1 2 1 1 v ,i ; Byrn« 3 Capra, Ed Crump. ■ 21867 Belmont 1 1:41 fast 4 110 1 1 1 1 l2 1J .fToftus WKaaj, WasSlioes, OSullivan " :,•; -!l 21326 Aqueduct 11:41 fast 3 11", ill 1 1*11 .1 Loftna 6 All Smiles, Albena, A barn 20b29 20904 .lama h-a 6a f 1:87 fast 14 183 4 1 1 P l2 P Lowder 8 Plantagenet. BIMahdl, s.ofVIev ev f* Mf»j 2 i793 Belmont . f I 11-5 101 5 1 1 li 21 P Lowder 8 Orotund. Ella Brvson. Beethoven on 28634 -° 20818 Belmont 3 4 1:13 fast 16-5 105 1 G 5 5i l» r Lowder 7 Royal Martvr. Broomleaf, Rolv .v SA 2o5G6 Belmont Ci f l:20%gooa 2 105 3 1 1 Is l1 G By rue 0 Pbuuiptiou, BtLovcu, AstrologJ gy 2JJ 21fL.l SE SEA 21911 214 it.! - 11346 ■ iv -11 1190 w 2M !065S , S885 MS76 *■ 98366 , 203 2032S 201: 20139 200: 2O0S9 iit M/ m 211 21380 •• 211 21183 e 2H. 21002 209 28947 SHELL, br. f. 3 103 Bv Star Shoot— Flying Ship R. J. Mackenzie. g Saratoga 7-8 l:29%hvy 18-6 105 1 3 3 3 3 u I :■ : Yankee Notions, Monrn 1018 Saratoga : I :: low :". 104 4 4 4 4:: w LUley 5 Hanson, Pixy, Mars n My Aqueduct 7 x 1 —fast I 105 6 c 4 ."". 41 ■ M Buxton fi Holiday. Capra. Trial In Jurj Aqueduct 61 f l:20%good 8 107 1 11 22 2 J McCahey 5 T. o th Morning. Capra. lamer Aqueduct 3 11:16 hw 9-6 188 2 3 3 35 2 .1 McCahey 5 NorseKing. Runes, RliliieMalilen Jamaica 3-4 l:13%fast 5 102 3 3 3 2»t: W I.illey S T.oth*Morning, R. Maiden. Pixy Douglas 3 4 1:15 mud 17 N 1 2 1 l2 P K Lapaille 5 O. Hughes. Chalmera, M.Ca Id Churchill 1 1 16 l:48%good 24 113 3 2 3 4 4 #•» L. Gentry 5 Waterblosaom, OneStep. L. Rot ha Churchill 1 1-161:471 alow a 10 N8 13 2 2 I 3*1 J M lagrt :; Emerson Cochran, Royal n inn chill 1 l:39%fast 7G 110 3 3 5 4 3 8*1 J McTagrt 8 LadyRotha. OneStep, Stal. Helen I exgt on 3 4 1:12 fast 29 107 3 4 4 61 6*1 J McTagt 8 Phosphor, B. and Stars, C.Tower Lexgton 1 l:38%fast 34 117 5 2 3 5 6J 71J J MeTagtl2 Wbh soin. Kmbdeiy. One Step MARS CASSIDY, blk. g. 3 103 Bv Ogden— Ivory Bells J. W. Schorr. 62 Sai iti ga l Lr--.good s l»4 1 2 2 1 8* 2. F Judj 12 El In Bryson. Borgo. Corsica n I Saratoga 3 ii::-.hvv 17-10 lot 1 l l 2= 32J J Kederis 5 Pollux, Ragle, Liberator -ai itoga 3 1 l:i3%slow 7 106 3 3 :: 32 4 3 Kederis 5 Hanson. Pixy. Sea Shell Latonia 3-4 1:15 slop 4.J 103 3 2 3 1U lt F Judy S Royal Tea. Homlr, Tory Maid Latonia 3-4 l:12%faat 13-6 108 3 2 13" 8" M Garner i; Inch Bryn. Conrerse. Gruinp Latonia 3 4 1 :12ysfast 91 110 1 1 1 2» 21 A Neylon lo In. I.ryn. Converse. Fleetab* Latonia lm70y l:45%slow 18-5 107 2 2 2 3 2° 2* J Hanover 4 FleetabeUe, Martinoa, Bad