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SARATOGA ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:."0 p. m. Chicago time. 1:.°.0. XRnns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. Mi maidens. * Apprentice sill.wanee. Tirst Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-yi ar !ds. Selling. Track record: 16188 1:65% 2 114. lad. Horse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han. 22266 Tralee :i! 1 1QCIX725 21709** iood Cuiimifl lo."...72» 22358** Edna Keaau 112 l:13%b lei. .720 22125** Blacl Beauty 107 1:6Bb 100x715 22266 lli-ii Horse 106 1:13% s 168.. 715 22227; Uttl Alia 107 l:13%h 166X715 22194* liar la 94 1:68b 116x710 22211 Mi— Philldu li..!7 l:13%b 105X705 2214:.- Hollie Klliotl ih Km l:U»%s 105x705 21S2I- liiv.iu 9S 700 22194 S.rvia 112 1:1::.-. s los ■ 7Ni Second Race— About 2 Mi!"s. Steeplechase. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling Hamlicap, track record: 76376—4:16—5—158. 22316= Can. i .".Ill 72:, 21230 Astnte •"• 135x720 21« 1 dsallround •"• 143 • 71,* 22359 Dixon Pnrk 9 184. .716 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Highweigbt Handicap. Track record: 16616 1:11 — :: 112. 20775 In!..- 168 1:10% 3 134x746 22202 H4r John . . 168 1:12-. Hi I30X7"S5 222021 Superintendent .. ." SUt 1.19% -4 128X730 22143 Hanson 87 1:13 3 136X730 22140- lVimious,. 106 1:13% 3 122X730 22262 Leo Skolny 166 1:11% 4 127 7::o 22647 Bac 167 1:12% -1 132x730 21Sia- Iolarius 110 1 4*% S 120X726 [ml. Horse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han. 222K2 Aldebar:ui 1161:13 6 120X720 20!i.:c Ilugiienol no 1:15 •". 115X710 22693 Badinage i M i ... osilism :; iis..7i.i Fourth Race — 1 Mile. Mohawk Stakes. Value ,200. • :: year lds. Selling. Track record: 91561 1:37% •: 119. 22216* PIXY 98 7H 22318 Rolv lie: 1:38 166x730 22301 l-nl Botha 166 1:38% 166X730 22217 l-ol.v Teresa 96 1:30% MM 72". 22360 Distant Shore ....116 1:41 108x725 22066 * s, , Shell iii 1:40% 106X725 22362 Mars Cassidy 104 1:42% 1 i::x720 Fifth Race— 1 Mi.e. 3-year-olds and upward. S.dliig Handicap. Track record: 91561 1:37% — 3 — ll». 22360 Beyboura 92 1:37% s. ill -72."". 222i7i Lahore 160 1:39% 7 1110720 22:19! Hedge 116 l:::s--, 0 111. .720 22045 Donald Macdonnld. 113 1:38% 9l!i;07t". 22319 Shyness 92 1:46% :i 98X713 22:;c.2J Mar- Cassld] 104 1:42% ■• 104X710 21 M 9| Lazuli 1 | 1 ::!!-. 5 107X710 22047 Spearhead 102 1:39% 4 107x710 22231 Worlds Wonder ..108 1:40% 6 168X765 22097 Raster star 94 1 :: *:. 4 87X686 200:16 Huguenot ". 96X690 21321 Ahara HO 1:41% 3 102.. 696 22385 Chance M » 85 1:44% 4 93. .680 Sixth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. Track record: 16188 1 :63% 2 1 14. i 22232 Watercrens II 114 l:13%h 112X725 22218 Indian Chant 165 l:ll-;,h 112-720 2127". Favour 109. .710 223203 Prtmero 114 1:10% 112. .710 22:2.i. Rlainlin 114 1:11 112. .710 22232 Belgian Trooper. ..114 1:14k 112. .705 21977 Polroma 112 1:08% 112. .680 22326 .la.obus 1111:11% 168. .686 217311 Smoothbore 168 880 21934 Shtnrn 112..00 22326 Dovedale 115 1:11% 112. .ISO 22326 Rirdland 112 1:12-.. 168. .686 21790 Madame Herrmann 109. .07.. Chicle, b. e. by Spearmint -Ladv Hamburg II 112 Trend. b. c I y F a i r Ilav Queen of Trent.. 112 iA. Belmont entry.